film look --- what about frame jitter!? at
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Old June 30th, 2003, 02:29 PM   #1
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film look --- what about frame jitter!?

i hadn't really thought of this before but all film projection even telecine is a mechanical process...

which means there is always some frame jitter

i have checked a few films from my DVD collection and yep frame jitter is always present with just maybe an amplitude of a few pixels or so, whereas video is pretty much rock solid if shot properly

i wonder whether this has some psychological perception effect on film look?

a bit like flutter (and 33.3 rpm harmonics) makes vinyl sound better than CD audio???
John Jay

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Old June 30th, 2003, 02:37 PM   #2
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Sure, it effects perception, but I disagree that flutter makes audio perceptually more pleasing. Just the opposite. Nice steady video, with pixel-for-pixel interframe registration, while not looking "like film," is no less soothing on the eyes.
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Robert K S

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Old June 30th, 2003, 03:35 PM   #3
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Better? Pleasing? Is this not a matter of perception?

Flutter makes audio sound less digital, or clinical if you wanted to be harsh. Whether this is better/worse depends on where you come from. Personally, having my musical awareness in the late 70s / early 80s, there's something 'wrong' about CD.

Similarly, video looks 'clinical' compared to film. Perhaps jitter is just one of those contributing factors.
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Old July 2nd, 2003, 04:54 AM   #4
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The motion picture industry is spending $$$$$$$$$$ on getting rid of frame jitter. Don't spend $ on trying to get it back. Strong visuals has nothing to do with faulty technology.
Martin Munthe
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Old July 2nd, 2003, 05:14 AM   #5
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It's not a question of faulty technology, but the feel that you get from a presentation. Perhaps some jitter makes the end product look less like it's been created by machine and lends a more human touch?
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Old July 2nd, 2003, 06:22 PM   #6
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to contain jitter to less than 1/10th of a pixel on a telecine to DVD would mean the filmguide would have to be accurate to 0.005mm

even if this were possible machine wear and tear would quickly degrade the accuracy

Now i dont know for certain whether jitter has a contribution to film look but when we watch movies at the cinema or on DVD jitter is always present. I just wonder whether anyone has considered this in modelling film look from video.

I am busy at the moment but I intend to motion track some film footage to try and get a jitter signature which can be applied to video footage in say after effects and see for myself whether it has an effect on the feel in addition to magic bullet etc.

the level of jitter (1 pixel) i am speaking of could be contained in a 9 pixel array with the target steady motion in the centre most pixel - the point being it is very subtle

On another note - I have just finished watching the David Cronenburg short 'Camera' made in 2000

try to see this if you can, in the last thirty seconds something magic happens which for me is pure film look
John Jay

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Old July 3rd, 2003, 02:16 AM   #7
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The original "Filmlook" process had a jitter component that could be switched on or off in various steps. I used it on a music video about 10 years ago but wasn't sure it made much of a difference on that project because it was quick cut and the camera was always moving. I think for projects that feature more leisurely pacing and locked-off frames (like vistas), there could be a perceptual difference. However I think I would place this pretty far down the list of visual/pyschological cues that replicate a cinematic look on video.
Charles Papert
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Old July 3rd, 2003, 03:16 AM   #8
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Conjecturing here, but I'd guess that radiance wow (subtle low frequency interframe exposure difference) is as big an "it's film!" perceptual cue than spatial registration jitter. Wonder if Magic Bullet has this as an option.
All the best,
Robert K S

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Old July 6th, 2003, 05:34 AM   #9
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1. Adding a "weave" or "jitter" like you do in Digiffects Cinelook only makes the image go unsharp. Doing it digitally means the software has to recalculate the pixelgrid and that always results in loss of sharpness. The way Cinelook did (and does) it looks terrible.

2. Jitter in 35mm projection is one of the few things that really bother me with the format. I've never, ever viewed it as a "bonus" that comes with film. I used to complain a lot to distributors whe they released quick prints tha had weave from the actual print process oan not the projection. I understand distributors liike to save a few buck but sometimes it's horrible. In a theatre I like focus, enough light coming through a projector and a rock solid image. It's one of the resaons I love seeing 70mm projections from 65mm footage. In a good projection on 70mm the jitter is gone. I still percieve 70mm as film so the jitter can't have anything to do with it.

Take a look at the Contact DVD (shot on 65mm). It's FILM as far as you can take it qualitywise (not artistically). It has no weave whatsoever.

If jitter is the thing putting a vibrator under the television set might be the solution ;)
Martin Munthe
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Old July 6th, 2003, 09:17 PM   #10
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Forget the "film" look. Film has its faults that it tries to overcome -- low frame rate, jitter. If you can shoot video without jitter and with higher frame rate than 24, go for it. DOF, camera movements, lighting, etc. has a lot more to do with artistic look, that is often refered to as film look than anything else.
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