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Old January 30th, 2007, 05:33 PM   #16
Join Date: Oct 2003
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You can check out this trailer for a feature length film I know was shot with the VX2000 using both modes as I have described.

Click on "trailer"
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Old January 31st, 2007, 05:08 AM   #17
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In the opening scene of that trailer there are some obvious pulldown artefacts (look at the pans across the bead curtain in the opening shots). But as this is a WMV i can't tell if that's a result of 24p footage being forced into 30 fps or vise versa. Anyway - it is indicative of what you would get if you wanted to change 30p into 24p.

If you want 24p then DO NOT shoot in the flash mode - shoot with 60i and then use DVfilm Maker. It's a bad idea to mix modes. BTW the flash mode drops a field, so you do get a resolution drop and jaggy edges on diagonal lines if distributing at full res'.

edit: OK - got it - it's 30fps.
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Old January 31st, 2007, 06:31 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by Dylan Pank
In the opening scene of that trailer there are some obvious pulldown artefacts (look at the pans across the bead curtain in the opening shots). But as this is a WMV i can't tell if that's a result of 24p footage being forced into 30 fps or vise versa. Anyway - it is indicative of what you would get if you wanted to change 30p into 24p.
I've seen the original rough cut on DVD and there is no artifacting like there is in the trailer. We speculated it was something to do with the conversion to WMV but never figured it out.

Originally Posted by Dylan Pank
If you want 24p then DO NOT shoot in the flash mode - shoot with 60i and then use DVfilm Maker. It's a bad idea to mix modes. BTW the flash mode drops a field, so you do get a resolution drop and jaggy edges on diagonal lines if distributing at full res'.

edit: OK - got it - it's 30fps.
Yes if possible avoid it if you can. But if shooting a feature for a duration of 30 days sooner or later someone is going to forget to turn the flash mode on or off. My point was more to say that visually there was very little difference between the flash mode and DVFilm'ed footage. Believe me, I was surprised too! Maybe once someone can post some sample footage the results will be more conclusive. I have not seen many jaggies on flash footage - I wonder if my friend had some other tricks up his sleeve?

I guess the sure way is to try it yourself and compare. I just remember being VERY suprised at the results.

Cheers all!
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Old January 31st, 2007, 02:45 PM   #19
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hey guys, just wanted to let you know i shot a couple clips with this flash mode on so you could see what it looks like. the only thing is i dont know where the best place is to upload it in it's raw form. i dont want to have to compress it too much, but i'll go see about putting it on youtube for now until you guys can give me some other options.

i'll post the link on here soon.
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Old January 31st, 2007, 02:52 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Bryan Wilkat
the only thing is i dont know where the best place is to upload it in it's raw form. will host your footage.
Robert M Yannetta, Loud Orange Cat Productions
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Old January 31st, 2007, 03:21 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Rob Yannetta will host your footage.
i got as far as uploading the file when i found out that being a mac user i'd have to go download an ftp client to upload, i dont like having to put new programs on here, i like to keep my computer running on the essentials.

anyways, i did however upload the file on yousendit. if you dont already have one, you'll need to create an account to download the file but it only takes a second to do so and it's handy to have.

here's the link:

it's only two shots, the first one is intentionally jerky because i wanted to show how the footage holds up when you move around fast. the second shot is slower and it's to show how the lines don't pixelate. they do however look blurred, but if you step your marker along the timeline frame by frame you can see that the blurriness is just an illusion.

overall this setting has a very nice effect, it sort of makes me think of 28 days later, when the zombies are running and it's all fast..
i'd like to see if other people had similar results, put it up when you get a chance.
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Old January 31st, 2007, 07:00 PM   #22
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This clip has the flash on first, then flash off, second:

Looks to me like resolution is off, as reported, but you be the judge. Right click, save target, please !!
Chris J. Barcellos
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Old January 31st, 2007, 07:28 PM   #23
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Yes I see the subtle jaggies on the flash mode clip. Pretty odd indeed.

Here's the entire clip again but now run through DVfilm Maker. The file is still 29.97fps but is simulated to look like 24p footage transferred to 29.97fps.

Only remember the first portion of the clip is "flash" mode and the second part is regular 60i. Funny that after running both clips through DVfilm the jaggies from the flash clip actually diminish quite substantially?! This must be what my friend did and why I didn't think flash mode created jaggies so obvious.

Strange indeed. I would just suggest you shoot 60i to be safe and process it through Magic Bullet or DV Film Maker.
( please right click and save target as )
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