Filming/Editing for an 11'x26' Movie Screen at
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Old March 7th, 2008, 11:27 PM   #1
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Filming/Editing for an 11'x26' Movie Screen

My wife and I are fulltime wedding videographers challenged to produce a trailer advertisement for a local movie theater. My overdeveloped sense of adventure got me into this; now I'm wondering how I need to set up Final Cut Pro.

I'm hoping to use existing footage from my FX1s, thought they are 16x9 HDV. I can crop in without doing too much framing damage, but I don't want to lose detail. The theater would play the trailer via projector from a Toshiba HD DVD player.

I could always go 16x9, but would love to take advantage of the extra Real Estate on the sides! Thoughts?
Weddings | Corporate | HMC150s | FCPX | Encore | Lion
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