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These Are the People in Your Neighborhood
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Old January 29th, 2003, 07:52 PM   #16
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Location: Forest Grove, OR
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Murder-mystery, with a supernatural streak.

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Old June 6th, 2005, 03:56 PM   #17
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Location: Salem Oregon
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Im here... Im Here.
Salem Oregon here. Good to see others within my metro area!

What do I do? www.donkeyworx.net
Offroad Wheeling Adventure Films. More or less documentory, free form style. There are some teasers on my site for preview.

I am currently in the market and going to be purchasing a new GL2 Camera. Emailed Zotz today, and Brain seems like a great guy. Anyone here in Oregon purchase from them? It is nice to know we have a Local Oregon Vendor that this forum endorses.

If anyone is looking to hook up to help each other out with projects, let me know.
Where's the Any Key?

Val Mueller is offline   Reply With Quote
Old February 12th, 2006, 07:25 PM   #18
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Hillsboro, OR
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Hillsboro Newbie

Howdie all,

I am from Hillsboro, I am running a Canon XL2 and Final Cut ProHD. When I say Newbie though I mean it. I took a video production internship about 10 years ago and just decided to get back into it. I have been working with the pastor at our church (Sonrise in Hillsboro) producing videos and DVD's for the church.

I was wondering if anyone knows of some good classes or schooling programs in the area that I could get into. I enjoy learning hands on, but I think I need some stuctured learning in order to kick it into overdrive.
Tony Cook is offline   Reply With Quote
Old February 13th, 2006, 02:15 PM   #19
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Portland, OR
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Hey, Oregon's the hotbed of something or other

I am not so sure where I was headed. All the rain kinda washed it out of my mind... Been in Portland area for nearly 56 years. Seems like there are a lot of opportunities for film and video work. Working primarily with small businesses in Portland area developing their image through video and interactive content. Have xl1s and looking to add xl2. Shoot everything DTE, bypass the tape. Think I've owned just about every software package at one time or another. Finally decided to stick with Adobe. Except didn't care for their DVD software--went to ULead's product instead. Use Serious Magic's Ultra and DV Rack, Hash's Animation Master, Bryce and several other lesser known animation packages. Every now and again need extra shooter. Good to know you're out there. Catch me at nlemedia.com
Johnny Glucose
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Old February 14th, 2006, 06:06 PM   #20
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I went to the screening of 'Clearcut: The Story of Philomath, Oregon' at the Portland International Film Festival this weekend and noticed that the NWfilm Center offers various classes in documentary filmmaking, lighting, etc..

Here's the URL listing their classes:


It looks like many of them for this semester have started, but I'd keep checking back. I don't have any direct experience taking classes there, but any of the folks I've talked with from the NW Film Center seem very cool.

I've just recently relocated to Portland from NYC. I'm trying to get back into film making here (just picked up an HVR-A1U from Zotz) and would be interested in talking to others in the area about collaborating some future projects.

- Stevan
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Old February 18th, 2006, 01:40 PM   #21
Inner Circle
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Originally Posted by Tony Cook
...I was wondering if anyone knows of some good classes or schooling programs in the area...
Northwest Film Center, as above.
Clackamas Community College.
Mt. Hood Community College.
Portland Community College - Video Internship Program at Sylvania.
Portland Community College - Multimedia Program at Cascade.
Pacific Northwest College of Art (PNCA), mostly graphics and multimedia.
Another private college who's name I'm forgetting...

I teach part-time at PCC-Cascade Multimedia, we have a couple classes in FCP, and a new video production 1 course. Many area pros came from the Mt. Hood program.
Seth Bloombaum is offline   Reply With Quote
Old February 19th, 2006, 12:44 AM   #22
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I'm also in Oregon--Corvallis. I directed the doc that Stevan mentioned in his post: Clear Cut: the Story of Philomath, Oregon. Thanks for coming out to see it Stevan! If anyone else is in the Portland area and wants to check it out (prepare for shameless plug) there will be an encore screening Sunday, January 26th. I'm going to try to make it for a Q&A afterwards, so if you are in the audience feel free to come up and introduce yourself and maybe we can all get a beer or something. DVinfo represent!

Peter Richardson is offline   Reply With Quote
Old February 27th, 2006, 01:24 PM   #23
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Hillsboro, OR
Posts: 3
Thanks guys

Stevan and Seth,

Thanks for the info. I looked at the link to the NW Film Center and that looks just like what I was thinking. I am also going to look into the Video Internship at Sylvania. I started that years ago when Non-linear first came out, but had to quit because it interfered with my job at the time.

I went by TVTV (Cable access) this last week as well. They have some production and editing basic classes I thought I might take just to get me started.

I am currently working on some training videos (For actual pay!) I learned a verry inportant lesson this week: No matter how basic the shoot seems, you must have a pre-production meeting before-hand. I will not make that mistake again.

Again, thanks for the info,

Tony Cook
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Old March 1st, 2006, 11:52 AM   #24
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Location: Eugene, Oregon
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I'm in Eugene. Hi! to all other Oregonians in the house.

