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#16 |
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Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Atlanta, Georgia
Posts: 138
<<<-- Originally posted by Frank Granovski : I started out with shooting promotional and instructional videos, and now shoot funerals, the odd wedding, accidents/news stuff, family stuff and fun stuff. Video is mainly a hobby for me. I shoot more stills than video, but it kind of overlaps. -->>>
Funerals??? I never thought about that before.... probably because I've never seen a funeral that I'd like to see again! Any money in that? I used to be involved in the music business years ago (audio recording & co-owner of an all-night rock n roll nightclub), which only involved one video production. I've always had a passion for a good recording, whether audio or video. Now, I am a Realtor that has some unconventional methods of marketing a home... including online video tours. I am building my team up so that I can spend all my time playing with the camera and the NLE... while getting paid for it. A good friend of mine and I are in the process of starting a small production company... and I mean SMALL. I am not sure where it will lead us to, but we have a few friends in the music business that can use our services... and I did my first wedding video for my niece which was met with delight and surprise... so I might take a stab at that, as well. My journey may lead me into documentaries. I just bought three recommended books on the subject, and I am sure I will take a whack at a few. I, too, find a great deal of inspiration just reading posts on this bbs.
If you're not the lead dog... the scenery never changes |
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#17 |
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Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: Lousana, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 146
Have enjoyed reading everyone's stories. Mine is less thrilling than most. I am a total outsider. I'm just another "working Joe" - a journeyman electrician by trade, but for many years now I have been a technician in the office products industry. I currently work on large full color copiers and printers. The technical end of things got me into the business, but the day to day interaction with my customers is what I enjoy the most now (even when they're pissed off).
I don't know what got me interested in video (the idea of doing my own projects and NLE's just blew me away), but I sat on the sidelines for five years or so - reading, checking out this and other web sites. Finally last February I had the finances together and believed the time was right. I bought an XL1s, a backpack, some microphones, a tripod, a rainslicker, an old Mac G3 and FCP. I've always been interested in nature, history and the outdoors, so these are the topics of most of my video. (Though when I got into this, I promised myself that I'd follow any opportunity that presented itself - but I don't know about doing funerals! ). So far I've only finished three projects 1) A 13 minute birding video entitled "Birds of Winter" 2) A bull riding event 3) A fishing show entitled "Kananskis Country Grayling"(22 minutes) Nothing too mind blowing I'm afraid, but every time I make something new I learn a great deal. Right now I'm editing an hour long nature doc and having alot of fun. I don't know if this will ever go anywhere, but it's been a long time since I've done anything creative and this is definitely good for my mental health! Perhaps working a straight job can be a bit of a grind, but some of the skills (both technical and people skills) are helping me with my new venture.
Nature Boy |
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#18 |
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Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: Scotland UK
Posts: 63
Quite a cross section - it makes for interesting reading...
I got into video by default. Part of my training in medical photography was basic cine although I never really used it until the early 1980's when I made some short films on slide staining techniques for a pathology laboratory on 16mm. Like many Public Sector areas at that time a major problem for us was 'recurrant costs' and the processing charges were hitting us hard. So, video looked like the way to go as it removed those costs. Since then we have had Low band U-matic, M2, S-VHS and currently very happy with miniDV. I loved M2 format and missed it when I lost a lot of space in the department and it had to go :-( Time to look at NLE. S-VHS was Ok but a big drop from M2... Along comes the XL1 and I am a happy chap again :-) The End |
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#19 |
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Kelowna, B.C. Canada
Posts: 217
I am actually a musician turned video guy and now videoguy/musician. Currently I play in a band called "Psaphonic".
I have been playing in pubs and clubs since I was 17 (don't tell the owners that). In the Fall of 98' I went to film school for 6 months. Did my practicum on an independant Feature called "The Hot Karl", that a friend of mine was Producing in Vancouver. I returned home a few weeks later and realized there is no film industry here. So, I continued playing weekends and dreaming of the day I would be on set, lugging gear around for someone else in the pouring rain. In the fall of 99' my brother and myself decided to take a crack at writing our own script and selling it. In the Spring of 2000 my band,(at that time we were called GLOW... don't laugh, that's the kinda band name you need for over sees), got booked to be the house band at a club in New Dehli, India. There I met the producer of Gahndi, (sorry if Gahndi is spelt wrong), I gave him the script and never heard from him again. But that's another story. After being in India for 3 months we returned home, had some member changes, played for a few months locally, shot a video, and broke up in the Fall. A month later, after retiring from the music industry, I decided to start my own film/video company, and shoot the movie we wrote ourselfs, rather than waiting for Hollywood to come to us. The next few months were spent researching equipment. I realized that I could get myself a nice Arri2 off of E-bay for not all that much, but then thought of post production and how much that would cost. Back to that 9-5 job. Istarted working at my parents music store, where I am currently working to this very day. What to do now? More research. Then one day I stumbled across a website called XL1 Watchdog, or something like that. January 2001 IRONNEIL Productions was born. Since then, we have shot 2 features, some music videos, some shorts, and so on. Earlier in the year the singer from GLOW and I reformed a new band and now play almost every weekend. Currently we are working on a few scripts to be shot in the spring and summer of next year. I really hate shooting outside in the winter if I don't have to. Thats my story and I'm stickin to it! -Nori |
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#20 |
New Boot
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Macon, Ga
Posts: 18
I am a claims supervisor with Geico Direct Insurance. I am a writer/director. I have just started Shogun Films and I am in pre-production on a Short/Feature. I have always wanted to do this since I was a kid, got sidetracked by life, but now I am focused and will see this thing through, its what I love. Insurance just pays the bills!!!!
