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Old June 22nd, 2007, 07:57 AM   #961
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Originally Posted by Bill Zens View Post
Beer counts as money in Portland...
Now that's funny!
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Old June 24th, 2007, 11:07 PM   #962
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Wow, i can not believe i did not find this thread earlier... These people are literally the lowest of the low, absolute sleezballs. It is so disgusting I don't even know what to say.

Bring your own extremely expensive equipment and talent, so that I can make more money... and you may get paid less than minimum wage, if I feel like it.

What a world!
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Old June 27th, 2007, 08:35 AM   #963
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Nothing special here

"camara man needed July 7th with his own camera high def
Reply to: lionheart_film@yahoo.com
Date: 2007-06-27, 8:31AM CDT

looking for a second camera man with his own camera to help me shoot a weding
I'am looking for somone with his own high def camera
the shoot on sat july 7 from 5pm to little pass midnight maybe 12:30 AM
the pay is $12:50 an hour if intersted please call me at 832-866-2032
more job and better pay will be avilable later thank you

* Location: Houston
* Compensation: $12:50 an hour about 7 hour
* This is a part-time job.
* OK for recruiters to contact this job poster.
* Phone calls about this job are ok.
* Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests."
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Old June 28th, 2007, 08:37 AM   #964
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The people on Craigslist NYC are on a rampage flagging all the work for free posts. Great News!

Josh, I think a large part of the issue such as HDV camera people working for $12.50/hr has to do as much with people who are brain dead when it comes to economics as much as greed and exploitation.

I'd usually respond to a post like that with my rate and reason why. Cost of gear, maintenance, car used to go to the shoot.

The problem is that often the people accepting that work are also brain dead economically and thus, the two meet.

Working for low pay does NOT yield higher paying work but I don't need to explain that on this list.
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Old June 28th, 2007, 09:49 AM   #965
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The NYC'ers, from what I've seen, really just want the free posts put in another section, as opposed to abolishing them all together. I only browse the crew page, and apparently folks over there think free stuff should have its own section.
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Old June 28th, 2007, 01:46 PM   #966
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"camera people working for $12.50/hr has to do as much with people who are brain dead when it comes to economics as much as greed and exploitation.. "

i think one has to look at the other side .. the job is in Houston area ..
what the min wage in Texas ? i know persons who are school teachers in Dallas and during the summer they take jobs at 6.50hr .. there isn't overtime pay after 8hr in TX like CA ...

many here are beyond the 12.50 wage BUT it is $100 for 8 hrs ..it's above min wage so how is it greed ?
for those of you that have hired a video person for your wedding - how much did you pay ? you found somebody within your budget ... that could be anywhere from 300-10,000 ... somebody getting paid 500 should they hire a camerapersons at ? 500 day ? ... the whole structure of any busness is MARK UP and you need to make a profit to saty in business ..

can somebody say $X is the RATE that nobody should work under ? ..
the min rate is min wage ..seems persons paying under min wage are the one's exploiting ??
how many here have worked for FREE on a project for a day ?- why wasn't that explotation?

everybody's exploitation standard is different - all depends where you are on the ladder - if you're at the bottom then 12.50 dosen't look too bad ... if you're up a few steps 100 day is exploitation ... it's the same where ever you are on the ladder .. i get offers for 1500 day ( no equipment ) for commercials - IMO they are cheap - the going rate is 2500min .. then there are those that try to wiggle you at 2000 day or 2200 ... many would be very happy to make 1500 day and probably think anybody complaining about it must be brain dead too!!! so from my step on the ladder anybody working under 2500 day is being exploited !!!

the pay for a camerapersons seems to range from ZERO to 50k a day ... any job/wage that one finds out rages, exploited etc then it's not the job for you .

back in the 80-90's it was places like roger corman , cannon films etc - these were production lines making movies .. you had to wait in a LONG line for the opportunity to be exploited .. these jobs were where one learned their skills ..when you didn't like the wage you moved on to the next place ..

IMO if you want to see some low rates - just keep an eye on the street when 3000-4000 REDS are let loose ....
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Old June 28th, 2007, 02:46 PM   #967
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Sorry, but unless you're knowingly undercharging to gain clients or something, there's no excuse for $12.50 an hour WITH YOUR OWN HD GEAR. I'm still way cheap to the point that I'm sure if I disclosed my rates here some of you would poo on my head, but I'm not THAT cheap.
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Old June 28th, 2007, 02:50 PM   #968
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Originally Posted by Don Donatello View Post
back in the 80-90's it was places like roger corman , cannon films etc - these were production lines making movies .. you had to wait in a LONG line for the opportunity to be exploited ..
WORD to the max, Mr. Donatello.

I appreciate what everyone is saying, of course. I see those craigslist posts and you gotta wonder what at some of them. But at the same time, a very competitive industry + lots of people who want in = lowered wages.

