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Old January 21st, 2005, 11:49 AM   #181
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Hello there Brad Mills,
Checked out your site... Oh you Canadians are so Funny!

Jeff Parker

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Old January 21st, 2005, 02:53 PM   #182
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Hah, thanks man.

All the stuff on that site is filmed with a terrible mpeg4 camera =P

Just wanted to throw it up for fun, went on an HTML binge for 2 weeks in the summer.

Hopefully this summer I'll be lightyears ahead of tha tsite.
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Old January 27th, 2005, 05:25 AM   #183
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Another Canon XL-1s user


please visit and and preview some sample video shot with XL1s

My Setup
Canon Xl1s, Ma200, SV950 Light
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Old February 1st, 2005, 09:13 AM   #184
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I just got my Canon XL2 for Corporate work and some missions work in Africa as well as hopefully some short film work that could blossom into something bigger.
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Old March 14th, 2005, 10:15 PM   #185
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I'm a cook! And I love to eat! :)
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Old March 20th, 2005, 11:52 AM   #186
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What do you do for a living? (videography related?)

So, i'm like any other college student. I have no idea what i want to do for a living. I enjoy cars, and video/photography. I can't see myself working on cars for a lving.

I was wondering if anyone on here has a videography related job, whether your a director or editer etc.

Post what you do for a living, if you like doing it, how much you make, etc.


(BTW: if anyone is a director for a tv/movie I would like to contact you VIA email. i have a ten questions i need to ask/interview for a school paper).
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Old March 20th, 2005, 01:00 PM   #187
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Well I'll start.

Currently I am the Video Production Manager at Wright State Univeristy in Dayton, OH. I've been doing video production professionally for around 16 years now. I've worked as a PA for PBS, ABC and Cox Cable. I switched live events, directed live events and shot all types of video on all types of formats. I was a broadcast journalist in the Army for 5 years, where I did both broadcast TV and Radio news and did the morning and drive time radio shows.

Do I like what I do? Overall yes I do or I wouldn't be doing it.

Do I make a lot of money? Are you serious? I'm not doing bad, but my wife still needs to work to help pay bills and I still do freelance work for both money and the fun of it.

So why do I work in this field? It's for the fame. No I'm not famous. It's for glory. No, not very glorious. It's for the money. See above.
I do this because I love it. It's a part of me. Sometimes it's like a bad rash and you wished you went into another direction, but overall it's exciting and challenging year after year.

Good luck with whatever direction you decide to go.
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Old March 20th, 2005, 01:25 PM   #188
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i tape about 5 years now,part time, work in retail, started out as a dad to tape the kids sports events.
now, after spending a lot of dollars (my wife thinks i am nuts) for a nice studio set up, i tape mostly in a theater/ studio setting. dance troups, school performances, and this year a sfo opera group signed me up for their 2005 season. (17 events)
i like to be there, even nobody knows i am there, most of the time in the back. like the interaction with the actors and everybody else involved.
made two dvd's, which came out very nice.

money: can't live of the pay at this time. (because there is very little <G>) mostly just food, copies, credit, and tickets.

goal: get expirience, a long and good portfolio, work torwards making commercials, and/ or corp. training dvd's. like to stay in theater setting.
visit the local college to take some classes, partner with a local and open a recording studio.

will i ever be rich??......no

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Old March 20th, 2005, 01:45 PM   #189
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Well I was born into the Tv biz, My father was the senior news photog for a tv station. I was shooting, editing 16mm film by the time I was 10. I operated a local sound&lighting production company for about 10 yrs. Then I got a job at tv station as an engineer. I do satellite uplinks in the northeast, and repair our microwave and satellite trucks. OH yeah I also run a company with a coworker that shoots weddings.
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Old March 21st, 2005, 02:01 AM   #190
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Officially I am Freischaffender Künstler, which translated is: freelance artist. It sounds pretty snotty so I like to think of myself as a freelance film and video maker. Which sounds just as snotty, but leaves out the association to art. That is not to say that I don't consider myself an artist, I do, but I don't consider what I make to be art, at least not at the moment. My main reason for using the title freelance artist is because, here in Germany, you can justify just about anything you buy as a business expense.

