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Old September 7th, 2005, 01:06 PM   #76
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Are you talking a place to "stay" during a visit- or are you thinking of moving here (residence)?
Steve Nunez-New York City
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Old September 8th, 2005, 05:25 AM   #77
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I'd really like to move there to live there. Perhaps even for the rest of my life. But like I said, I dont really know one area from the next. I dont know how Brooklyn differs from Queens, from the Bronx, manhattan, etc. Id like just to get a clue, ya know?

I looked just a little online for an apartment or something, and the average monthly rate I found was about 1700 to 2500, which is outrageous. I figured that I was looking in the wrong place though, because I know there has to be somewhere cheap.
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Old September 8th, 2005, 07:10 AM   #78
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Well you're talking to a native New Yorker here (37yrs.)
First of all, everywhere in NY, things are expensive! Rents in "poor" areas have skyrocketted. A typical 1 bedroom apt. anywhere in the 5 boroughs will run about $1000-$1200, of course you may find some rents lower in the least desirable locations as well as more expensive in the more desirable locations. $900 is about the lowest you'll find a 1 bedroom apt or studio.
Non New Yorkers often are unaware of the "boroughs" or "city" structure....there are 5 boroughs, Brooklyn, Bronx, Staten Island, Queens and Manhattan. Allthough they are ALL considered "New York City" -us native New Yorkers consider "Manhattan" the "City." Of these boroughs, Queens is the only borough where you name your "area" as your residence and not "Queens" (Queens is a collection of neighborhoods so to speak)..."Forest Hills" is 1 such neighborhood as well as many others- so Queens residents don't often say Queens- they'll quote thier neighborhood name.
Back to your question: Manhattan is no doubt the "hot spot." It's "poor" areas are quickly disappearing and rents are very high. Depending on the area- you'll find rents for a small studio apt. can range from $1100 up to $3500 depending on locale. Manhattan seems more geared to the well-off. Many residents don't own cars and prefer the subways or taxi's- as a car garage can cost about $400 & up for monthly rent! Manhattan is a 24hr. city with tons of stores and shops open 24/7 and it's truly a city that doesn't sleep. The lower part of Manhattan (under 34th street) is considered "trendy or artsy" and includes the "Village" which is well known for it's Gay community and ARTS lifestyle. (This is supposed to be the place where the show "Friends" is depicted as being) The "Village" is extremely trendy and rents are "super" high if you even find a place to rent down there. 24hr cafe's etc- it's a nice place to hang-out every now and then and take in the local scenes (everything from jazz clubs and theaters to sex shops and parks are there.) Manhattan also has the famous "Midtown" which if often depicted in movies as the "busy" commerce area and is where the gears of the city are spun. This is the hustle and bustle area and doesn't have much in the way of residences and small 2 family homes sprinkled about run over $3-5 million dollars or so....finding a rented apt in midtown is tough but not impossible- it's a good place to live if you want to be in the "thick" of things. Upper Manhattan has the most apts and rents typically lower the further up Manhattan you go......Manhattan goes all the way up past Washington Heights to Fort Tryron park where nesting Bald Eagles are found- so Manhattan is one seriously diverse place with a mix of all nationalities there.
The outer boroughs are lesser expensive to live but not by much. Staten Island is the least "City like" in that most of it's areas are suburban and doesn't have many tall buildings. It's the least accessible of the boroughs and get's the least coverage, borough-wise. It also has the smallest population amongst the boroughs. It's the current hot spot for stock-traders and financial businessmen who want to be near Wall Street (which is just a ferry boat ride into lower Manhattan.) You'd better own a car if you're considering S.I. as mass transit is the least webbed there.
Queens has some of the nicest areas as well as some bad areas. You'll likely need a car there too as it's not as busy a borough as the rest. Queens has many highways and can be the most confusing of the boroughs to navigate. It's extremely diverse and is well known for their Asian and Greek areas and it's direct connection to Long Island. Queens is where "Peter parker" of Spiderman fame would have lived.
Brooklyn is a LARGE borough and is physically connected to Queens and Long Island and has many ethnic neighborhoods. There are Russian areas, Jewish areas as well as Italian, Albanian, etc. all with quaint small "ethnic" shops that sell specialty foods/items native to the region being hosted. Brooklyn is also well known for Williamsburg which has the single largest population of Jews (many Hasedic- sp?) outside of Isreal! Brooklyn is diverse and very cultural. There's a large working class black and hispanic presence as well. Brooklyn has a few trendy areas mostly known as Park Slope and Brooklyn Heights- both which feature very high rents and is the preferred areas of artists and designers outside of Manhattan's "Village."
The Bronx is the only borough where we use the word "THE" before it. It was famous in the old days where poverty and gangs were rampant in the 60's and 70's. Many documentarues were filmed there to showcase the "poor" of the city. This is definitely not the case anymore. Almost every city politician has spent resources revitalizing the Bronx and no more buildings are being erected only small multi-family dwellings. The Bronx has become a revitalized borough. In fact some of the most expensive real-estate in the world is in the Bronx! Riverdale is a very quiet neighborhood where the typical house sells for well over $1,000,000 The Bronx also has some ethnic areas as well, there are Irish communities, Jewish, Albanian and Spanish. The Bronx's drop in crime rate is studied around the USA by city developers as a role- model because of the complete turn-around. There is an area in the South Bronx known as "Antique Ally" because of the small antique shops and this area has several commercial buildings that have been converted to "Loft" status to draw in artists, photographers and designers needing large spacious living. The Bronx is just a small bridge walk over from upper Manhattan. The Bronx is the only borough to be physically connected to North America so it's the most "hilly" of the boroughs and connects to Westchester Cnty. There are still a few decent priced rentals going- you might want to try Craigslist for rent averages.

