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Old April 14th, 2007, 01:00 PM   #901
Inner Circle
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I guess they are looking for VERY EXPERIENCED CAREER MINDED INTERNS. Ya know, the kind who are older and have Avid, FCP, Pro Tools, SDI, DVD making experience but are looking to make a career change to professional unpaid intern.

Connected Production Company SEEKING Creative SERIOUS INTERN

Reply to: gigs-311752636@craigslist.org
Date: 2007-04-14, 12:03PM EDT

WE ARE NOT HIRING!!!!!!~~~~~

We Are an aggressive Queens based High-End, Indie Video & Sound Production Company with BIG connections seeking an Intern.
**** Focused OLDER FEMALES preferred
as this is a mostly all-female company ****
hands-on editing, production in video/music projects
creative input on shoots, scripting, post work, artist development, etc.
NO secretarial or slave-labor work
Do Not Reply Unless You're Familiar with
BOTH Audio & Video/Film Editing....And
Ready To Step Up To The Next Level in
Your Professional Career

~~~~~~~~~~~~"HOBBY-ISTS" NEED NOT APPLY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Craig Seeman is offline  
Old April 14th, 2007, 07:32 PM   #902
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You didn't comment on the "older females preferred" thing.
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Old April 15th, 2007, 11:15 PM   #903
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They don't want "hobbyists" and they don't want hungry college students who will do anything for experience...what planet are these guys from???
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Old April 16th, 2007, 06:13 AM   #904
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Originally Posted by Brian Mills View Post
...what planet are these guys from???
Guys . . . not guys

"this is a mostly all-female company"
What has me curious is the "mostly all-female." Either it's all female or mostly female. Is there a patriarch in there somewhere?

Now if this "all-female company" were looking for older guys maybe they'd get a good response.

I also find it odd that a company in Queens, NY (NYC) wouldn't want someone from Nassau County, NY (just outside NYC but may be closer to Queens than the other four Boro's in NYC). Something about crossing that county line has them worried.
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Old April 25th, 2007, 10:33 PM   #905
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After you've done gigs for companies/clients who pay very well, plus pay travel costs and tape costs without batting an eyelash, these CL posts look so much more ridiculous. I hope all of these cheap skates are getting what they're paying for.
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Old April 29th, 2007, 02:28 AM   #906
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My God people! This thread is 2 1/2 years old! I'm tired of seeing it at the top of the charts every time I come on here.

If you don't like a job offer someone gives you, turn it down. There are plenty of people that need to pay some dues before they can pursue a career in this industry. These craigslist ads are aimed towards the young/inexperienced videographers that are looking for an opportunity to learn and make a couple of bucks.

These employers often get what they pay for, so why do you feel threatened?
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Old April 29th, 2007, 09:31 AM   #907
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No! these ads are by businesses who look to exploit young and TALENTED people who undersell themselves. They're not looking for or tolerant of poor quality. That's why they're ridiculous.

They often ask for SIGNIFICANT EXPERIENCE. That's why they're ridiculous.

These ads often ask that YOU OWN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS WORTH OF GEAR and they're paying the operator/talent LESS than the cost of the rental alone.

These employers often get A LOT MORE than the pay for. That's why they do it. They hunt for the one desperate but talented soul they can take advantage of . . . and they likely find it.

Originally Posted by Scott Jaco View Post
My God people! This thread is 2 1/2 years old! I'm tired of seeing it at the top of the charts every time I come on here.

If you don't like a job offer someone gives you, turn it down. There are plenty of people that need to pay some dues before they can pursue a career in this industry. These craigslist ads are aimed towards the young/inexperienced videographers that are looking for an opportunity to learn and make a couple of bucks.

These employers often get what they pay for, so why do you feel threatened?
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Old May 3rd, 2007, 08:40 AM   #908
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ME ME ME ME and maybe a little you if your stuff is good enough...

How can you ask someone to do this?
Work your butt off for someone who says they are "Brand New!" not only for free, but you have to cover all expenses, and podcast for them, and have your own equipment... and I bet their $50-$75 per day includes their own food and hotel at your expense...
Hey, but sometimes your camera will be on you too!!:

Cinematographer needed to travel the country
Reply to: gigs-323305061@craigslist.org
Date: 2007-05-02, 8:21PM MDT

Hi, we are a brand new Independent film production company. Right now we are in the process of making a documentary. In the mean time while the movie is being made I'm going to hit the road on a bus to promote the film...and film the promoting of the film. This is where I need help. I'm looking for a film student or someone who is looking to gain film experience. All I can say now is that you will travel to almost all fifty states in a short period of time.

What we need preferably is a Cinematographer. If you have your own camera even better! Someone who is also familiar with Mac computers and mac applications.
Also, if you know how to publish podcasts thats a huge bonus. This will be a very hard gig! You will have to follow me with the camera and spend a lot of time on the road. Most likely you wont get much sleep as-well.

The only catch is since we are brand new, we don't have any money to pay you.
Also you will have to be responsible for all you're traveling expenses. I figured out how to make the job as cheap as possible. I will need you for about 35-40 days. This means you will probably need about $50-75 a day. This will cover everything. You will also need to spend $650 up front, for an unlimited bus pass.

So that is basically it. We plan on getting some publicity for this trip, so you will be given full credit for all the work you do. Sometimes the camera will be on you too!

Please email any questions...

Thank you!!
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Old May 3rd, 2007, 08:46 AM   #909
