Sorry, folks: borrowed response from the aborted Fahrenheit 9/11 thread...
Unfortunately we will no longer hear people's opinions about Michael Moore films. Why? Because every time Michael Moore is discussed on this board, it brings out the worst in people. The discussion inevitably turns into a shoving match between those members who support Moore's message and those who oppose it.
Such polarization accomplishes only one thing: it drives a wedge into our community, splitting it apart. It really is best if we don't know each other's political leanings; if we stick to only technical discussions, then we can stay friends.
I would much rather take the "censorship" rap and suffer the associated consequences of locking this thread, than watch community members argue pointlessly with each other over sensitive political issues.
The most radical right-winger is not going to change the mind of the staunchest liberal, and vice versa. It does not matter how much you support Michael Moore or how much you hate him... there is always someone from the opposing viewpoint who feels stronger about it than you do. Arguing about Michael Moore on this message board will not convert anyone over to your side, or change anyone's opinion. It'll simply escalate hurtful feelings to the point of causing people to leave this community. Just like the topics of sex and religion, politics is a deeply personal thing which always rubs some people the wrong way, no matter how well-intended the initial post is. It's just like throwing a match on gasoline.
- Discussing Michael Moore here always invokes political debate.
- Because it polarizes our community, political debate is strictly verboten on DV Info Net.
- Therefore, if you want to discuss Michael Moore, you'll just have to go elsewhere.
Sorry it has to be that way, folks... since our board history has proven over and over again that some of our most professional and respected members always seem to tumble irresistibly into this emotional trap, I have no real choice but to remove the trap.
This discussion is closed. All responses, including several shameless political leanings, have been removed (but post counts not affected). Please don't put me in this awkward position again. Thanks,