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Old April 10th, 2004, 08:36 AM   #91
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Damn... halfway through writing this dribble, I second guessed myself and went back to change all AI to AFI. I was thinking AI would be artificial inteligence, and a terrible film, and AFI is the american film institute. After realising you were talking about another AI, I went and took a look at AI's program at the LA school as an example. and it seems the same applies to that program as well. More technical skills oriented, obviously some theory, but not as art as it is craft minded. So there you go.
(another five minutes later)
Oh i just went back and watched a quiktime movie they said was about the Video Production program, and it was a little clip showing a computer program, (Affter effects possibly) with a voice over talking alot of program jargon about layers and enhancing the video. What she means is that they are adding titles. Seemed a little silly for a introduction to a Video Production Program.
I also think they only work in video and seems more of a television oriented program than film. At an undergraduate program, you most likely would get exposure to different mediums like motion picture film, still photography, video, etc..... At least that was my experience at UCSD.
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Old April 10th, 2004, 01:35 PM   #92
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Thanks for the reply. Yeah, I was looking at AFI too (and thats how I found AI in the first place) but it seems like it may be difficult to get into and I have no portfolio or teacher recommendations. I should also mention that I can go to any California state funded school (CSU or UC) for free due to a VA fee waiver I've received.

My plan is to get a bachelors at UCSD and then hopefully get enough done there to get into UCLA. But if I fail to get into either school (I'm still waiting for an acceptance letter), I wanted to explore the AFI type schools (although they look damn expensive).
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Old February 28th, 2005, 02:26 PM   #93
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That reminds me. In RES magazine, they said one of the coolest unusual vacations to go on was the
week long course at the NY Film Academy. The one that advertises in the various independent movie zines.

Anybody know anything about them?
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Old February 28th, 2005, 06:12 PM   #94
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Never done it myself; acquaintances have. Off the top of my head I can't think of anyone who has taken that course and then gone on to serious work. Short courses have the disadvantage of not providing the depth and breadth of networking really needed to launch a career, but most of them do teach bare bones basics.

More reputable are the Maine workshops, and they have the benefit of being held in a more vacationy environs and social atmosphere to boot.
All the best,
Robert K S

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Old March 2nd, 2005, 09:44 AM   #95
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this sounds like a good thread. I know the maine workshops have been mentioned before. Any else know of a good short course for the working adult? Preferably in summer.
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Old March 4th, 2005, 09:47 PM   #96
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One of the more interesting film schools I've run across is the European Film College. They have an 8 month course (click here) that's designed like a workshop, and they give you a good selection of theoretical and hands on classes to choose from. Their main focus seems to be to promote collaboration among the students. It's designed to expose beginners to a wide range of film/video knowledge and know-how.

You do have to be very self-motivated, but for approx. US$10,000 which includes food and lodging, it's not a bad deal. I'm seriously thinking of signing up, looks like a lot of fun.

Also have heard a lot of good feedback on the Maine workshops from friends who have taken the weekend courses. Very fun and social.
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Old March 4th, 2005, 09:58 PM   #97
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Ebeltoft, Denmark, eh?
All the best,
Robert K S

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Old March 11th, 2005, 06:25 PM   #98
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"You do have to be very self-motivated, but for approx. US$10,000 which includes food and lodging, it's not a bad deal. "

So for So for 10 Grand you will have 8 months of food and lodging covered for you?

Also if you have to be a very self motivated type of person, which most sucsessfull people are, there is probably a way to gain all of that knowlege for a lot less than 10,000 bucks. I'm not bashing the idea completely but it seems to me that this forum has the potential to lead any of us to the answers to any of our AV quiestions.
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Old March 12th, 2005, 10:03 AM   #99
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<<<-- Originally posted by Cleveland Brown : So for 10 Grand you will have 8 months of food and lodging covered for you?. -->>>

