Originally Posted by Matthew Pugerude
My Name is Matt Pugerude I live in the southern Oregon area in Talent it is right outside of Medford.
Maybe we need to start a new header for "Southern Oregon" members?
I'm Marc Ries from rural Grants Pass, Oregon. My background is in computers (software engineer, administration, builder). I was around and used the first 8-mm and Super-8 "camcorders"... and later one of the first RCA VHS Camcorders. These days I actually do a lot of woodworking.
I've been mostly doing nature photography over the last couple of years (with a Nikon D70 system) and just got "forced" back into video because of my daughter's upcoming wedding, for which I picked up an HC1. Now that I have it, it's rekindled my earlier excitement with video -- nothing like painstakingly building a model airplane with a few concealed firecrackers to later film in Super-8!
Anyway, always on the lookout for low-key video/photography/mentor minded friends in So Ore!