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Techniques for Independent Production
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Old May 15th, 2006, 12:17 AM   #1
New Boot
Join Date: May 2005
Location: Cambridge, England
Posts: 15
Filming Techniques (Sport)

I'm going to be involved in a production sometime in the near future that deals with the sport of Field Hockey, something I haven't been able to find any film with it in. THe entire thing is a indie project being shot on MiniDV
I'm trying to come up with cost effective ways to shoot games.

One suggestion is to have a miniDV cam mounted on a players shoulder, so we get the 'just above the shoulder' angle, and im currently trying to find the best way to mount a miniDV safely on the shoulder of an individual who would have to run with it (and not shake it too much).

I was of course, wondering what the best way to shoot other sequences (like having the camera follow a player running with the ball) is, without actually having a budget big enough to buy/rent equiptment and any 'indie' suggestions on how to shoot sport
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Old May 19th, 2006, 04:05 PM   #2
Join Date: May 2005
Location: Saint Cloud, Florida
Posts: 1,043
I covered a brief corporate football season at a large company last year. They actually allowed me on the field, as long as I didn't interfere with the plays or the players. It was nice, I even got right into the huddles and picked up on dialog and plays. I got some really good shots as opposed to only being in endzones and sidelines. They were quite happy.
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