I am the new guy at DVinfo.net
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These Are the People in Your Neighborhood
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Old October 12th, 2004, 12:27 PM   #1
New Boot
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Salem Oregon
Posts: 6
I am the new guy

Just wanted to introduce myself. Hello!

I am an IT guy by day http://www.networkconcepts.org and a DV guy by night http://www.donkeyworx.net . My business Partner and I produce 4x4 Offroad Videos. I am the Director/Camera Guy and Greg is the Editor.

I am fairly new to the DV world and have used these forums to figure out so many things. Everything from what tapes (miniDV) to try and what Editing software people are using.

So, I want to thank EVERYONE for making this forum so useful!

We are currently editing with Premier Pro and After Effects Standard. I am in charge of the Menu System and currently use Encore, which has been great thus far. We edit on a 3.0Gb 64Bit Box with 2gig of memory.

We currently only have one CHEAP camera: Canon ZR40 which suprisingly works really well. We are currently in the Market to purchase a GL2 (when funds permit).

Some questions I have:

1.0 Happy with your GL2? Is is rugged enough for outdoor hand held shooting?

2.0 Encore users: What tricks have you learned to make smooth Menu transitions that are video background based?

3.0 What stand alone DV Deck would work good to "pop a tape in and stream it into my computer"? I know direct to Edit drives are nice and the way to go, but hey, we currently do not have that budget.

4.0 What Video Card should we be using? AGP with 2 monitor capabilities for editing?

Well, that is about it... Hello to everyone!
Also, check out some of our "Teaser Videos" on our website so you can get an idea of what we do. Those of you that film similar venues... lets talk shop.
Where's the Any Key?

Val Mueller is offline   Reply With Quote
Old November 6th, 2004, 12:48 AM   #2
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Vancouver, British Columbia
Posts: 8,314
Hey Val, welcome!
Glad the forums have helped you out!
Need to rent camera gear in Vancouver BC?
Check me out at camerarentalsvancouver.com
Dylan Couper is offline   Reply

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