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Old May 24th, 2005, 10:28 PM   #106
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Marco, considering the insider track you seem to have, along with the fact that GoDaddy might pay your tuition, and you'd be willing to move for work, I'd say it's a no-brainer.

If you're unsure, go visit the schools and meet with the professors you'll be having. Make them sell you the program. Plus you could always double major in media production and then also in "backup" field.
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Old May 24th, 2005, 10:47 PM   #107
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"I was wondering what to expect for a job after completing 4 years of school"

" I don't mind starting at the bottom. I would like to edit and write. Directing would be nice, but I know it is a hard spot to get."

lets say you didn't have the connection you have with your current company.

if after 4 years of college you go to HOLLYWOOD ... in general for editing , camera, directing , general crew, producing you would start at the bottom ..same as the person that didn't go to college...

hollywood doesn't care if you have a degree ..for editing , directing , writing they will say "SHOW me something" .. if you have nothing to show them you'll start at the bottom ...
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Old May 25th, 2005, 01:40 PM   #108
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When you say "show me", I assume you are indicating previous work or a really nice video portfolio...

"Hollywood doesn't care if you have a degree"

With that said, do I even bother to go to school at this point? I could just keep learning on my own and attempt to get a position in that field in time. My biggest fear is going through all that school and still having no further of a career advantage in the industry, barring the insider advantage. It's a big step, the hardest part is deciding whether or not to go. Ahhhhh decisions decisions!
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Old May 25th, 2005, 05:18 PM   #109
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Go to school IF:

It's on somebody else's dime

The school you can get into is highly regarded and has industry wide connections... then fight like hell to be the top of the heap.

The school has a good selection of equipment that you would not have access to otherwise. And their graduates get work on at least a regional scale.

You know absolutely nothing about film, live in a rural area with no networking possibilities, and have no way of teaching yourself.

You want to TEACH filmmaking and a higher degree is required.

DON'T go if:

You can't afford it.

You have an inside track to on-the-job training IE: You can already work as a PA, grip, whatever with a local production company that does a lot of work. This is the 'apprentice' / intern approach, and there's nothing wrong with it. It's a chance to learn under the demanding realities of budget and schedules for commercial production. Don't forget to fight like hell to get to the top of the heap.

You can afford to make all the mistakes yourself. That is, buy/rent your own gear, crew etc... and learn by doing it yourself.
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Old May 25th, 2005, 10:49 PM   #110
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I agree almost completely with Richard.

I'm in a "film school" right now, and I learned more shooting on my own than and at pro shoots than I did in school...However, if at some point you decide production's not for you (nobody knows the future), you'll be kicking yourself for passing up the opportunity at having some kind of college degree. It will make a difference when applying for any kind of job outside of production.

And it will put you one step closer to teaching even if that's something you decide you want to do ten years from now. A lot of working pros I know teach 7 months a year and shoot the other five, and none of them planned on teaching originally.
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Old May 26th, 2005, 06:55 PM   #111
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I guess I failed to mention that I do already have a computer degree. I had my own onsite/mobile computer service for about 5 years. It got really old. I grew tired as the computers got better and spyware/virus removal was the only thing I was doing anymore. Very ungratifying. I was a glorified spyware remover by the end. Even though the money was awesome, I quit. Now I am a support tech at a large corporate environment. I want to do something different now as I care not to be an old man, still working for 'the man'.

You all have helped me with this and I appreciate it. I am still trying to figure out if it is something I think will be worth it. Or just collect equipment and knowledge over time and learn myself.

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Old June 11th, 2005, 10:51 AM   #112
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Did anyone here go to the USC Film School?

I have been very interested in going there for many years (I'm a junior in highschool right now). I know USC is very selective but is the film school as selective?
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Old June 15th, 2005, 02:27 PM   #113
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Originally Posted by Drew Meinecke
I have been very interested in going there for many years (I'm a junior in highschool right now). I know USC is very selective but is the film school as selective?
I didn't go there, but I'd imagine the film school is even more competetive, given it's reputation.
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Old June 19th, 2005, 11:43 AM   #114
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Film School (in Belgium, or near)

I've been thinking about going back to filmschool - I've already went to StLucas in Brussels for a year a couple of years ago, but there are lots of other film schools in Brussels to choose from. Does anyone have experience in any of them? I'm looking mostly at Narafi and Ritcz.
Jan van den Hemel is offline   Reply With Quote
Old June 19th, 2005, 01:49 PM   #115
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Hello Jan,

(I'll use some Dutch terms, as that is easier)

I am 18, and now I'm finishing my last year in "secundair onderwijs" after 4 years of "audiovisuele vorming" in Gent.
Now next year I would like to go to the filmacademy in Gent, "KASK", short for "Koninklijke Academie voor Schone Kunsten" (now they usually call it the film academy).