You'll have to make some decisions before taking the plunge on living here. What can you afford. Do you have a vehicle. Do you want a hard core "city life" or more suburban atmosphere...and what are you looking to do and whom would you like to be around- what atmosphere?

Rent-wise, you're looking at round $1,200 or so for a small apt....not including utilities! Auto insurance in NYC is very high- even just minimal "liability" can run $1700/year in any of the boroughs!
I'm not trying to discourage you in any way- just trying to keep you informed of the expense. I got 2 parking violations for $180 each (was parked too close to a corner where they bevel the sidewalk for handicap access.)
New Yorkers are constantly complaining of a city who's become too expensive to live in. We have a multi-Billionaire mayor- Michael Bloomberg who has no idea what it means to work and live in NYC.

Be prepared and do some homework- NYC is an amazing place if you can afford it. Everything and anything is possible here- you just have to have the $$$ and connections to make things happen.
Good luck.

Note: there's also City Island a "boating" community that's part of the Bronx that many people never consider as part of the city- but it is! Rents are high but if you're into the "marina" lifestyle- this is the place to consider. There is also Roosevelt Isand which is an island between the Bronx, Queens and Manhattan and often overlooked when thinking about NYC. R.I. is a small island sorta isolated from the rest of the city as it's accessible via car only through 1 route and it's public transportation consists of a "Tram" (which is that sky-car you see in Spiderman 2 where the kids are trapped in and he tries to save it by holding onto to it via web)....Roosevelt Island is the "secret" of NYC.
Steve Nunez-New York City
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Old September 8th, 2005, 07:49 AM   #79
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New here....

Hello everyone,

Just a quick post to intro myself. I"m from West Mass (near Springfield MA, Northampton) and moved to NYC a few years ago. Back home I used to shoot and edit wedding videos and I'm just getting back into it now. In my free time I work on creative video projects, mostly short films, a feature script and silly goof off stuff.

I shoot with the canon xl1s and love it. I hate to say it but I fee like I'm just learning my camera now since I was always a bit afraid of shooting to far off the auto modes. Same thing with the frame mode. I would read a lot but never shoot a project with it.

