Maintaining FRAME mode on Sony VX1000 with footage shot in XL1 at
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Old October 24th, 2002, 11:19 AM   #1
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Maintaining FRAME mode on Sony VX1000 with footage shot in XL1

Hi folks

I shoot exclusively in FRAME mode on my trusty ole XL1 since day one and have never looked back.

I shot some footage of a stage play over the last weekend (my left thumb had a real workout while I tried to manually compensate for the ever changing lighting conditions on the stage (Forget the Spotlight mode!!!)). My friend shot the same play using the Sony VX1000.

Anyways, I gave my tape to my friend who will use his Sony to Scan and Capture using the Matrox Medial Tool. Adobe Premiere 6.0 (P4 system) will be used to edit the footage. The question is will the FRAME mode of the footage be maintained when he later exports the timeline back to his Sony?

Here is the reason why he wanted my tape. When he saw the footage shot in "FRAME" mode versus the footage he shot on his Sony on his big home projection system, he was blown away!! I was also somewhat impressed as I've never seen any FRAME footage on a 57" Toshiba Widescreen before.

Watching his footage (both cameras were on tripods and we consider ourselves good operators) the look was typical of any "News" look where it's just too plastic. His shots were well composed, etc. Images were sharp and color was clean. But still, when you look at the footage, you knew it was shot using a "video" camera. Viewing the "FRAME" footage was a different experience. It's not video and it's not film. It's somewhere in between.

Hey if it works for you ...

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Old October 24th, 2002, 01:39 PM   #2
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Since technically Frame Mode still consists of 2 fields (they were just sampled at the same point in time), Premiere won't alter the footage. As a matter of fact, he could easily process the footage of the Sony to create images similar to Frame Movie mode by de-interlacing. Separate the fields of the clips by selecting the clips in the timeline then go to the menu clip>video options>field options and set to ALWAYS separate fields.

Render with field render to OFF in the export settings. Now the Sony footage will look a bit more like Frame Movie mode.

If you want higher quality de-interlacing you might need to look into software like After Effects.

But rest assured, your own footage won't all of a sudden start to look like the Sony when recorded from or back to the Sony :-)

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Old October 24th, 2002, 04:17 PM   #3
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ReelSMart "Fields Kit" de-interacing plug-in

This is useful too:
DONALD BERUBE - noisybrain. Productions, LLC
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Old October 24th, 2002, 08:21 PM   #4
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frame mode

if you can de interlace in after effects whats the point of shooitng in frame mode in the first place?

does de interlacing satandard video footage give a different look to frame mode?
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Old October 24th, 2002, 08:25 PM   #5
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Woody, I'm guessing by shooting in frame mode you can see what it will look like then and there. See the strobing etc, and if something looks naff then you may be able to reshoot it.
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Old October 24th, 2002, 08:42 PM   #6
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Having read a few more posts on interlace topics, i realise the answer to my question is really a question of taste!
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Old November 25th, 2002, 05:04 AM   #7
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How do I get the best quality de-interlace for my premiere project?
The Always de-interlace (video options->field settings) in premiere looks bad. The fieldskit for After Effects is very good, but then there's one other alternative: Using the sony cameras digital effect-> flash (set to 1)

What solution will give me the highest quality picture?
1. Export the timeline to one file and open it in After Effects and de-interlace using the fieldskit from Reelsmart.

2. Using Premiere's Always de-interlace (video options-field setting)

3. Export the project to a tape and capture it or firewire to another camera using the flash effect?

By the way, is there a way to de-interlace a clip in After Effects without using Reelsmart's fieldskit? And is After Effects de-interlace good?
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Old November 25th, 2002, 11:50 AM   #8
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and the winner is,,,

#1. Export the timeline to one file and open it in After Effects and de-interlace using the ReelSmart "Fields Kit" de-interacing plug-in
DONALD BERUBE - noisybrain. Productions, LLC
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