Alonzo Anderson Writer/Director ShogunFilms Macon, Georgia |
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#21 |
Posts: n/a
hi all,
I am in the retail business. I have 3 pet stores called Daves Soda & Pet city around Springfield, Ma and have been doing this since 1975. I also have a new career which is WAY more fun. I am a professional speaker. My talks are about retail and creative, cost effective ways to build good business. My web site is www.daveratner.com I decided to spring for a good camera since I tape my high school kid at ALL his concerts and gigs. He is a jazz guitarist. I am the roadie. ok, you caught me, I also tape my dogs. Any pet questions I can help with, I here. Dave |
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#22 |
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Orlando, FL
Posts: 1,315
I work as a web developer in the Orlando, Florida area.
I've always had a love of movies since I was little (who hasn't) but it wasn't until I saw Smoke, with Harvey Keitel and John Hurt, that I really came to 'feel' and understand what an indie flick is all about. Then came Next Stop Wonderland. I was in love. Years have past and I've gotten lost in the indie dream, backtracking to see all the older indies that I've missed due to my ignorance... I never thought that I would be able to really put anything feasible together myself. I tried messing with a Super8 film cam a few years ago. I struggled with it for a bit, and then realized how much it would cost. I never went back. Then I realized that I'm a technology guy, living in the digital age--why would I mess with film? And after I started working at my current job, I met some friends of the company that run an all DV shop, filming corporate videos and such. The main camera guy (also the owner) enjoyed fiddling around with the occasional short film. I helped out running sound and operating a boom on a couple of his shoots. That's when I realized that I could do this. I realized all the mystery behind the filming process, video, lighting, sound, etc.... wasn't all that difficult to figure out (though it may take years to master). Now, I'm just getting started, but my good job has allowed me to finally collect all the gear and get things going. Got friends by my side willing to make this work. And here I go... I don't know where this road is leading, but it sure is exciting! |
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#23 |
Major Player
Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 730
I'm a university bum aka professional student.
I have had jobs here and there for the last 4 years while at uni, but due to my work load ever increasing, i am back into the drudge of occasional casual work trying to find more hours in the day to finish my university work, as well as fuel my movie making hobby. I have worked while still an undergraduate for 2 years on a locally produced tv show as the head cameraman, then moved on to farm my skills on my many shorts produced as either the DP, editor or both. One of the shorts i was heavily involved with, recently won a couple short film competitions in Australia, and i have had the luck to become very close with a couple of very passionate people who are very comprable actors and writers. I will be doing my masters degree in multimedia/design majoring in video production work, and hopefully my little production company i started will be enough to see me through my life. I have never desired to be famous, just to get enough to live my life the way i want too. zac |
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#24 |
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Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: detroit, mi
Posts: 187
[long one, sorry]
My name is Matt Betea, I'm 24 and a carpet installer 5-6 days a week. Unfortunately I wasn't "gifted" with the knowledge of what I wanted to do earlier in my life. Through school I seemed to have a knack for writing and drawing. But always felt from outside pressures to "be more realistic". So I put those aside. When I was 19 going through community college here and not having a clue as to what I wanted to do I just basically lost it. No matter how bad it gets from here on out I don't think it could be as bad as it was. Anyways one night I was flipping through channels and a movie was just starting. I don't know what caught my eye about it but I was hooked. That was the first time in almost a year I actually felt something. And the first time in my life I ever seen a movie for more than "glitz and glamour". The movie was "Night on Earth" directed by Jim Jarmusch. Since then i've been reading(mostly), saving and watching more movies. Last year I got enough for a gL1 and some other equipment. It was nice, but still had no clue what I was doing. I've been reading more and starting to work on specific things (writing mostly). So after some failed attempts I decided I shouldn't let my equipment take up space and sit there, so I let it go. I want to have a couple solid scripts for shorts to do. So now I'm writing and saving again. Looking to get an xL1s soon and looking forward to going to rockport college. If I ever get to meet Mr. Jarmusch I definitely need to buy him a beer or a dimebag. I would also like to thank Chris and the mods, as well as the many people here that are incredibly knowledgeable and talented. Thank you. matt
Matrix metering is for girls. |
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#25 |
Major Player
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: New York
Posts: 329
* * Kick In Mine - - In * *
