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Old January 31st, 2009, 04:33 PM   #16
Major Player
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Lanark,Scotland
Posts: 736
Its getting to be quite a sizeable list with many different talents colin, maybe we should start a support system through this thread cause we all know how hard it is to get our films made.

all these like minded people....thats a lot of gear and ideas.

Actor: "where would that light be coming from?"
DP: "same place as the music" -Andrew Lesnie-
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Old January 31st, 2009, 05:27 PM   #17
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Glasgow, Scotland
Posts: 1,546
Originally Posted by Douglas R. Bruce View Post
Colin, can't see my name yet!
Kumamoto, Scotland....... or my old abode, St.Andrews, Scotland will be fine.
Och aye the noo:

Paul Black Scotland
Mark Boggis Glasgow Scotland
Alastair Brown Glasgow Scotland
Scott Brown Aberdeen Scotland
Douglas Bruce Kumamoto City Scotland (?!)
Rikki Bruce Glasgow Scotland
Stuart Burns Dundee Scotland
Alex Calderhead Cumbernauld Scotland
Mark Campbell Dundee,Scotland
David Carter Glasgow Scotland
Scott Cassie Peterhead Scotland
James Collinson Glasgow Scotland
Nicole Dolder Edinburgh Scotland
George Duncan Burghead Scotland
Christopher Dunne Edinburgh Scotland
John Estcourt Ayrshire Scotland
Steve Garvie Fife Scotland
Jef Goddard Perth Scotland
David Graham Glasgow Scotland
Andy Graham Lanark Scotland
Henry Gray Selkirk Scotland
Duncan Grieve Glasgow Scotland
Derek Grogan Larbert Scotland
Neil Grubb Roslin, Midlothian Scotland
Roddy Horsfall Glasgow Scotland
Kathleen Little Glasgow Scotland
James Lundy West Lothian Scotland
Peter Mackay Inverness Scotland
Scott MacKenzie Glasgow Scotland
Gary Masson Aberdeen Scotland
Colin McCaffery Aberdeenshire Scotland
Colin McDonald Glasgow Scotland
Allen McLaughlin Paisley Scotland
John McPaul Inverclyde Scotland
Stewart Menelaws Scotland
John Millar Scotland
David Miller Edinburgh Scotland
Ross Milligan Scotland
Tom Park Glasgow Scotland
Mat Pringle Stirling Scotland
Eric A. Robinson Edinburgh Scotland
Martin D. Smith Dundee Scotland
John Steele Glasgow Scotland
Jennie Stenhouse Glasgow Scotland
James Strange Glasgow
Martin Trotter Scotland
Lenny Warren Glasgow Scotland
Sandy Watt Glasgow Scotland
Ian Wright Edinburgh Scotland
Keith Yuill Scotland

(The above came off the Excel doc as tab separated, but the formatting looked awful in Preview. Sorry if it's hard to read with just spaces).

Andy - good idea. I have a Canon XH-A1 + access to a couple of HV-30s, with W/A adaptors for each, and some fairly basic support. Audio: Rode mics and some Senny wireless gear and a Zoom H2. I'm always looking for to broaden my experience on audio and video.

We could start a series of posts for helping each other out.

Last edited by Colin McDonald; February 1st, 2009 at 07:39 AM. Reason: More detail
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Old January 31st, 2009, 06:29 PM   #18
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Lanark,Scotland
Posts: 736
I have a toy for every occasion:) JVC hd100, canon xl1s, glidecam v8, sennheisser me66, tascam da-p1, 2kw genirator, full post production studio with apple g5 quadcore , final cut studio 5, HD projector with 12 foot screen , 24 track fire wire phonic helix board and a sound proof ADR booth. a few home brewed bits of kit like a 4' jib, 12'crane, a large track and dolly that can accommodate the crane and a 100m cable system, a 4x4 quad atv with trailer and steadicam mount. You can see them all at work in my shadow land promo thread.

Also have a decent stock of replica pistols , machine guns and army clothing

Only thing is most of your list probably don't know about this thread, maybe there is a way to cc it to everyone?
Actor: "where would that light be coming from?"
DP: "same place as the music" -Andrew Lesnie-

Last edited by Andy Graham; February 1st, 2009 at 05:32 AM.
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Old February 1st, 2009, 06:50 AM   #19
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Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Aberdeen, Scotland
Posts: 23
Hi to my fellow Scots!
I film weddings mostly, in and around the North East from Fraserburgh to Aberdeen. I film exclusively in HD. I have two other businesses that I run so my time is always precious but if I can be of assistance in any way to any of you Scots on here, simply get in touch.
Yours aye, Gary
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Old February 1st, 2009, 07:17 AM   #20
Join Date: May 2006
Location: scotland/uk
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Scottish Hello

Hi to all . I am listed but only as Scotland. Actual location is Inverness. I am not very active at the moment. I bought an XL2 in preparation for retirement but when the time came I needed to keep busy and so set up a wildlife webcam installation business which has been keeping me out of trouble for a year now. The intention is to combine this with use of Xl2. The footage I usually get with the webcams is of a nest or play area etc I would hope to fillin with some aerial footage etc from Xl2. I do check in to this forum most days and try to keep up to date with developments.
Besdt wishes to all.

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Old February 1st, 2009, 12:28 PM   #21
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Location: Scotland, Ayr www.amour
Posts: 305
Hi Guys,
Just a phone call away if spare hands ever needed.
2x canon xh-a1 and 3.5 mtr jib arm + audio equip (fostex fr2le + mics etc etc)
cheers john
john estcourt
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Old February 1st, 2009, 02:43 PM   #22
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Location: Glasgow. Scotland
Posts: 79
This could turn out to be a very useful post! Possibly even arrange a mini meet perhaps at some point in the future (as photography forums do).