That is correct, food, lodging, classes, plus access to equipment, studios, and other motivated people. It's like an 8 month movie making summer camp.
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Old March 12th, 2005, 10:12 AM   #100
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I can see where that could be pretty cool. I guess that it is government subsidised so that makes it cheaper. But I can tell you that Northern Europe is not a pleasant place to be during that time of year. Freeeeeezzzzing ass cold. So it's more like winter camp.
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Old May 19th, 2005, 05:04 PM   #101
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Film School Questions

I am thinking about going for a Bachelor of Arts - Media Arts for Film and HDTV. Collins or The Art Institute are the only 2 real choices here in Phoenix, AZ. I was wondering what to expect for a job after completing 4 years of school. Is it worth it? Any suggestions, comments, etc is greatly appreciated.
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Old May 24th, 2005, 12:30 PM   #102
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Some things to consider before school...

1) What's the local production scene like. Are there any good companies you can intern for?

2) Would you be prepared to move to LA, NY, Chicago, Texas, etc... for work?

3) Like any other job filed you're most likely going to be doing work you're not wild about while trying to build up a resume to eventually get your dream position...

...e.g., if you wanna edit, be preapred to do a lot of tape logging as an assistant, if you wanna DP, be preapred to be a low assisstant or work in G&E until you learn the ropes of lighting, if you wanna be a writer/director, realize that it's probably only going to happen on small scale or in personal productions.

4) If you wanna teach, or bypass some of the apprenticeship phase, you'll eventually need a terminal degree (MFA). Have you thought about Grad school (I know it's early, but now's the time to consider all the angles).
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Old May 24th, 2005, 05:45 PM   #103
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Wow ok...

1) I am not sure about the scene here in AZ, probably not THAT bad.
2) Yes I would move to LA, NY, or TX if the money was good enough.
3) I don't mind starting at the bottom. I would like to edit and write. Directing would be nice, but I know it is a hard spot to get.
4)What is a terminal degree?

Mainly I want to TRY to get a new position at my current job. We are a LARGE and RICH company and just created our own production firm for all our TV spots. Hint: We had the most controversial superbowl TV ad this year. EDIT: (LEGAL REASONS) So in the near as well as far future there will be some positions open. So I am not really trying to get a 'new' job after school, just trying for a better one within the company. Of course the extra knowledge will prove to be nice for my own indy and side projects. Just wonder if it is going to be worth it, graduating at 35 eeeek!

Last edited by Marco Wagner; May 25th, 2005 at 01:33 PM.
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Old May 24th, 2005, 06:28 PM   #104
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Never to old to learn something new. It sounds as though you have already got an inside track within the company where you are currently employed. Probably the best thing you can do at this point in time, is meet with HR and tell them you are interested in focussing on that part of the company as a "CAREER TRACK". Ask HR what you can do to make a contribution to the company, as well as your own skill advancement. (What you are angling for is assistance in any training. That way, they have an interest in your success.)

Beyond that. A 'terminal degree' is an advanced degree that terminates a particular field. Might be Masters, might be PHD. but it's beyond a BA/BS (usually.)

Do a search on this forum, regarding the pros and cons of film schools. Mostly, the value lies in connections with your peers, or connections the school might have in the industry. Obviously, the 'big' film schools have better connections than the smaller ones, at least at the higher levels. And usually, the bigger schools have newer, better gear. BUT NOT ALWAYS. You have to check them out. Do a google search for L.O.A.F.S (Library of annotated film schools. Lots of good/bad reviews... sour grapes and glowing worship. Take a huge dose of salt in reading it.)

Film schools allow you access to gear and crew you might not have on your own. Note, I said MIGHT NOT. With the advance in digital gear and the general boom in filmmaking interest, it's possible to scrape together crew and gear just about anywhere nowadays. Of course, the discipline of a course program has a lot to say for itself. (Show up or fail.)

Good luck
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Old May 24th, 2005, 06:46 PM   #105
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Thank you very much for that piece. My company would more than likely pay 100% of the tuition, another reason I was looking into school of almost any kind, Film being the first. I know it is a hard industry. I am on the edge of "Just go" and "Will it be a waste of time". I'll do some research on the Library of annotated film schools. Thanks again.
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