Ideal action sports look? at
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Old October 27th, 2006, 06:08 PM   #1
Inner Circle
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: San Jose, CA
Posts: 2,222
Ideal action sports look?


I'm posting this in the "film look" forum because I've read a lot of expert posts on how to get away from the look of video. My interest is in acheiving a better look for action sports that enhances real life.

I'm looking for a better look for action sports, specifically indoor martial arts. Recently, I tried a higher shutter speed of 1/250. Instead of the usual comments "Those guys are slow" and my usual rebuttals "It's not their first match. They're tired" and "Motion looks slowed on the TV because it's not as big as real life", I'm starting to understand the 60i motion blur is the likely culprit. The 1/250 action was stuttery, but many commented that all the players were really fast. This was shot on a Sony Z1U.

On the other hand, I received a lot of comments (captivating, creepy) on the look of martial arts action footage shot on a 320x240 15p Canon S40 camera years ago.

So, what's ideal for action sports ? 60i or 60p and a shutter speed of 1/120 .. 1/250 ? What do you use and where should the industry go ?
Gints Klimanis is offline   Reply

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