Well, it the last two weeks that all changed. I shot a short film with the fame mode. I thought to myself that if I don't like it then at least I can rule it out for the future, and I shoot a wedding where I really let myself play with the settings (at the reception of course, shot the ceremony by the books)

Somehow in the last three weeks I went from looking to buy a GL1 used ($850) to saying "might as well spend the extra $" and get the GL2 new ($1300) to really leaning towards getting a xl2. Shows how with baby steps you can talk yourself into anything. lol.

If your in NYC and are looking to shoot fun creative projects feel free to email me. I love to learn and would love to shoot something fun just to get some more time working with lighting. I'm also planing on shooting alot over the next year. I hope to shoot a short film or somthing like it every month and a half.

Well, thats all for now. I hope I'll be a big poster here even if it's looking for help and thoughts at first. I think this is a great board and everyone seems real nice. I've been to some boards where everyone seems to be in a "camera war" ("AAA camera sucks, the XXX it so much better that's what I have" , well have you ever shot with camera AAA?!?)

So thanks up front for the help and the hospitality!!!
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Old September 8th, 2005, 07:54 AM   #80
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Welcome aboard (H) Brian! It's good to have you with us. Good luck
with your projects!

Rob Lohman,
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Old September 10th, 2005, 06:26 AM   #81
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Thank you so very much. this was beyond what I was looking for in a reply and I am now a lot more informed and truly grateful. thanks again.
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Old October 18th, 2005, 02:48 PM   #82
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Yo from Zoo York aka New York City

Hi all,

I'm new to the forum as you can see. I actually live in Long Island but I spennd most of my time in NYC where I work. I'm 23 and looking to crew up with some people in the area. I haven't been doing much camera work b/c my camera crapped out, an old Canon ZR40.

Alittle about myself, I got involved with DV during my senior year in high school with some friends making simple digital movies. We continue at this during the summer before college and it just took off from there.
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Old October 18th, 2005, 03:15 PM   #83
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Hey there, Kawai, I am in a similar situation; live on Long Island, work in the city. I also haven't been doing much camera work, but for different reasons (namely, I lack motivation, which is a kind way of saying I'm lazy). If you need a hand now and again, I'd be willing to help out, though I must warn I have little real-world experience.

In any event, glad to have you on the forum. It's a great place to hang, and I've learned quite a lot since joining. Welcome aboard!
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Old November 12th, 2005, 06:22 PM   #84
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Looking for some shooters in NYC that are interested in working on some creative projects together.
Brian Doyle

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Old November 17th, 2005, 12:35 PM   #85
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Hey Brian,

I'm down for doing some creative projects. Do you have anything in mind? You can check out some works of mine on the my website.

Kawai Sin
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Old November 17th, 2005, 01:29 PM   #86
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Hey Brian,

I'm in NYC, Manhattan. You can check out my companies website here:

Let me know.
Joshua Caldwell
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Old December 13th, 2005, 05:11 PM   #87
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Hey Brian,

I'm also in NYC, Manhattan. I graduate form International Film School in Lodz (it is the same school that Roman Polanski went)

I look forward to hearing from you,
Marcin Wilczek
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Old December 14th, 2005, 09:30 PM   #88
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Hey marcin & Josh,

If you guys send me your email I'd love to talk more with you. I'm working to get a short shot mid to late Jan.2006. Love to talk more....

Brian Doyle
Brian Doyle

Bogen 503 head
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Old December 15th, 2005, 06:31 PM   #89
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Hi all,

I've just moved to NYC from the Bay Area, and come equipped with 10 years of commercial production experience, the last three as a producer. I've also got some great new gear that I'm very pleased with.



FCP Studio 5
G5 Quad
JVC HD-100
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Old December 22nd, 2005, 08:27 AM   #90
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Hi Alex!

Although I don't live in NYC I visit at least 4 times per year. I am in Atlantic City so if you need any second unit New Jersey stuff, I'm your man. I have access to (mostly) anything police related. Collaboration is the key to success. I have plenty of lights and although I sold my XL1s (I hardly used it) I have my Sony PD 170 and plan to get the Panasonic HVX 200 after all of the reviews are in and the bugs are worked out. Then again, maybe not!

Just PM me through here whenever the mood strikes!
Interesting, if true. And interesting anyway.
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