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These Are the People in Your Neighborhood
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Old June 9th, 2006, 10:25 AM   #301
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Location: NYC Metro area
Posts: 579
Time on my hands, so I'll join in...

(More of a brief history than what my occupation is).

I was downsized from a Fortune 100 company in the financial services business after 28 years there. Worked mostly with mainframe (COBOL & JCL) systems, doing design, development, maintenance, production coordination, testing, and training. (Became fluent in PowerPoint then for training classes, used it through college, and still use it today). Before leaving, got diploma in client/server programming, but by then, all those jobs had been taken by folks younger than me. COBOL was dead/dying, so they let me go.

Since leaving (being asked to leave?), I've finally completed my college degree (BA in Speech Communication). (Even took 3rd, then 1st place in speaking competitions there). Did a few short-term temp jobs, but due to my age, found no one interested in hiring me. Studied with a well-known voice-over teacher in NYC for a bit, who recommended I try standup comedy. Did a few PSAs, but never pursued a demo tape. After lots of encouragement from family and friends, I decided to delve into video on my own, a long-time passion I've had.

At present, I work part-time for a national hardware/home-supply retail chain. Despite that, and because it pays so little, I consider myself unemployed. (Thank goodness my spouse has an excellent job).

Presently expect to market myself first at legal video - not creative, but relatively easy work. Otherwise, am researching/buying equipment while building my home studio. I get occassional gigs from a local indie, mostly as a "go'fer", but have recently picked up camera work. (I recently got my HVX). Need to advertise and expand my network of contacts. Created "Ad Hoc Video Services" as my business name, but no advertising, as yet.

Also, on voice coach's recommendation, am slowly developing a stand-up act, which may very well be my first real "solo" production done in my home studio . When done, perhaps I'll show it here, but don't hold your breath. (Whoever said this was right: Comedy is hard).

Have been using Pinnacle Studio 9 Plus for a couple of years, but outgrew that sooner than I had $$ to replace it. Always looking for more experience and more contacts. If you're in NJ/PA/NY metro area and need an exta hand, extra camera, or someone to sit at a mixer, contact me. If I'm available, I'll do what I can to help. (Once I get my new computer w/Adobe PPro 2.0 and Cineform Aspect HD, I may even be willing to take on editing).

Best wishes to all.
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Old June 17th, 2006, 01:36 PM   #302
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advertising art director in L.A.
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Old June 18th, 2006, 12:27 AM   #303
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I'm still a student, but I've already been lead director or master switch operator on 2 small circuit shows, produced a dozen or so IMAG shows, sat behind countless consumer MiniDV cameras, DVCam, HDV, P2, SP, SX, DigiB, XDCam... all on my list of accomplishments. I've hauled an old SP on my shoulder with refugee children grabbing at me ankles, and had the wildest of friends dance like monkies for my lens. I'm still learning, but still make $$ for consultation gigs... I've sat behind small PA systems and large 64 and 128 channel audio consoles... leaned my head into a speaker and switched a mic on the fly. Swung a boom off the side of a mountain flew a jib off the stern of a boat. Cant wait until I can drive.
Daniel Wang is offline   Reply With Quote
Old June 25th, 2006, 02:05 PM   #304
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C. R. N. A.

That's my main job - certified registered nurse anesthetist. I'm the one who gives you general or regional anesthesia for surgical procedures or baby deliveries. VERY left brained, but I love it and some day wish to do a documentary on it. Meanwhile, I am practicing with family video/photo creations and doing things free for friends. So I am here to learn everything I can!
Leslie Dopkiss is offline   Reply With Quote
Old June 28th, 2006, 06:26 AM   #305
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Genoa City, WI.
Posts: 3
What a great question!

It’s fun to keep coming back here to read the stories.
I was born an artist. At age twelve I was hell bent on becoming a cartoonist. Then at age 15 (1971) I saw Ivan the Terrible on public television and immediately decided to become a filmmaker. I studied every topic I could, watched foreign films. In high school I majored in art and theater. Went on to tech school and studied television production. Then fell in with the right crowd; a bunch of film students. Together we worked on 16mm adventures and they taught me everything they knew.
My first job was with an advertising agency making animated versions of the ads for research testing. Eventually I started making social documentaries for marketers to understand the depth and quirks of consumer behavior. In 1998 I was sent to Russia to make a film about the immerging market in Eastern Europe.
While I was there it seemed my life had completed a full circle; a Russian movie got me interested in filmmaking which ultimately got me sent to Russia to make a movie.
I’m still at it but now I am freelance with my own company. Market research films are still my bread and butter but now the projects are spiced up with music videos and other interesting documentaries.
If you really want to make a career of making movies there are three steps I would recommend. First: You don’t need to go to film school but there is a lot to learn so study. Second: Get the right contacts; build a circle of like-minded people. Third: Stop saying you want to “get into film” or you want to “become a filmmaker” and start saying that you are a filmmaker.
Kurt Piepenbrok is offline   Reply With Quote
Old June 30th, 2006, 09:16 AM   #306
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Your last three sentences should be tattooed on every aspiring filmmaker's interior eyelids.
Interesting, if true. And interesting anyway.
Hugh DiMauro is offline   Reply With Quote
Old June 30th, 2006, 09:28 AM   #307
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Electrical Project Engineer/Home audio-visual producer
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Old July 3rd, 2006, 03:59 PM   #308
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News Photographer
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Old July 5th, 2006, 11:13 AM   #309
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it's all about me (well, and my partner)

