Heath- Some DD questions at DVinfo.net
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Old August 4th, 2003, 09:27 AM   #1
Capt. Quirk
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Heath- Some DD questions

Hey Heath- I have read your Metalhead forums, and was hoping you might have some insight to answer some questions for me.

1) I have just finished watching the Daredevil DVD- several times. I know there was a lot cut from the movie, but it isn't on the disc. There have been rumors of a second version coming out. What can you tell me?

2) The story behind Daredevils past was left pretty empty. For instance, they never mentioned he lived at the church orphanage after his Father's death, thus his relationship with the Priest. The biggest hole, was the story of how he was mentored by Stick. I heard they left Stick out because it "Felt too much like Mr. Miagi from the Karate Kid". Is their a chance his character will be included in the sequel? It should at least be brought up in flashbacks, otherwise, there is no explanation for a blind orphan to have the skills that he has.

Thanks :)
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Old August 4th, 2003, 12:58 PM   #2
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Can you also explain why he is this super smart lawyer, but is stupid enough to risk his secret identity by having a superhero style fight as his laywer persona in broad daylight in a playground in front of lots of people, just to impress some skanky chick?

That's the main reason I hated the movie, such a huge breach of character. Who wrote that anyway?
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Old August 4th, 2003, 03:13 PM   #3
Capt. Quirk
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He needed to get some lovin... BAD! I believe that it was written and directed by Mark Steven Johnson of X Men fame.
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Old August 8th, 2003, 11:18 PM   #4
MPS Digital Studios
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<<<-- Originally posted by Dylan Couper : Can you also explain why he is this super smart lawyer, but is stupid enough to risk his secret identity by having a superhero style fight as his laywer persona in broad daylight in a playground in front of lots of people, just to impress some skanky chick?

That's the main reason I hated the movie, such a huge breach of character. Who wrote that anyway? -->>>

Mark Steven Johnson, who is a big fan, also directed.

In the comics, it's very sloppy about concealing his ID. So that's true to form.

There was a subplot through out the film with Coolio as a guy Matt was defending. Through him, Matt discovers who the REAL Kingpin is. It lasted about 25 minutes and was cut from the film. Also some other scenes. Which means a wasteful second DVD will probably come out.

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Old August 8th, 2003, 11:20 PM   #5
MPS Digital Studios
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<<<-- Originally posted by Keith Forman : He needed to get some lovin... BAD! I believe that it was written and directed by Mark Steven Johnson of X Men fame. -->>>

Actually, he didn't write X-Men. HE's known for writing GRUMPY OLD MEN films and wr/directing SIMON BIRCH (I think that film, can't remember).

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Old August 8th, 2003, 11:54 PM   #6
Capt. Quirk
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Ok Heath, I stand corrected. But what about my original questions?
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Old August 9th, 2003, 12:03 AM   #7
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<<<-- Originally posted by Keith Forman : Ok Heath, I stand corrected. But what about my original questions? -->>>

see my first post, above the one you just replied to? that's all I know, and this is based on a review of the script like 2 years ago and the fact that I didn't see coolio in the movie. and he was cast for that role.

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Old August 9th, 2003, 12:15 AM   #8
Capt. Quirk
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And how about the sequel? Do you think they'll bring in Stick and some of Matt's past there?
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Old August 9th, 2003, 12:34 AM   #9
MPS Digital Studios
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<<<-- Originally posted by Keith Forman : And how about the sequel? Do you think they'll bring in Stick and some of Matt's past there? -->>>

Maybe. The DVD/Video made $55 million in FIVE DAYS! Wow. MSJohnson is wr/dir GHOST RIDER right now. He may write the Elektra movie, which will be based, apparently, on ELEKTRA LIVES AGAIN (is that the title?).

Austin Powers did better on DVD/Video and therefore a sequel was made. I saw that movie the first day it opened in 1997.

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