Why is that my choice?
Well, because:
1. StLucas Brussels: I have heard you don't learn as much, I have that from someone who is there following classes now.

2. RITS: I think you'll go to a more TV 'milieu' then a film milieu, and I don't like it they separate all their directions. It's good for some people, but not for me.
OR you choose editing, OR you choose directing, OR you choose camera... I want to direct movies, but I also want to write my own stuff and to know something about editing.

3. NARRAFI: Too technical. They give you lots of optics and all that kind, but they never look into the more story and character based things of films.

4. KASK Gent: they are very hard in their entry exams, they allow plus minus 20-25 people too their academy.
But you'll learn everything: editing, story, camera,...
The most of all, I like their mentality: your personal development is the most important, you learn to do your thing with movies, and not what a teacher wants.
I have met some teachers and went to the school to film something, and I really felt this kind of positive vibe.
The entry exams are in beginning of July (when I will be taking mine) and in September. I hope I get trough, it's something I want more than anything else.

If you want some more information about their classes, the rules for the entry exams... ask ;-)

Best regards,

ps: Steve+Sky is from a student from KASK who was recently graduated. If you haven't seen it yet: by all means see it, it's a really wonderful film. Great cinematography, editing and acting!
And KASK is voted to best film school of Belgium by AVS a while ago.
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Old June 19th, 2005, 01:56 PM   #116
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Thanks Mathieu, that's a very informative reply. I'm also more interested in story development and actors direction than a purely technical education. Kask Gent sounds good. I never liked being in a 60-students class in St.lucas...

I've been meaning to check out Steve+Sky. What is AVS?
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Old June 19th, 2005, 02:25 PM   #117
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I think it's a famous local newschannel, but I'm not sure. Héhé, maybe they do some video productions too, don't know.

The entry exam is kind of though, well it's especially a lot. If you are interested let me know here, or send me an email, it's the same.

And Steve+Sky really is great :-)
The story is not complicated, but the editing, cinematography which is very poetic, and acting makes it a beauty. Well opinions differ, so, check it out for yourself ;-)

Best regards
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Old June 25th, 2005, 06:03 AM   #118
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here's an ominous message I found about KASK gent:

De fantasten hameren er al jaren op; geef fantastiek een kans in Nederland. Nog steeds is het Filmfonds er niet happig op en zien bloedige Film Academie projecten zelden het licht. Wie dacht dat het bij onze zuiderburen anders gaat, heeft het mis. Deze week kregen we van één van de studenten een verontrustende mail: "...als ik het woord horror nog maar in de mond nam werd ik scheef bekeken door de leerkrachten. Bij die conservatieve en door gebrek aan succes hypergefrustreerde leerkrachten vond ik geen gehoor. Een spijtige zaak, bovendien werkt er een alcoholverslaafde leraar die het de leerlingen onmogelijk maakt" (student Filmacademie Gent)"

:-) I'm sure it isn't that bad. Actually I'm very interested in KASK. Maybe I'll see you there next year, Matthieu. Unfortunately the website of KASK has no mention of the film orientation, nor can I find when there is an exhibition day.

Oh by the way I saw Steve+Sky, I loved it.
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Old June 25th, 2005, 06:51 AM   #119
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Héhé, great you loved the movie.
Well, when I talked to the teachers, they said the want persons to make their own movie, and not the ones the teachers want to make.
And I have lessons from a teacher who gives classes there also, and he is great, and is open for everything. He loves good movies, and that interest goes from Fellini till Spielberg, and he loves movies from the early days of films also (and I mean, the really early days, 1920 and stuff) so he just likes quality, not any kind of genre.

And I have to say I'm a little surprised by that article.
Because I have seen some works from the KASK, and some were more commercial, others more arty.

Well, maybe we'll just see next year ;-)
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Old July 3rd, 2005, 03:03 PM   #120
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Yes I'm taking the entrance exam so maybe see you there. I'm a little worried only about my age, I'm already 26. It's no problem for universities, but for an art academy... oh well, I have to try.

Good luck if you do the exam!

By the way I wanted to email you but your profile doesn't have an email adress.
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