I have three jobs:
1. a secretary at an after school tutoring program for kids ($$)
2. a FILMMAKER (yay!) for the Regional Science Consortium at Presque Isle State Park.
3. stepmom

I have way too much education, and it gets me into trouble regularly.
(10 years in higher ed. obtaining a bachelors in both biology and cinematography from Edinboro University, then a master's in Science & Natural History Filmmaking from Montana State)

I don't think job #1 will ever pay off the debts of #2!!

I own a 2 man show in my hometown, you can find us at: www.moonfirefilmproductions.com
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Old July 26th, 2006, 01:29 PM   #310
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I am a video/post production artist.

I work at a communication company called SoftMirage and also with the joint company SM Sold that does 3D conceptual renderings and videos, websites, and video/DVD production. I obviously only do the latter part and work with luxury real estate clients, land developers, and misc. clients, and produce luxury property videos, land development videos, sales/promotional videos and also our podcast. The corporate videos that I produce and sometimes replicate are usually a mixture of HDV video and photos with animated text and/or graphics. I operate the HDV Sony Z1-U camera, we rent a 0.6x wide-angle lens and occasionally a MicroDolly Jib, and I use the programs Sony Vegas 6, DVD Architect 3, Adobe Premiere 2, After Effects 7, Audition 2, Encore DVD 2, Photoshop CS, and Illustrator CS.

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Old July 26th, 2006, 04:15 PM   #311
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Location: Mobile, Ala.
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I do contract work as an audio/visual tech for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, mostly working in the Mobile District office, but occasionally I get to do documentary-type field work. We have some nice cameras (though nothing HD yet) and loads of incredible (if all-PC) software -- Premiere Pro 2.0, Adobe CS2 package, Studio 8, Lightwave, etc. I'm trying to learn 3D animation during my lunch breaks, which is proving difficult, and every penny I earn and don't spend is going toward an HVX and the machine I need to edit. Well, it's probably more like two-thirds of every penny...
Harris Porter is offline   Reply With Quote
Old July 26th, 2006, 08:37 PM   #312
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Thought I'd update my 'job' as my entry on page 13 is no longer relevant. Upon leaving that job, I started up my own gig:

I own a small production company doing a lot of documentary inspired stuff (and some indy projects now and then).

I'm also a musician, but anymore that could really be considered my day job. It's consuming more and more of my time (in a good way) and is paying the bills. Getting ready to tour up in a month or so.
PAL shooter in NTSC territory
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Old August 10th, 2006, 09:37 PM   #313
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Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Huntsville, AL
Posts: 19
What I do

I got/am getting my foot in the door with news (which is what's paying the bills). Always going somewhere and doing something, which is good, and I'm getting paid to do what I love...shooting and editing..in a fast paced short timeline sort of way...sometimes I hate that I can't put more of myself into each story, and have to rush.

I starting my freshman year in college photoging for a local station, ended up directing live daily newscasts. I'm now in Huntsville photoging for a local station here.

Four years now I've been doing whatever people will pay me for, mostly weddings of friends that know people...you know. Some promotional videos, and I actually did a 30 second spot for a non-profit that I work with that got some major (free) airtime! That's been my highlight sofar..that and a mini documentary that I did for class which the same non-profit uses for the purpose of a promo video.

I'm now 3 months out of college and starting to build up my gear..the one problem with working in news...not a whole to lot of money for to do that.
I do have a MacBookPro with FCP to edit on and a used JVC GY-DV500U...I just ordered a JVC (Yes, I've become a fan) GY-HD100U so hopefully that'll be all the reviews crack it up to be...and with that the sky pretty much becomes the limit...I've NEEDed a second camera for a while now...it'll make production go so much more smoothly not having to dig one up, and why not go with an HD?

Right now it's just good to have a hobby that helps pay for itself (at least a little). I do plan on getting more into it as I continue to build my equipment list. It'll probably be slow going for the next year or two I figure, and we'll see...Wedding become old quick so I'll probably stick with documentaries and promo stuff.
One thing is, I don't want to wait too long for fear that I'll get settled in and lose that dream. It's one of those things that doesn't come to you (usually), you have to want and GO GET!
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Old August 15th, 2006, 08:20 PM   #314
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I recently got out of the Airforce where I was an anti terrorism specialist and now my civilian day job consists of designing specialized, detailed maps for uh...we'll just say a certain agency. Ive been shooting video for a few years now and worked on a training video for the Airforce before I got out. Ive started off doing EPK work and music videos for unsigned bands and a couple short films. I am working on doing this full time so I can get away from what I currently do.
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Old August 16th, 2006, 01:36 AM   #315
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Location: Grand Rapids, MI
Posts: 255
Computer hardware and networking. Helping raise our 4.5 year old. Filmmaking is a hobby, writing is my forte.
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