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Wow Chris, you've found one of the worst job posts EVER! Congrats!

Even at only 35 days at $50 each, plus the bus pass, the "employee" has to pay at MINIMUM around $2400 for this "job".

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Old May 3rd, 2007, 09:03 AM   #910
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I think you win.
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Old May 3rd, 2007, 02:01 PM   #911
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"out-of-school" projects

Talk about digging your grave! Just how do these "students" think will move beyond this when the time comes to start paying their own bills and expenses?

Photography - Film/Video Production

Reply to: job-323536414@craigslist.org
Date: 2007-05-03, 11:48AM EDT

Film/Digital production and photography students group. Our goal is to build an outstanding portfolio with "out-of-school" projects. Therefore, we offer great quality work very affordable prices.

Fashion (photo-compcards package available)
Night clubs

Corporate videos
Music videos
Films (short, feature)
Educated crew
editing (Final Cut Pro/Avid)
After Effects
Sound design

Location: Miami - Fort Lauderdale
Compensation: REMEBER: This is not only your projcet, its OUR too.
Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.
Please, no phone calls about this job!
Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.
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Old May 4th, 2007, 08:00 AM   #912
Inner Circle
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Chris, I'd think I'd pay just to see the responses they get from that ad. I could probably start a consulting business and charge money to people who responding to explain how they can work without paying anyone.

Jay, what you see has probably become the typical business startup model. Look for talented students/recent grads eager to work and pay them nothing.

There's a constant stream of talented students/recent grads willing to work for nothing so a company can stay in business for some time (with significant changeover) with this model. If and only if, one of those students develop their own client base will they get paid to stay on since losing them might cause a loss of business.

This is the CRUX of the low pay / no pay world. It's not that people "get what they pay for." If that were the case we could leave the bottom feeders to their poor work. They're getting great work for no money. I've seen some reasonable sized businesses and corporations move to this model. Businesses don't even have to cash outlay for the gear since the students are expected to buy their own.
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Old May 4th, 2007, 11:13 PM   #913
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Okay folks your daddy is back! Unfortunately, I see our beloved thread still has plenty of content to keep it current. The ridiculousness continues to grow and get more and more ridiculous and absurd.
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Old May 4th, 2007, 11:18 PM   #914
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Originally Posted by Craig Seeman View Post
No! these ads are by businesses who look to exploit young and TALENTED people who undersell themselves. They're not looking for or tolerant of poor quality. That's why they're ridiculous.

They often ask for SIGNIFICANT EXPERIENCE. That's why they're ridiculous.

These ads often ask that YOU OWN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS WORTH OF GEAR and they're paying the operator/talent LESS than the cost of the rental alone.

These employers often get A LOT MORE than the pay for. That's why they do it. They hunt for the one desperate but talented soul they can take advantage of . . . and they likely find it.
Perfectly stated Craig! Some people just don't get it do they? It's been stated here many times that it's not about working on a worthy project for deferrment that's so bad. It's when these fools demand the world for nothing and make it seem like they're doing us a favor by working for them AND providing our gear for FREE!!

What's worse than working for nothing or deferrment is that most of these types of projects will never go anywhere because the people producing them don't know what they're doing to begin with. They are, in fact, mentally ill.

Scott. The reason we post these ridiculous jobs here is because we have fun criticizing these fools. So, if YOU don't like to see our comments, then don't click on this thread.
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Old May 4th, 2007, 11:42 PM   #915
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Originally Posted by Philip Williams View Post
Wow Chris, you've found one of the worst job posts EVER! Congrats!

Even at only 35 days at $50 each, plus the bus pass, the "employee" has to pay at MINIMUM around $2400 for this "job".

BAHAHAHAHAHA! LMAO!! You can say that again! That is absolutely ridiculous!! Here's one from a while back that I saved. This guy had to have been smoking crack when he posted this.

Here's a sneak peak of the insanity: ... If for some reason you are a no-show YOU need to help me to pay this couple back. ...

Originally Posted by Demanding Dumbass
I use to live in Atlanta, now I reside in California. I need someone who is dependable to continue filming weddings I get in the Atlanta area. I have a wedding and reception that needs to be filmed on Saturday March 17. It starts at 6:30pm so you'll need to get there about 5:45pm to film pre-weding stuff. The reception is in the same location and it all ends at 9:15pm, so it is a pretty short event.

I will pay you $150.00 after you have postally mailed me a VHS copy on SP speed (or 3 DVD copies,it's up to you). You can even send it confirmation mail to assure I got it if you wish. If you can do this and do a good job I will have more work for you in the future. You need a fairly decent video camera and tri-pod, and if possible wireless mic (though the mics not required). Call me, I will give you details, it's pretty easy, what you shoot is what I will give them, I want you to leave and your job be done, but keep in mind I will not edit your work, so it needs to look nice. $150.00 is THE price I will pay you,so do not ask me for more. Also I need a postal address where to send you a money order upon receiving the video copy so I can pay you, not a P.O.Box.

Lastly, in the past I have hired some real rotten people to film weddings and they never bothered to even show up to film it. It was the most important day of these couples lives. If, for some reason you are a no-show YOU need to help me to pay this couple back. They trust me and I am trusting you to at least be there.

Thank you,Taylor
If I don't answer, leave a message and I will call you back.
James Emory is offline  
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