Infinite diversity in infinite combinations. In a walnut... I didn't know I would be involved with DV at all until it hit me square in the face last year. I was oiling painting, painting theatre sets, acting, and creating promotional materials for theatre. All visual arts... I was sent to a accelerated arts program when I was 12 years old for 2 years, but I was more interested in playing baseball, so I neglected the arts. Life has a funny way of revealing your path to you, even if it is years later. Acting wasn't paying off at all, I still do this, so after forming a production company and doing some theatre. I decided to move forward and create using DV as my medium. (As Film is much too expensive and I think we are in a movement of DV/HD) My bread and butter comes from computer technical consulting, MIS Support, Network Admin, which a few key people helped me secure this form of steady income so while I 'struggled' I didn't have to live in a box and eat macaroni and cheese. DV has merged many sides, artistic, technical, learning, and imagination. It is maluable and relatively inexpensive. Although, the technical side of me wants every gadget and 'latest-greatest' thang. So, here I am and I am 90% finished with my first legit (SAG Experimental Short) short. I have a second short on the backburner and a feature in my desk itching to be done. I know that regardless of the outcome or the support/criticism I receive.... I am in the game and will continue to be... 90% of the process is enjoyment for me... Beers for everyone on this board who continue to take their aspirations/dreams and make it real. Enough blathering! Cheers! Derrick |
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#26 |
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Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Dayton, WA
Posts: 12
Hello All
My name is Doug Sapp I am retired Coast Guard. I would like to film documentaries. I am located in Humboldt County California. Doug |
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#27 |
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Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Louisville, Kentucky
Posts: 57
Reading all the posts from people all over the world has really made me think. I've been working in broadcasting and film all my life and have been "forced" to work in the film community when I had to. I never thought it was something people "would die for" to get into the business but from the posts I've read, I'm one of the few who do this full time and should consider myself blessed.
I've been working in TV and film since I was a kid. A friend of the family watched me when I got out of school and he just happened to work at a TV station....so...since we kinda got into things when no one was watching...they found things for us to do to keep us out of trouble. Get this...carry that...don't touch that (of course we did) and never talk to the talent! Reminds me of the day we hid under the anchors desk during the news and all was going well till I had to go to the bathroom (I was 11)...since I couldn't wait any longer...I tapped the talent on the leg to let him know I needed to get out from under there and go to the boys room...well...he was reading the news and when I tapped him on the leg from under the desk he thought something had gotten ahold of him and proceeded to scream and jump back from the desk like a snake had gotten him. He scared the hell out of me and kicked me as he jumped back and then I jumped and hit my head on the underside of the desk and started to scream too (well...it really hurt!) This scared the other girl who was sitting at the desk with him and then all hell broke loose. They went to a commercial and it was at that time I found out how loud a stage manager could yell! After that, they ALWAYS found something for us to do during the news to keep us busy and out of the way! I guess your perspective changes when you do this full time but sometimes it's hard to find the motivation to edit all day long or shoot in the bad weather or lug around a lot of heavy gear and shoot all day and into the night eating bad food and putting up with the A*shole the thinks he has a new "creative edge" on the next "Starwars" or some thriller that only needs more gasoline and fuel oil because "I want the explosions BIGGER to suit my ego" kinda thing. Working with Director's that thinks "I'm so great and your so nothing". Who waves his hands around like the Pope and treats the crew like they are completely stupid and couldn't find your way out of a hole without him because he has the "vision" and your just "the crew." That stuff really gets me going! Yeah...I have worked with a LOT of A*sholes in my career. Most haven't got a clue except they found the money and now they get to treat you like S*it! Nevermind I've been in this business all my life and seen SO many come and go all the while the Director is thinking "as soon as my next big hit comes in" thinking that will save them or somehow regain that "respect" they had while treating a crew like idiots. While "we" are still working and watching these so called directors and producers who thought they were so high and mighty fall from grace and end up telling stories about how it wasn't there fault that the crew was stupid and how he can't understand why were short of money because he put most of it up his nose and it was "the other guy" that caused the complete meltdown of the film...the commercial...the "show". Sheeeesh! Yeah...I'm blessed. Where was I? Sorry...I kinda got lost there for a moment thinking about all the glamor and glory...yeah...I'm blessed. Oh yeah..right...what do I do for a living...hmmmm...well...I guess you could say I'm a kinda babysitter. I clean up messes...dry the tears...quiet the screaming...referee the fights...do the shopping....console the hurt...encourage the lost...band aid the boo boo's...fix the coffee...run to the store...change the diapers...separate the ones fighting...balance the budget...feed the hungry...sweep the floors...manage the "home" and always but always...lend a shoulder to cry on when things go wrong. Who am I? Just another guy on the crew thats "blessed"
Steve Wills Jib Op http://www.kyvideoservices.com |
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#28 |
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Mays Landing, NJ
Posts: 11,802
I've been working in theatrical design and production since the 1970's, and am currently Director of Design and Technology at a major opera company where I design scenery, lighting and supervise construction. This is all a lot of fun, but recently a director friend and I have decided we need to make the leap to video/film.
