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Old May 15th, 2004, 11:51 PM   #136
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Southwest Idaho, USA
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Amen, Rodd.

I've been waiting several years for some inspiration for a Christian video project. Perhaps I'll just buy one of yours someday... :)
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Old May 16th, 2004, 11:20 AM   #137
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Location: Detroit, Michigan
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bonjour-olah aLL!

thanx to Steve McDonald, now i'm aware of this forum, cooL.

i do computer programming for a living but would love to do film/video instead.

so, on the side, i'm a video artist / video/film installation artist / filmmaker / VJ / FJ (same as VJ, but with 16mm film projectors) / and i also love to shoot while dancing - they call me the spin-girl here in detroit; i call this footage "digital impressionism", ha.

p.s. i started out with Super 8mm when i was 16 yr. old.

gotta run, later!

peace-olah, juLiE
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Old June 2nd, 2004, 03:21 PM   #138
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well i cant say much at the moment only to the fact im spending hours of doing research so i know the in's and out's of making movies, to be honest i've only just got into it, 2 month ago but before that i always dreamed of making movies but i never got round to actually sit my self down and so 2 month ago i did, and believe me when i say this i've spend hours so far getting the in's and out's of whats involved and theres lots depending how big i am going to make my movies, and i intend making my movies the standard lenth of normal movies somthing like 90+ minutes, and im looking forward to it, plus im also glad i found this forum because its a big help and it rocks + it has the best members! who all help eachother which is fantastic.

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Old June 2nd, 2004, 10:43 PM   #139
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Batesburg, SC
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Hi Folks!

What a diverse group of artists there are in here! Makes for great reading and info!
I've been a rock and roll musician for 25 years - did the bar scene for the first 10,
got tired of drunks and bar shootouts,
settled down to raise a family, and have been in church praise and worship teams for the last seven years. I'm now a part of a Christian youth ministry rock band, playing big hair Christian metal at festivals, churches, and various youth oriented events. Two years ago I started construction on a recording studio, installed a Mackie D8B / HDR 2496 digital recording system, added a PC based Pro Tools LE editing suite and financed all of this with my day job: I'm a painting and remodeling contractor.
I've dabbled in photography and videography for years with my Sony TRV310, but recently I've had many requests for video and DVD production in my studio, so I'm about to plunge into another money pit, hopefully with big returns. I'm cosidering Avid's new Express Studio, but the researchaholic in me is moving slowly and carefully. I'm filming my first wedding next month, with a three camera live feed into an overflow room. I'm real excited about that, and if all my hair doesn't fall out, it should be lots of fun!
Is it live, or am I dreaming in High -Def?
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Old June 19th, 2004, 09:59 PM   #140
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Hey Tommy, I'm a frustrated artist! lol!

My family has a very diverse background in the arts. My mom's a concert pianist, dad started a band but settled into entrepreneurship, my sister inherited the talent from my mom but went to med school instead, and I was the most scientifically-minded of them all. My first choice in college was chemical engineering, but settled for something else (don't ask). Shifted courses after a while and now I'm majoring in Film.

Editing was the 1st thing that I ever knew about filmmaking. In junior high we entered a few shorts in local competitions. People liked them, but our concepts weren't appreciated by the masses. Fast forward to 2nd year college, edited short student productions, shot various events, made a few corporate videos too. But mostly my services were limited to editing because I outsourced all my shooting equipment. Eventually, a video caught a professor's eye, told me to shift to film instead, and here I am, Film Student, Techfreak, Avid editor.

Lemme just say that I hate a big chunk of mainstream cinema, most especially the ones made here. Figure it out yourself if you don't get it, watch a few films and you'll see why.

A few music videos for MTV Philippines, corporate videos, competition shorts, 2 features, and a year later, I'm burnt out and going freelancing for production houses and indie filmmakers. I also do some "technical consultation" now and shoot and direct shorts for personal growth and the occasional festival. Just bought my first cam (VX2k1) in the hopes of making the images in my mind become reality.

I also dabble in music production and anything tech-related.

And my big dream is to make the local film industry thrive once again and to convert people into an intelligent audience, enjoy things along the way, and do my creative bit for the betterment of mankind. How naive. lol.

And world peace. rofl.
Film Student, Avid Editor, incessant rambler, obsessive-compulsive.
Sony VX2k1, Avid Xpress Pro.
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Old June 28th, 2004, 03:31 PM   #141
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Location: Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, UK
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In a nutshell: was an actor (Royal Shakespeare Company, National Theatre) until 1990 when I injured my back at the age of 36. Spent 4 months on my back and started to write. Co-wrote a pilot episode for a Tv Series set on the Isle of Man (I was born there - it's in the middle of the Irish sea, for those that don't know - not many do!) which after years of talk ended not in a Tv series but with the Manx (Isle of Man) gaining a film industry (off-shore tax breaks etc, etc.) Still waiting my reward for that one - sigh.

However, through this myself and my wife made contact with a guy who owned a Sony Beta SP cam and full kit and we formed a partnership making corporate videos for industry. This was OK for a while but differences meant we parted with the Beta SP guy and we decided we could go it alone with an XL1s + kit. So was born Illuminated Word (see www.i-word.co.uk.

