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Old December 7th, 2005, 10:58 AM   #46
New Boot
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Rick, really appreciate the step by step, thanks, but my fixation with the slider is neccessary for my purpose. See, I absolutely need to control the slowmo in a sorta frame by frame mode but I also need speed control with my hands, I really don't know how to put this into words. I will only be using this for sports and for sports purposes, especially Football, I will need to see slomo run at different speeds and sometimes "consecutively". I have tried using hotkeys for this with certain applications that don't have sliders or jogwheels but there is NOTHING that gives you the control like either a slider or Jogwheel so unless I can import and view the modified file in WMP, Quicktime or any other application that has either a slider or Jogwheel interface, this will be pointless I'm afraid. What all of this means is, if I were to be sitting "watching" a video file then this would work to watch it in slomo but for my purpose I need to manipulate every frame of the clip.

So this brings me back to my previous suggestion, can I modify the video and then import into another player with a slider?
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Old December 7th, 2005, 11:42 AM   #47
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Originally Posted by Mike Henderson
See, I absolutely need to control the slowmo in a sorta frame by frame mode but I also need speed control with my hands, I really don't know how to put this into words.
So it's the video "playing" functions you're after then I take it. This whole topic has been about rendering a full speed movie file "permanently" to slow motion which is not what you want.

Hmmm... as you said, a set top DVD player should provide what you want (some will even advance frame by frame) but I'm not familiar with a PC player that does this off the top of my head (specifically, the frame-by-frame feature). But I'm sure there's something out there.

Do you use a video editor? Why not try that?
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Old December 7th, 2005, 12:07 PM   #48
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I am so sorry for leading all of you down the wrong path here, I heartily apologize! I am looking for slomo functions which is why I posted here. I have a remote for my Canon Digicam and can advance frame by frame when I connect it to my TV but the slow motion controls on a handheld remote does not work like pc software unless you're using $30,000 NFL equipment I guess.

So it is not the frame by frame itself that I am after, it is the way I can manipulate the slomo using a mouse/jogwheel and pc software that I am seeking. There are only 2 main softwares that I have tried that does this, Pinnacle LE6 and that Rugby video with the quicktime player. LE6 is waaaayy out of my budget [$600] which is why I am looking into the Rugby video setup hoping it will be a lot cheaper.

Hope the above explains things better this time. I don't really know what a Video "editor" is/does but I am glad you mentioned it, I will start looking into it, if you have any more ideas, please post, also if you have a links to a good video editor, that will be very helpful, thanks.
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Old December 7th, 2005, 04:13 PM   #49
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I don't really know what a Video "editor" is/does
It's something you've already tried (Pinnacle Liquid Edition 6). These editors are also referred to as NLE's (Non-linear-Editors).

LE6 sounds like it's overkill for what you need. Have you looked at Windows Movie Maker? It's free and probably on your hard drive right now. (Not sure if it does slo mo though). It won't burn a final DVD but it can generate an AVI.

Or I'd suggest checking into some of the sub $100 editors out there like Vegas Movie Studio, Power Director, Ulead Video Studio, etc.

The all can work on video at the "frame" level. Just make sure it has the ability to adjust the speed as well. (I believe they all do - just make sure).
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Old December 7th, 2005, 04:23 PM   #50
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I had tried Ulead a while back, too choppy, will give the other 2 a try, thanks.
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Old December 7th, 2005, 06:11 PM   #51
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Well, tried the other 2 Rick, doesn't do it, I think I may have now tried every software there is for this and this still leads me back to either LE6 or Dynapel, just wish the Tech from Dynapel would contact me already so I can know what the deal is!
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Old December 8th, 2005, 04:59 AM   #52
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Finally I got a reply from the Dynapel Tech, here is his reply:

I think there is some misunderstanding of the capabilities of
SlowMotion takes an AVI file and interpolates some images inbetween the
existing to achieve a FIXED speed Slow motion.
So, afterwards you have a file with a specific Slow motion across the
whole file.
Any variable speed SlowMotion you created by taking the slider of the
MediaPlayer has nothing to do with SlowMotion but just the
MediaPlayer itself.
You will need for this to do a low key frame rate (or use the DV mode).
Also you will not be able to record this again into a file.
So, try this:
Highest SloMo factor
DV mode (or high key frame rate)

If the SloMo factor is still too low, you should try MotionPerfect
(demo first),
which can achieve arbitrary and higher SlowMo factors.

So you guys were right on the money here, I still think I will need to modify the video and then import into another player with a slider? What do you guys make of this please?
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Old December 8th, 2005, 04:32 PM   #53
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Best i seen so far

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Old December 8th, 2005, 11:12 PM   #54
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Are the flickering black splotches supposed to be there cuz its a demo?

I have some black splotches on my demo when I create slo mo footage. Also, has anyone tried 24P footage at slo mo or is that a bad idea? 60i only perhaps?
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Old December 9th, 2005, 12:00 PM   #55
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James I work with 30P and have had no problem, I don't see why 24P would be a problem (MotionPerfect retains original codec of the file). The black splotches must be a demo thing or some technical issue with you, I've never encountered them.

Mike, I still don't understand how you plan to use the "slider" to your benefit...are you playing with the slider just to see the video at whatever speed you want as you watch it, or do you actually want to record your "slide playing" onto a video? If you actually want to record the video as you move the slider, the only way you can do this is by literally pointing a camera at your computer screen.

If you're using the slider to simply watch the footage, Maybe use MotionPerfect to keep the speed at 100% but to interpolate it at like 100fps so it's decently "slo-moed" at whatever variable speed you play it at. That will take a while to render though.
Ben Winter is offline   Reply With Quote
Old December 9th, 2005, 01:53 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by Ben Winter
are you playing with the slider just to see the video at whatever speed you want as you watch it,
If you're using the slider to simply watch the footage, Maybe use MotionPerfect to keep the speed at 100% but to interpolate it at like 100fps so it's decently "slo-moed" at whatever variable speed you play it at. That will take a while to render though.
Bingo!! That's it Ben. I simply wish to watch the video clips at whatever speed I want as I am watching it and I am able to do this by controlling the slider with the mouse in Both the Rugby video and LE6. My video clips are only a few "seconds" long, if you guys are familiar with American Football, you will know that each "play" is only seconds long and this is what I need, to review each play but in slomo. What this means is that I can easily modify each play or clip as it's only a few seconds timewise and that is the way I record into my pc, meaning, let's say I record my son's entire game so I'll have maybe 10 minutes of actual footage, I will record each play "individually" into my pc so that's why my video files or clips are so short.

I still haven't gotten an answer to my question as far as I can tell which is, can I modify or slow down each clip and then import them into any player that has a slider like Quicktime or Windows Media Player? If so, how can I do this? Thanks for putting into words Ben what I have been trying to do but couldn't.
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Old December 10th, 2005, 01:38 AM   #57
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Getting rid of that "morphy" outline on the slow motion software

It looks great. It just has this morphy like outline around things that are in heavy motion. Is there a trick to avoid this. Maybe little motion in shots to be used for the slow motion software?
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