We're putting together a project that we hope to bring to the screen in a couple years, and trying to understand the differences between theatrical and film media. This can be difficult when your mind is hard-wired to think in terms of a big proscenium stage in an opera house with thousands of people. I'm finding it very liberating, although often frustrating. We'll get our first taste of this next fall when we premiere a new stage production of an opera that uses large screen video projection of computer animation and live action. This all started out as a crazy idea of ours "just for fun", but now it appears our fantasy will actually make it to the stage and we're starting to get scared by the whole scope of the project! Later this month we hope to do a test where we rent a big Barco 17,500 lumen projector and see how the computer animation and DV footage looks on a big screen in the theatre. FWIW at present I work with a Power Mac G4, PowerBook G4, Sony VX-2000, Final Cut Pro, Strata 3d Pro and Bryce 4. |
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#29 |
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Vallejo, California
Posts: 4,049
After 30 years in marketing and sale in Silicon Valley, I had a chance to move to a small town. I shucked off computer sales and Internet worries and started a Video Production business.
Starting one is slow and I've done a lot of different work over the last 5 years but the work that paid off the most is the pro bono stuff I've done. I did a 14 minute video about a missing girl. That introduced me to the local police department who then asked me to produce their 100 year anniversary video. I'm now producing the video for their 2003 awards banquet (4th time for the annual video) and get to ride in the police cars on patrol. I get called out for SWAT events and I even have my own radio, plastic badge and police hat Woooo. Sort of like COPS. Some of the rides with the police are what we used to call E-ticket rides (the best rides at Disneyland back when to ride a ride, you had to have the right class of ticket.) Best of all, some of my shots of a local K-9 officer made it to TLC as part of a documentary on police dogs. And the police chief asked me to tape his son's wedding so I got into wedding videos (although at a once per every two months sort of frequency). Because of a second missing child video, I got a part-time job at the local community college as their Cinema and TV Lab tech (did that for 2 years), where I got to redesign and rebuild the television studio and control room. I quit there and because I did a free video background for one of their plays (Jeckyl & Hyde), I now am under annual contract with the college Theatre Department to tape and edit clips for their Acting for Television class. Along with all of this, I joined the Chamber of Commerce where I've been rubbing elbows with the business community and the city government. I serve on a few committees and help out during their membership drives, etc. Because of that, I hooked up with some local businesses and started producing cable television commercials. I used some Hollywood actors I met at the school in the commercials so I have a big leg up on the cable company (AT&T) who is my only competition. Now I'm quoting on a garbage recycling video for the city (big job). And because I did a free video for my wife so she could show a potential customer how her company operates internally, I got a contract to do their corporate video that I rework on at least an annual basis. Her customer Johnson & Johnson, has promised to consider me for some of their smaller jobs. Next week I'm off to Pennsylvania to tape the largest Model Engineering exhibition in the world. Called Cabin Fever, (you get that back there in the Winter) there will be around 600-1000 model engines, most of them running, to tape and include in the almost 3 hour video. I will just make my expenses on that but: Because of doing those videos, my 2 hour training video on using machinst's measuring tools is distributed by two US manufacturers of machine tools and is in use around the country in schools and used as far away as Taiwan for industrial training. I'm also in the pre-production phase of a video for one of the manufacturers on using their lathe. I'll probably not make the next 'Nanook of the North' but I'm having fun here. It's great to have all my customers within a 70 mile radius and not have to fly to Japan, the UK, France or Spain for a cup of coffee and talk contracts.
Mike Rehmus Hey, I can see the carrot at the end of the tunnel! |
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#30 |
New Boot
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Opelika/Auburn, Alabama
Posts: 7
I'm a Video Engineer. I install and repair and operate all forms of Video equipment. I've been a TV or Video engineer for 14 years.
Now I also do video on the side. So, I do video at the University from 8-4 and for myself the rest of the time. I guess I just can't get enough!!
video is like cake. skill counts as much as the ingredients. |
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