I suddenly feel like my Dad - Every day he went to school, walking 50 miles, through 10 feet of snow, and it was uphill - both ways! And back then, you liked it!
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Old June 28th, 2007, 03:13 PM   #969
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This thread has been going for nearly three years, and it could probably go on forever, but I'm not sure that it's accomplishing anything. Hopefully we've got better things to do than to gripe about clueless ads on Craigslist. In that light, I think it's about time that we wound this thing down. Expect closure not long from now when it reaches 1,000 posts. Thanks in advance,

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Old June 28th, 2007, 08:24 PM   #970
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How's this for looney tunes! Drive from NY to Ohio to shoot through the weekend and drive back. All for $100. Sheesh why not hire a local kid and it's even too low for that!

DV CAMERA MAN needed for PRO FOOTBALL CAMP in OHIO this weekend! (Chelsea)

Reply to: Info@podcastGO.com
Date: 2007-06-28, 1:30PM EDT

We are in need of 1 camera guy for Friday - sunday to shoot with our current cameraman in Ohio. We will pay for trip hotel and give you small pay. I need a Hustler, good, hard working, camera man. We supply all equipment

Requirments are as follows:
1) needs to be honest and working knowledge of DV camera HVX200 Panasonic a PLUS
2) Valid Drivers Lic and full knowledge of Stick Shift Toyota land Cruiser (which is our production truck)
3) Ready to drive to Toledo Ohio to shoot Pro Foot Ball players at kids day Camp
leaving on Friday shooting Saturday and coming back Sunday
If you are interested please send your resume with phone number to us ASAP. The Camp is this weekend so I need someone fast.
Thank you

it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
Compensation: 100 dollars
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Old June 28th, 2007, 08:30 PM   #971
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Don't Close Thread Please!

Chirs, I really think newbies learn from this thread! Don't close it please!.
I'm sure there are many "silent" viewers who learn. I know for a FACT that some of these lowball posters read this too because one actually contacted me after reading my post here about their ad.

We're teaching both the folks who are looking for work and those who post those ads in ignorance (and some are simply ignorant, not rip-off artists).

This thread is a great way for some of us to see what OUR standards are as working professionals too.

Originally Posted by Chris Hurd View Post
This thread has been going for nearly three years, and it could probably go on forever, but I'm not sure that it's accomplishing anything. Hopefully we've got better things to do than to gripe about clueless ads on Craigslist. In that light, I think it's about time that we wound this thing down. Expect closure not long from now when it reaches 1,000 posts. Thanks in advance,
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Old June 28th, 2007, 09:39 PM   #972
Obstreperous Rex
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I agree that newbies can learn from this thread -- but does it really take 66 pages of posts to get the point across? What if I made it a "sticky" so it's always on top. Does it still have to go on forever? There's nothing *new* here.

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Old June 28th, 2007, 10:06 PM   #973
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I'll try to add something productive here, though I do agree with Chris, the point has been made.

On Craigslist, if you read the rules of posting, if you post under "TV & Radio Jobs" your post MUST contain a monetary payment. It can't be "bolster your reel", "great times and good food" or "percentage of final profits".

Any ad that does not offer payment for services cannot be posted under the jobs heading. Craigslist is policed by its members, simply by flagging.

If you see a post that does not offer money under the jobs heading. FLAG IT. One person cannot get a post removed. However, i don't think it takes that many different flaggers to remove a post. If we actively flagged these posts, it would prevent people from using that avenue to try and get work done for free.

I'm in the Portland area. I invite anyone else in the Portland area to take a couple of minutes at the end of the day to check the listings, and flag illegitimate posts.
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Old June 28th, 2007, 10:08 PM   #974
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I love this thread!

Originally Posted by Chris Hurd View Post
I agree that newbies can learn from this thread -- but does it really take 66 pages of posts to get the point across? What if I made it a "sticky" so it's always on top. Does it still have to go on forever? There's nothing *new* here.
Chris, the numbers speak for themselves: over 57,000 views and over 980 posts!!! This is BY FAR the most popular thread on the site.

I, for one, get a cheap giggle out of seeing what people are offering on Craigslist in the rest of the country. Its a good place for us to vent about ridiculous clients and expectations. Please don't close it while so many of us are still participating...
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Old June 28th, 2007, 11:52 PM   #975
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Thanks Brian. I couldn't have said it better! I don't think it's as much of a learning experience as much as a place for us to get a good laugh and try to top each others' finds and like Brian said, the ratings aren't bad either. However, this thread is a good consolidation of these types of posts for someone to see trends and patterns of how folks will word things to get something for nothing or next to nothing thereby possibly helping new people to the industry spot a waste of time or losing money or gear.
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