Im based in Glasgow, got an HV20, wide angle lens for it, array of small lights (including DIY LED pack with gels), Steadicam JR, Rode Videomic, 2x Audio Technica AT35 etc

Do my editing on Sony Vegas Pro 8 with Magic Bullet and various other plugins tho mainly the Sony filters. Edit station is a quad core Intel Q6600 overclocked to 3.4GHz per core and with 4GB of RAM and 2.5TB of storage online.

I run the Strathycruise - The Scottish Modified Car & Cruise Scene Online website, do video work for clubs, events, car shows and various other stuff : YouTube - Strathycruise's Channel for some of my latest stuff and also

Always learning, always yearning for better gear. Was thinking of the A1 next but am doing ok with the HV20 (tho wish for better low light) so will see what comes of Scarlet when it ships "maybe" this year, or see if Canon or someone else comes out with something thats good and a worthy upgrade for the 20.

/essay :D
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Old February 6th, 2009, 08:25 AM   #23
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Edinburgh, Scotland
Posts: 2
Hi there.

I stumbled across here so thought I would add myself to the list.

My day job is a camera assistant for commercials/features and operator ( occasionaly dop) for corporates/TV/documentary.

Looking for directors with interesting ideas to collaborate with as a dop on shorts and music videos.

My philosophy about camerawork is for the story to take priority then work with the director to create a feel for the film using light. I've an impressionistic ideology towards the camera and think mood is far more important than getting caught up in technicalities. I've learned that if something looks good then go with it rather than relying on a vectorscope to tell you it's 'correct'.

I've been lucky to work and train with some great DPs - Peter Deming (David Lynch's cameraman, Kathy Rain Li (Christopher Doyle's DP), Tony Imi, Robbie Ryan and lot's of others who I respect and have learned lots from.

Kit-wise I don't have that much - I have a Z1 (which I bought from James), some redheads, a blonde, a Bolex 16mm and other bits and bobs. I generally rent or borrow.

I've used pretty much most formats - 35mm, S16, HDCAM, RED, Genesis, Viper, HDV etc.

I'm really here just to see if there is anyone who wants to work on anything unusual and interesting. I'm always looking to get more dop experience and learn.

I've got a showreel here:

Cinematography SHowreel on Vimeo

and can be contacted here:

Grant McPhee | Camera assistant and operator Scotland

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Old February 6th, 2009, 08:45 AM   #24
Major Player
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Lanark,Scotland
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Hi Grant and welcome, i had a look through your cv....very impressive, i loved the jacket, i take it you got to meet adrian brody and keira knightley?

Just curious how you got into that kind of work? i've tried my best but just couldn't find anything.

Actor: "where would that light be coming from?"
DP: "same place as the music" -Andrew Lesnie-
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Old February 6th, 2009, 09:35 AM   #25
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Edinburgh, Scotland
Posts: 2
Thanks for the welcome Andy!

Yeh, I did get to meet them. Keira was nice.

I found that I just had to persevere. I didn't really get much work for a few years and had to keep plugging away. Eventually I started to get enough work and meet people who knew about other jobs happening. Just building up a few contacts. Still very difficult and uncertain and still a long way to go. Very quiet at the moment.

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Old February 6th, 2009, 11:48 AM   #26
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Hi, Grant. I can't edit the list posted above any more, but you are added on my main copy.
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Old February 8th, 2009, 03:46 PM   #27
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Location: Edinburgh, Scotland
Posts: 82

Hi I am based in Edinburgh and am doing a range of work including docs, corporate and some education work. I have just upgraded from Xl2 to EX3 with all the regular audio, lights and other kit one needs. I edit using FCP and have put together a full HD edit suit with a view to hooking the EX3 via its SDI output to some flash recording device once the prices become a bit more affordable, or at least that's the plan.
I recently did a masters at Edinburgh College of Art in Directing which was fun. In fact you may want to watch out for the master classes held there around once a month, where they bring in a director, producer or the like to speak about their work.

Latest events and key dates

If any one is ever looking for a hand, an extra cam, an editor, please get in touch.
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Old February 12th, 2009, 04:55 AM   #28
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great idea!

Hi folks, I work mostly doing educational/public sector DVDs/fine art photography but this year I plan to break out and do much more of my own stuff. Always looking for new challenges and to learn new things! definitely up for collaborating with folk and sharing experiences and equipment. I am based in Glasgow but happy to travel too! Got myself a lovely ex1, lights, audio stuff, nikon lenses and a letus ultimate should be on it's way to me in the next couple of days! I'm looking to test out a canon 5D mkii to see if it's worth saving up for (I like the idea of it being so portable, where the ultimate won't be). let's all get scotland buzzing!
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Old February 24th, 2009, 05:23 PM   #29
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Edinburgh Steadicam Workshop

Tuesday, March 10 – 10.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.
Holiday Inn, 107 Queensway Road, Edinburgh, EH4 3HL


Anyone thinking of going?
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Old March 6th, 2009, 04:02 PM   #30
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No-one for Tiffen?

Originally Posted by Colin McDonald View Post
Edinburgh Steadicam Workshop Tuesday, March 10 – 10.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.
...Anyone thinking of going?
Make that a "no" - it's been cancelled.
Probably just as well - I might have bought a Merlin.
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