The thing is though, I really prefer making my own films and in 2000 I produced and directed a 2 hour documentary about the mystery of Rennes-le-Château. Won't go into detail here, but if you're interested have a look at www.renneslechateau.co.uk

Dan Brown's 'The Da Vinci Code' has meant there has been a huge revival in interest in the Rennes-le-Château mystery and at the moment I am filming in the UK for a New York company making a DVD about Dan Brown's book.

The project that I really want to do is to make a film about the standing stones and stone circles of the British Isles. Did you know that there are nearly 1000 stone circles in the UK? I'm not going to film them all, but there's a lot more to it than Stonehenge!

Waiting for the XL2 to start that one, though.

So, that's me - greetings from Stratford-upon-Avon ...
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Old June 29th, 2004, 08:10 PM   #142
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Hi All--

I'm brand spankin' new here, although I've been lurking and learning for a month or so. I'm a graphic designer. My background is print and web, but I'm moving more towards motion graphics (both web and broadcast).

I've taught a class (in m.g.) for Cornish College of the Arts here in Seattle, and recently I just finished up a series of effects for a friend who is revisiting a sci-fi parody drag-queen space opera he filmed 10 years ago called Aliens Cut My Hair.

I'm not much of a shooter (although I did put together a PSA for North Idaha Head Start that I shot on my trusty Canon ZR25!) but I just got a great deal on a XL1 package, and so I'm learning the ropes. First test is this weekend when I go to film a commercial for a political candidate.

Anyway--love this site. It's one of the most informative, friendly and on-topic boards I've ever encountered!
Martin McClellan
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Old July 2nd, 2004, 09:49 PM   #143
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<<<-- Originally posted by Michael Bott : ...was an actor (Royal Shakespeare Company, National Theatre) until 1990...

Michael, maybe you ran into my old pal John Woodvine at the RSC during that period. I haven't been in touch with him for years.
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Old July 2nd, 2004, 09:53 PM   #144
MPS Digital Studios
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What I'm doing now:

1. Film school teacher.

2. Filmmaker (when I have time, which really stinks since that's my true love).

3. Producer for some videos to get kids in shape (it's actually fun and pays well).

4. Starting a new company to do TV shows.

My Final Cut Pro X blog
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Old July 3rd, 2004, 02:14 AM   #145
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Location: Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, UK
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Jack ...
I was John's understudy at the National Theatre in a show called 'Machinal'. That must have been ten years ago ...
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Old July 3rd, 2004, 11:21 AM   #146
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<<<-- Originally posted by Martin McClellan :

>"--and so I'm learning the ropes. First test is this weekend
> is when I go to film a commercial for a political candidate."


Good luck!
Steve Wills
Jib Op
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Old July 18th, 2004, 10:33 PM   #147
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I'm a college student and I'm going to be the greatest director ever. :)
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Old July 26th, 2004, 03:33 PM   #148
Join Date: Jul 2004
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What I do for a living

Hey y'all!

I'm new to this board and pretty new to DV filmmaking. During the day, I'm a legal aid lawyer (can you say "underpaid"?) which means I don't have lots of income to devote to film production. So imagine my poor husband's surprise when I returned from a June DV filmmaking course at Maine Photographic Workshops and began a production company. But when he saw the little documentaries I made at the Workshops, and could tell that I'd been bitten by the DV bug, he acquiesed to sucking the equity our of our house so I could buy a camera and set up a Final Cut Pro studio in our soon-to-be-converted garage.

I'll be shooting on a Panasonic DVX 100A and editing with FCP on a G5, all of which are on their way. And boy, does it ever feel like Christmas!

I've got three documentaries in the planning stages, one of which I will begin shooting as soon as the camera arrives next week. My non-profit has recruited me to making a fundraising video; my church has asked me to film a promo for a summer camp for inner city kids...but these will be pro bono. I plan to pay off this loan by making little personal documentaries and, if I can stomach it, videotaping depositions. But my passion is documentaries, and all of my creative juices will flow in that direction.

Nice to see this forum. I've learned a lot here (and was ALMOST swayed into waiting for the new Canon XL2....but I just hate the ergonomics of the XL1, and they don't seem to have changed much in that regard). I'll lurk more than post, but just wanted to say....howdy!

Kate Myers
High Cotton Films, LLC

p.s. For those non-Southerners, if you're "in high cotton," it means you've had a great crop and will have a stellar year.
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Old July 26th, 2004, 03:43 PM   #149
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Good for you, Kate! I love to see folks dive headlong into endeavors! Keep us posted.
Lady X Films: A lady with a boring wardrobe...and a global mission.

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Old July 26th, 2004, 06:13 PM   #150
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What I do for a living

Hey Kate,

Welcome to the wonderfuld of DC Cinema. Since you're going to be using a DVX100A, you might also want to drop by The DVXuser web site. Some very knowledgeable people there.


I keep meaning to form an LLC, mostly to protect my property, but I guess I'm worried about the cost of starting a company and keeping "proper" books, etc.

There's an FAA Flight Service Station in Millville, which I frequently use when I'm flying in NJ.
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