Sample or template for option or rights purchase on a written work for adaptation at
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Old October 4th, 2010, 06:04 AM   #1
Major Player
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Sample or template for option or rights purchase on a written work for adaptation

This may be a silly question but....

Years ago I optioned a novel for adaptation into a film but never got the film up. What I did do though was spend a few thousand dollars (yes three zeros) on legal fees for my lawyer to go back and forth between me and the publisher to write up the paperwork for the option. The option actually cost money too.

I'm now looking at purchasing the rights to another written work and since this is going to be the start of what I expect to be a many year project to get the film made I don't particularly want to spend thousands of dollars on the paperwork. Since it wasn't that complicated in the first place. If I could find the original stuff (it was over 16 years ago :)) I'd probably just re-work it but I can't find it.

Is there someone who has a template for such a thing? I can find sample release forms for talent, samples for most crew and cast agreements so I was wondering if there's such a thing available for a script adaptation.
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