Virginia Boy; About to go HDV at
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Old February 21st, 2007, 08:45 PM   #1
Major Player
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Virgina, USA
Posts: 276
Virginia Boy; About to go HDV

Greetings all. I can't say how happy I am to wind up here. I can't believe it took me this long to find this place. There is some really good stuff here.

Over the next few days/weeks I hope to iron out possible kinks in a new camera order which includes a JVC GY-HD200U, the DR100, a coupla mics, a few power options, etc. as well as settle some general worries about leaving Canon for JVC (I have shot on the XL series since '02). But b/c of a theft, I'm outta acquisition gear...

I have a few concerns about the camera in general and most of them involve a style of shooting. Something as simple as having no auto-focus option might (I said "might") put a crimp in my style. What is that style, you ask? Crazy Event Videography; Overseas (sometimes under); Run and Gun stuff. But then there are the sit down and think interviews...ah, the real video stuff. I know the JVC is up to this...

Well, I have few flash .flvs online, and while my site isn't officially turned on at the moment (new update waiting in the wings) I would love some comments and feedback regarding these 3 short "trailers." The are located here. The initial load is a bit beefy b/c of the effect in Flash, but the videos should play fine as that effect is "off" when the .flvs are playing. You can pause the video and restart it after it loads more if you're getting it slow...

I'm wondering if I could have pulled off these shoots w/ the JVC. I'm not going to whine about wanting to mash a "focus assist" (auto-focus) button, but I must say having one has really made some tricky shots possible. I guess I'm wondering if my concerns that the "PRO" features of the JVC boil down to a "more restricted" and "less spur-of-the-moment" shooting style than the XL-1s that was used on these shoots in Vietnam. I suppose I could just get a second, smaller A1 for those times...but let's pretend I'm on a budget.

Regarding my web site, I haven't posted anything from it in a public forum yet, and as I mentioned, it's not completed (largely "unskinned") so be gentle ;-) It's release is pending, but with this new camera purchase coming up (probably 15K) - I need to get comfortable with it all.

Thanks for bothering to check me out. Here's the link again. Look for the "View Trailers" button.


Jeffrey Butler
Cabin One Productions
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Old February 21st, 2007, 10:12 PM   #2
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Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Richmond, Virginia
Posts: 263
Greetings Jeff,

Wow, I knew it was a small world but never guessed that I would cross paths with someone from Elkton, being originally from the nearby megapolis of Grottoes.

Great start on the site and some very beautiful imagery as well.

I'm an HD100 and sometimes DVX and H1 user and had my concerns as well but have become very comfortable with pulling focus using the focus assist and am starting to find the auto focus feature a bit cumbersome. After a while it just feels more natural, but it takes time and of course the more you shoot the more comfortable you'll become with the manual lens. With the imagery I've seen in your trailers, using a smaller aperture combined with the focus assist, I wouldn't believe you'd have any trouble grabbing focus on well lit compositions. Of course in poor light you'll wish for that auto-focus button to bail you out, but I've found that my shots are still usually spot on in low light and have yet to find a reason to complain. All this being said, all these new economical HD cams are very finicky with focus, but it seems that the combo of focus assist and the manual lens on the JVC series is a winner.

Oh, and welcome aboard.

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Old February 21st, 2007, 10:23 PM   #3
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Location: Virgina, USA
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Fellow Redneck!

Originally Posted by Tim Brown
Wow, I knew it was a small world but never guessed that I would cross paths with someone from Elkton, being originally from the nearby megapolis of Grottoes.
Tim - great to meet a fellow Valley Virginian! I did a lot of flying (up to Dulles) from Weyers Cave last that route.

Originally Posted by Tim Brown
Great start on the site and some very beautiful imagery as well.
Thank you. One of the pieces of equipment lost to theft recently was a new Nikon D2X...I have enough to update those images with...but ouch.

Originally Posted by Tim Brown
All this being said, all these new economical HD cams are very finicky with focus, but it seems that the combo of focus assist and the manual lens on the JVC series is a winner.
Good helps.

Originally Posted by Tim Brown
Oh, and welcome aboard.
And thanks for your time! I appreciate you checking things out and getting back to me...

Jeff Butler
Butler Films
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Old February 23rd, 2007, 07:05 AM   #4
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Hi Jeffrey, welcome aboard DV Info Net, good to have you with us!

Rob Lohman,
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Old February 28th, 2007, 09:55 PM   #5
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Location: Virgina, USA
Posts: 276
Updated Website

I can no longer edit my initial post, but wanted to update the links therein.

Cabin One Productions web; the Vietnam Family Adventure Films trailers.


Jeff Butler
Butler Films
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Old March 19th, 2007, 03:21 PM   #6
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I'm in the same boat. This HD100 smashed my previous workflow to pieces, so now I'm trying to build a new one.

software engineer
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Old April 13th, 2007, 07:55 AM   #7
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Just a "hey" to fellow virginians...
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