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Taking Care of Business
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Old May 4th, 2007, 11:51 PM   #916
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Originally Posted by CONFUSED DUMBASS
Experience unnecessary but skill preferred. I'm working on a feature-length passion project and I'm looking for an amateur or college student (with access to decent DV equipment) who'd be willing to work essentially for free on a good film. I'm just looking for someone who knows their way around their camera and wants a chance to get their feet wet. Copy/credit/meals provided, we could work out reimbursing gas expenses. Contact with questions.
Right out of the gate the BS begins! Could they have been any more contradictory? It is just hilarious how these people find ways to re-word this simple phrase, I WANT AN EXPERIENCED PERSON WITH GEAR TO WORK FOR FREE.
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Old May 5th, 2007, 12:16 AM   #917
Slash Rules!
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James! I have actually been in contact with the $150 wedding guy before. He tried to hire me a few times, but the notice was short and I was always busy with something else already. He was also offering $200 back then. At the time, it didn't seem like such a bad deal.
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Old May 5th, 2007, 12:19 AM   #918
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Josh, was his pitch the same thing as what I just posted?
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Old May 5th, 2007, 02:10 PM   #919
Slash Rules!
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Sort of. I never got a pitch 'cause I was referred to him by a girl he knew here in Houston. He sent out a letter with all the explicit instructions (what exactly to shoot, etc.), and a tape of one of the weddings as an example.
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Old May 5th, 2007, 04:32 PM   #920
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Well, my point is that there is more than one person like that being unreasonable. That guy was specific about formerly living in Atlanta. So I don't think he was posting in different cities. But as we've seen, there are those that do this in different cities. Did you read what all he said? Other than all of his exhaustive, ridiculous requirements, what floored me was how he wanted us to help pay back the customer if we didn't show. That's a risk that HE takes, not us. Then he wants you to send him the tapes/DVDs before he pays you. What a yahoo!!
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Old May 5th, 2007, 04:37 PM   #921
Slash Rules!
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I'm absolutely sure it's the same guy. Same name, same MO.

I wonder if I'm one of the "rotten people" to whom he refers? Though I never said I would do a gig and then failed to arrive.

I know a guy who shot a Quincenera (sp?), and the mother of the girl told him that they would look at the finished piece and if they liked it, they would pay him.
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Old May 5th, 2007, 04:44 PM   #922
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So, he opened with I use to live in Texas, now I reside in California?

This sounds like one of those make money while staying at home scammers. That usually involves very cheap in quality products. Notice how he didn't care if it was on VHS or DVD and it was all in-camera editing with a camera mic. I think he was just looking for a quick way to make some money without much to do with the process. He complains about people not showing up. What do you expect for $150? He deserves what he gets!
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Old May 5th, 2007, 06:03 PM   #923
Slash Rules!
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Well, like I said, he didn't "open" with anything, 'cause I got his number from some girl who knew him for some reason. Yeah, he was in California and needed people in other cities to handle stuff locally for him. Don't know if it was actually a scam or not, 'cause I never worked for him. Who knows. I think he also wanted you to put titles on the final product before sending tapes. I still have his literature, for some reason, I think, or did up until fairly recently.
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Old May 5th, 2007, 06:27 PM   #924
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Anyway, not only would I not send him the content without payment first, I surely wouldn't do ANY post work like CG for that low pay or promised pay.
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Old May 8th, 2007, 08:19 PM   #925
Slash Rules!
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Anyway, here's another:

"Video shooter(s) for Saturday

Reply to: Allen@VisualConceptsPhoto.com
Date: 2007-05-08, 12:28PM CDT

I have event this weekend that i need one or two shooters. Nothing hard or real creative, just point the camera and shoot. email me for more information.

Location: Houston
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
Compensation: $10-$15 DOE "

Think he means per day or per hour?
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Old May 8th, 2007, 09:20 PM   #926
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I wonder if that's with or without gear?
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Old May 9th, 2007, 06:49 AM   #927
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"just point the camera and shoot"

So he doesn't care about white balance, focus, iris?
I hope he gets EXACTLY what he asks for.
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Old May 13th, 2007, 05:36 PM   #928
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As I've said before and as you can see in this ad, ENTIRE business model based on not paying people to shoot and edit. They want "Experienced Interns" complete with request for 2 samples, "must be flexible, last minute."

Experienced Interns Needed!! Film Videos of Top Artists! (NYC area)

Reply to: gigs-329988066@craigslist.org
Date: 2007-05-13, 11:24AM EDT

Looking for production interns to film and edit artist interviews and events.

This is not a paying gig, but has many perks including:
Interviews with top artists like Joe, Tank, & Amel Larrieux
Access to industry parties/events
Free Music

College Students preferred. Will provide documentation necessary for college credit.

Videos will be published on SpotlightGrooves.com and assorted websites, promoted by a multi-media publicity campaign. Start your Career working with the Top online.

Send 2 video samples to:
Spotlight Grooves
PO Box 7122
North Brunswick, NJ 08902

Cameraman, and film editors needed. Must be flexible. Assignments are often last minute in NYC. Average film time -15 mins.

Research and transcription Interns needed also.

Your Source for Soul!
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Old May 13th, 2007, 05:40 PM   #929
Inner Circle
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And again folks. It's NOT just "NO PAY" for Student Films! These are "pro" jobs in which YOU provide YOUR GEAR and YOUR TIME for NOTHING. Get this: "Full credit will be acknowledged for NETWORK BROADCAST SPOTS."
NYC: Camera Operators/Videographers (TriBeCa)

Reply to: gigs-330075842@craigslist.org
Date: 2007-05-13, 2:31PM EDT

Looking for 2 videographers to shoot reality show at postproduction facility for pilot episode. Must have own cameras (HDV). Ideal for a student/graduate summer project. Full credit will be acknowledged for network broadcast spots.

Payment is on a lo/no/deferred basis.
Craig Seeman is offline  
Old May 14th, 2007, 05:36 AM   #930
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Originally Posted by Craig Seeman View Post
And again folks. It's NOT just "NO PAY" for Student Films! These are "pro" jobs in which YOU provide YOUR GEAR and YOUR TIME for NOTHING. Get this: "Full credit will be acknowledged for NETWORK BROADCAST SPOTS."
I agree with you, Craig, but as I've thought about this recently I can't help but wonder... Who's at fault here? Is it the person who's bold enough to ask for something for free or is it the person who's stupid enough to give it away?

I'll have to be honest. As I think about all this, if someone were to offer to give me something for free--something that would normally cost thousands of dollars--I'd take it. I may feel a little guilty, but I'd take it.

So who is the real culprit in all this?

Just a thought.
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