Strong, sharp colors, rnb video feel on a budget? at
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Old June 11th, 2007, 06:25 AM   #1
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Strong, sharp colors, rnb video feel on a budget?


Im fairly new to video production but i have not seen an answer to one questio i have.
I know about DOF and 24p being some of the keys to the film look effect. I use Vegas with Magic Bullet with nice effects that give my DV footage kind of a 16mm film look. I love it.

Now, ive been wondering about another level of the film look being the color, smoothness aspect of high end 35mm music video productions.

Of course im aware that those music videos are done on highly sophisticated cameras and expensive postproduction programs. Ive been wondering though if one can come close to recreating the detail and colors of the videos im talkig about workig with HD/HDV.

Even HDV footage is fairly sharp with nice color reproduction. It should be possible to take out and adjust certain colors to make them more "live" and glamourous. The makeup and lighting aspect seems to be important factor but this requires more knowledge/experience than actual budget and equipment.

I dont own HDV camer yet nd im buying simple hc1 in near future.

Any ideas on how to try to approach it from software like Vegas or Premiere (preferably Vegas)
I attached some screencaps from music videos for reference. I hope imgeshack is okay here.
Please look at the reds, browns - incredible.
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Old June 15th, 2007, 07:21 PM   #2
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Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Niagara, Ontario
Posts: 141
does the hc1 do true 24P?

my suggestion would be to get an HD Camera that shoots 24p. You'll have no problem using your software to give the footage a nice authentic look. Add a little grain, desaturate the colours, give the picture a warmer tone.

The only thing you will be missing is depth of field. If you can zoom in on your shots, you'll have a true film look with your footage.
Jay Cowley is offline   Reply

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