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These Are the People in Your Neighborhood
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Old May 14th, 2005, 11:06 AM   #1
New Boot
Join Date: May 2005
Location: Denver, CO
Posts: 10
New user in Denver

Greetings, all.

I've been involved professionally with the backstage aspects of showbiz most of my life (designing and building sets for plays & tv commercials, stage managing & technical directing at various theatres, theme parks and other attractions).

What initially drove me to take up a fullsize VHS camcorder many years ago was the desire to document some of this work, and as my technique and my equipment have improved, I sometimes get to put them to use on interesting projects: one "hauntrepreneur" friend of mine usually greases my palm each October to document his "Halloween-themed special event" (that's a haunted house to you and me), and I'm going to spend a month this summer shooting a "making-of" doc about another friend's indy feature (and hopefully get in good enough with the "A" camera crew they'll let me actually *touch* the Sony CineAlta she's renting for the production!).

I've also been fortunate enough to travel to some relatively remote locations and exotic destinations with my camera in tow.

Rather than put everyone on this thread to sleep with a laundry list of what I have and what I use it for, I've cobbled together an ugly little web-page with the details at

(try not to judge too harshly; it's been quite awhile since I hand-coded an HTML document!).

Not to spoil the suspense or anything, but if there's anyone else who hangs out on DVInfoNet using a GL-2 for "extreme high-portability run & gun" I'm dying to know what others use for lighting, camera support, audio enhancement, weather protection, etc.

I've picked up a great deal of valuable info in a few days lurking here, so I'm sure I'll be a regular visitor.

Thanks in advance for your comments/suggestions regarding my page (HINT, HINT!) ;)

-- Erik
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Old May 21st, 2005, 10:54 AM   #2
Obstreperous Rex
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: San Marcos, TX
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Hi Erik,

Actually that's not a bad page at all for hand-coding. You might be the first person that I've heard of recently who uses a Canon Vistura. I didn't think any of those were still around!

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