I earn my money by editing, doing camera work, with motion graphics, occasionally as an actor, English voiceover speaker, director, and video maker (everything together in one package). I also have earned money doing technical support and technical consulting work.

I started in NYC as a PA around 1986. I think that I have filled every position in the film/video production chain there is, except maybe catering.

I love the work I do. I have the opportunity to be technical and creative, sometimes at the same time, sometimes one or the other. I meet a lot of diverse people, see a lot of diverse things, and make a lot of diverse experiences... I guess I'm into diversity.

I make enough money to live from this work. I am not rich, and a lot of the money I make goes back into the work itself. I have been steadily making more money over the years from this work, so I guess it has been a good investment.

I hope that this is a help to you.
Daniel Kohl

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Old March 21st, 2005, 11:07 AM   #191
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Currently, I run all aspects of TV production for a public school system. But I'm getting ready to jump ship and start up my own gig.
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Old March 22nd, 2005, 09:55 PM   #192
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There's already a long thread for this here:

Lots of history behind many of DVi's regulars, good reading!
Andrew | Canon XL1s, ME66, Vinten Vision 3, GlideCam V16 (for sale!)
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Old March 22nd, 2005, 10:10 PM   #193
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I wish I could go back in time and correct that big goofup in the first message ;) Me fail english? That's unpossible!

To update, I do a lot of car videos right now, most of them for local clubs. They are a lot of fun to make, especially since I got my car-mount suction cup, it's always funny to see the look on the face of a police officer as I roll by ;)

I was a few thousand kilometers from home one day, on the coast of Nova Scotia taping the waves crashing against the rocks, and thought I could seriously do this for National Geographic. Time just doesn't seem to matter when I'm out with my camera, I just shoot. There's often no end result with the footage I get, I just like shooting... experimenting with angles, etc.

I might try film school again. There's a question everyone is asked in the school interviews, and thats "what do you want to do?" 99% of the time the would-be-student answers 'directing', but I think cinematography is the place for me.

A problem I've encountered since pursuing my hobby is the lack of willing partners (in my area anyway) to shoot with. Everyone thinks someone else is going to steal their thunder, and fail to realize a project is the work of many talented individuals, not just one. That's the only disappointing part of my shooting 'career' so far, but I'm sure I'll bump into someone that 'gets it'
Andrew | Canon XL1s, ME66, Vinten Vision 3, GlideCam V16 (for sale!)
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Old April 22nd, 2005, 12:00 AM   #194
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After "toying" with some paid cameraman work from time to time over the last couple of years I finally landed a steady, paying gig in the game. I have just been named the Associate Producer of a new all Africa, weekly hunting/outdoor show that will begin airing on The Outdoor Channel in Jan. of 2006. The producers of the show are friends of mine and their work load (They also produce a series of hunting videos and promotional DVD's) finally reached a point that they had to bring someone else on board.

I'm spending several weeks in Africa filming this year. I just got back from a two week trip to Namibia, return to Namibia for another two weeks in May and will spend the entire month of July in Zimbabwe.

Once I return from the July swing I will be in charge of logging/capture of several hundred hours of footage, will be learning all I can about Final Cut Pro for editing chores and marketing our video production services to Outdoor Industry related businesses.

The lead sponsor of the show is very interested in HD programming and has stated that he wants us to begin building an HD library for future broadcasts, so we are looking into acquiring a couple of HD cameras this year in preparation for the HD content. Currently we shoot with Canon XL1s', Gl2's and a Sony PD170.
At full draw,
Tyge Floyd
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Old May 9th, 2005, 10:27 PM   #195
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I'm just High School student, have filmed for fun for 4 years now. This year got my first 3ccd camera and also started earning little money with that. Mostly i'm covering events/shows, right now i'm working on documentary about raising beef, the theme is not my favourite, but they pay well and i just need some money for new mics and tripod etc. My favorite filming theme is extreme sports, planning to make several snow and wakeboarding videos in future.
Last year i was done with my wakeboarding movie, where i was main actor and also director, movie turned out well. Also had kind of presentention party in movie theatre/night club, honestly i made more money(from ticket admission)that night than this year all my projects added together...In two months when my exchange student program is over, i will have a work at my country national tv channel, it will be probably boring, but better than nothing, and good way to get new friends/contacts...
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