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Old February 21st, 2007, 11:42 PM   #1
New Boot
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Wichita, Kansas
Posts: 23
Hello from the land of OZ (and Toto)

I've been lurkin' and learnin' much already on this wonderful forum.

I've been doing event videos for a few years (strictly amatuer) using a single, and sometimes two, DV handhelds along with Vegas Movie Studio. I've shot/edited many "promo" and event videos for church and school functions (basketball, marching band, color guard). Many folks who see these ask if I do this professionally. Welp..... No.


I always put a tremendous amount of time into the edit process, and I try very hard to make everything I do creative and entertaining. I recently made a music video for my kid's basketball team (a high energy, rappy hip-hop tune along with sync'd special effects). The other kids' parents are begging me to make some more videos.

I still have much to learn before I can go "pro", and I realize the limits of my current abilities and capabilities. I have equipment that I need to aquire along with the proper skills to use this equipment. Unfortunately, it all takes time. I am going to test run a PD170 next week, and I have purchased some wireless sound equipment. I think, however, I'm about to take the plunge into HDV..... $$$$$$$$$!!!!!!!!!!!! Sigh!!!!

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Old February 21st, 2007, 11:51 PM   #2
Major Player
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Location: Virgina, USA
Posts: 276
Do it, mate!

When I was beginning to contemplate "up-rezing," I bought a Sony HC-3 just to test the workflow. I was so impressed with it, I chose to shoot with it instead of my 3-chip XL-1s for a documentary (I figured by the time I scaled it down, it would be about the same)(eh, kinda; pretty much). I cannot get over how much more space there is on the screen. Interviews are totally different. Wow.

And seriously, though I hate the fact that you can't even get a headphone out, let alone any other audio in (except the cheapie shotgun hack accessory), for a single chip camera that shoots HDV, dang - I was impressed.

Switching to HDV is a no-brainer - but ahhh...to which camera? That's currently twisting my noodle...


Jeff Butler
Butler Films
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Old February 22nd, 2007, 12:15 AM   #3
New Boot
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Wichita, Kansas
Posts: 23
HDV Cameras will be like candy soon.....

I can see where the single-chipper HD Cams will sell like candy within the next 2 to 3 years. Right now, they are still a bit much for the typical consumers, but it won't take long. The same type of consumer mini-DV cams that sold for $700 three years ago sell for under $300 today. I suspect to see similar drops for consumer HD over the next 3 years.

For the type of stuff I want to do, I need to step up to pro gear.

I was considering starting out with SD (Sony PD170), but it seems that it would be better to go ahead with HD (3-chip) for any serious work. I would hate to sink money into SD gear and then turn around and buy HD within a year or two. Much debate I've seen on this topic....

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Old February 22nd, 2007, 08:09 AM   #4
Major Player
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Olathe, Kansas
Posts: 309
Hi Ray,

Welcome, there's a few of us here in the KC area. I've got relatives in your city, so we get there 2 - 3 X's a year. 30+ yrs ago, used to drive there to roller skate on weekends from Topeka. Still skate, but don't drive so far now to do it.

Check my posts for comments and Pics of some of the equipment Mods I've made. Some might be helpfull to you. Have more if interested.

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Old February 22nd, 2007, 07:46 PM   #5
New Boot
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Wichita, Kansas
Posts: 23
Hi Harold,

I have many relatives in the KC area. My parents and sister's family live in Olathe. My "day job" takes me up to Garmin, Honeywell, and downtown KC once in awhile.

I looked at your equipment mods. Pretty cool use of VHS cases!! I also found the IR remote mods to be particularly interesting.

This is a fantastic forum, and I've already learned much.

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Old February 22nd, 2007, 08:57 PM   #6
Major Player
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Olathe, Kansas
Posts: 309
Hi Ray,

If you mean the Garmin Main facility on 151st and Ridgeview, you are within about 5 mins of my home, just off Murlen.

Send PM and I'll shoot you my ##.

Since I'm retired, we could meet up most any time you are in town, and you can see all the other items I've made up.

Just yesterday made up another IR Remote mod for my friend in Topeka. I'm setting his equipment up just like mine, so we can do some Horse Shows together.

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Old February 23rd, 2007, 07:12 AM   #7
RED Code Chef
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Holland
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Hi Ray, just wanted to wish you welcome to DV Info Net. It's good to have you with us!

Rob Lohman, visuar@iname.com
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