I am a video/audio/DVD producer. This is what I do full time. I started out many moons ago in the event video world, but gravitated to corporate and industrial work, as well as music-related instructional tapes/discs and music concert projects. I shoot Beta SP as well as miniDV (the fabulous Canon XL-2). I also do field audio-for-video work, field audio recording (including up to 16-tracks of digital audio for bands, small ensembles, etc.), and record small groups or singer-songwriters in my space or theirs. I also do legal video and freelance DVD authoring (Sonic Scenarist and Adobe Encore).


Rob Neidig is offline   Reply With Quote
Old March 2nd, 2006, 04:44 PM   #25
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Talent, Oregon in the house

My Name is Matt Pugerude I live in the southern Oregon area in Talent it is right outside of Medford. I live on Corparte video but truely come alive with Doc's. I have been independent for the last 3 years and have not looked back. Even during the slow times which is really hard to do.

I plan on going to Clear Cut when it comes to Ashland for their festival.

Peter Do you plan on coming down to Ashland for the screening? If you do come down maybe we could go and get that beer you offered the Portland Folks. I am planning a Doc (still in preproduction) that I would like to take on the festiaval route as you have done. I would like to talk to you about the process and get any tips that could help me in that adventure.
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Old March 2nd, 2006, 06:29 PM   #26
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Peter - I actually saw Clearcut both at Sundance and in Portland; it was nice to see a sold-out show in Portland! As I work for HP a lot of my Corvallis co-workers followed the story closely in real-time, and have asked about any other upcoming screenings in Corvallis? Additionally, are you working on any other projects? Anyways, I loved Clearcut and everyone I talked with both at Sundance and in Portland after the show thought it was very well made.

If any other filmmakers in the Portland area want to talk about collaborating on any projects, I'm sort of on a sabatical and focusing much of my efforts on film stuffs. I've got a couple documentary projects in pre-pre-pre-production which I think would be shot in Canada (Vancouver), and I've just received a Letus35A 35mm adapter for my A1U and am working with some local writers on some short narrative scripts. Feel free to contact me if you'd like to be a part of any of this.

- Stevan
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Old March 2nd, 2006, 07:24 PM   #27
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yay oregon.

While we're all coming out... I'm also in Oregon/P-Town. I used to work for a casting company here in town and I've done a few random projects (mostly as producer) around town. I just bought a Z1U and about $15k worth of accessories and am moving back into video work. I'm currently in pre-production for a bi-monthly video series to tie in with an existing and successful business of mine which I am funding/producing myself. I'm currently setting up a green screen studio for this and other low budget productions. Mostly music videos, industrials, commercials and whatever I we can get. Also, since I'm a crusty bike-punk I'm co-directing/operating for a documentary about bike polo.

Originally Posted by Tom Cook
...I was wondering if anyone knows of some good classes or schooling programs in the area...
Tom, check out Portland Community Media (cable access). They give a quick, very inexpensive crash course in shooting dv (DSR-250s/PD-150s 2 years ago when I was there), 3-point lighting, sound and editing. After your "graduate" you can check out (literaly) tons of equipment for free as long as you show your media on PCA. It's a great resource.
Brilliant Champions | Gallery Hijinks
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Old March 5th, 2006, 11:27 AM   #28
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Posts: 35
Hi, everybody

I live in Oregon too. I am in Boring, but I work in Portland. I just recieved my HVX200 last week. I'm still waiting for the cards. I have a big project comming up. It's an independent feature.

By the way, If anyone is looking for a place in Oregon to buy cameras and gear, look no further than Proffessional Video and tape (www.provideoandtape.com) Located in tigard. They have a floor where you can play with the Xl-H1, HVX200, HD-100u, and just about every other camera out there under 30 grand.
Ryan Maes is offline   Reply With Quote
Old March 5th, 2006, 11:30 AM   #29
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Posts: 35
Originally Posted by Stevan Arychuk
Peter -

If any other filmmakers in the Portland area want to talk about collaborating on any projects, I'm sort of on a sabatical and focusing much of my efforts on film stuffs. I've got a couple documentary projects in pre-pre-pre-production which I think would be shot in Canada (Vancouver), and I've just received a Letus35A 35mm adapter for my A1U and am working with some local writers on some short narrative scripts. Feel free to contact me if you'd like to be a part of any of this.

- Stevan
I'm going to start working on some narrative film projects as well. I'm hoping to secure a home video distribution deal. Let's talk.
Ryan Maes is offline   Reply With Quote
Old March 7th, 2006, 12:42 PM   #30
Inner Circle
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Location: Portland, Oregon
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Well, I posted above but really didn't introduce myself.

I'm an old fart, and have made all the mistakes - so I don't have to make them again! Problem is, there are always new ones...

Jumped from broadcast to corporate video in 1980, continue to also do many live training events with HD projection and whatnot. Very active in webcasting for corporate. Sound is a profession as well as a hobby that's gotten way out of hand, sound reinforcement for large meetings and small concerts, multitrack recording and mixing...

Multimedia too. I'm having too much fun to grow up and steady down on any one thing.

Worked for a large agency in Portland for 16 years, now independant for 6.

I teach a couple courses in the Multimedia program at Portland Community College - Cascade Campus.

Still having fun and enjoying the challenges that come with finding business value in new media. At DVinfo I'm active in the sound, lighting, DVRack, and the two Vegas forums.

This year's projects will hopefully include 35mm adaptors, building an new PC optimized for HDV, and mastering the Macromedia Com/Breeze flash servers...
Seth Bloombaum is offline   Reply

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