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Taking Care of Business
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Old March 1st, 2007, 10:17 PM   #886
Inner Circle
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I was just emailed by a producer to explain their position. They saw comments I made in this forum. Keep in mind this forum may become an educational tool on what we expect and why and why their ads may create misunderstandings.

Producer said they get paid $175 for a 12 hour day. I'm sympathetic because I know young people trying to break in to this biz often get way underpaid
The camera person has maybe $5000 worth of gear (camera, tripod, wireless mic, camera light, batteries, maybe filters, etc) that needs to be paid for, maintained, upgraded when the time comes.

Producer said the shoots might be one or two shows a day that are about 10 minutes of runway and 5 minutes backstage.
The camera person needs to check gear, travel to/from shoot, needs time to setup.

Producer asked for "on call" because they didn't know which shows they'd be shooting on which days since they were contacted last minute.
A producer should then have several camera people they can contact. They shouldn't expect someone to be "on call" for a shoot that may not happen and, at best, gets only $100. Actually the camera person may get no work but on the other hand may get $100 for maybe 2 hours of work. That should be expressed differently than "on call" and "$100 a day."

I do feel a producer getting $175 for a 12 hour day is getting way underpaid and probably didn't have the background/experience to post an ad in terms an experienced camera person is used to.


Originally Posted by Craig Seeman View Post
So for $100 a day you need to be "on call" for all 8 days! You're supposed to NOT book any other jobs, no guarantee they're using you that day, provide your own gear so you MIGHT make $100 for the day!


Reply to: job-272483541@craigslist.org
Date: 2007-02-02, 5:19PM EST

NY based fashion company is looking to hire a cameraman/camerawoman from February 2-9 to film runway shows and backstage b-roll. OWN EQUIPMENT This is a temporary position. You must commit to be ON CALL the entire 8 days and will be available to shoot B Roll and Runway. Panasonic. Sony. Cannon Digital or HD Cameras with wireless mike and top light. Students and professionals welcome. $100 a day. Please send your resume and SAMPLE WORK, REEL and/or WEBSITE LINK to

There is opportunity for other work in NY, Los Angeles for the rest of the year if we like you!!!!
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Old March 2nd, 2007, 12:51 AM   #887
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I'm Glad They're Looking!

I think its great that you got a response from a producer from this forum.

I wish they would all see how rediculous their posts are.

They NEED to see that they are clouding up Craigslist, which could be a great resourse for connecting legitimate producers with pros (or up-and-coming-pros).

If THEY only care about their shoot to the tune of $100 and are willing to settle with ANY warm body with a camcorder, why should WE take our time (and use our expensive gear) to care?
Brian Mills is offline  
Old March 2nd, 2007, 02:42 PM   #888
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Now we have to sell the product AND shoot!

Earlier in this thread I made the joke that the day would come that the clients expect US to pay THEM to shoot. That day is not here (yet), but they apparntly now do expect us to sell their shows for them...

- BTW, I think this is an opportunity that WILL last :)

Seeking Production CO To Shoot TV Commercials

Reply to: job-287087096@craigslist.org
Date: 2007-03-02, 6:16AM PST

If you are a production company that can sell our 30 second Tv commercial slots we will use your Production company to produce the commercials. Looking for reasonable packages.

Please send resume along with a proposal asap. This opportunity wont Last!

Your prodcution fees is what you make on top of our commissions for selling the TV slots for our show.
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Old March 14th, 2007, 08:51 PM   #889
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"NEED ASAP!!" "growing" "1.4million views" "Must have a 3ccd Professional camera....HD if possible...." "will also be responsible for" "must act professional" "fast paced environment" "link to your work/resume"

........"THERE IS NO PAY"

NEED ASAP!! Freelance Camera Person w/ gear to Interview the Stars!! (Midtown)

Date: 2007-03-14, 6:41PM EDT

Platinum Media Entertainment. A growing podcast production company with 1.4 million views are looking for freelance camera men or women who like the fast pace action in the NYC scene. Must have a 3ccd Professional camera....HD if possible.....

The show is called "Out And About in NYC"
Link to some of the shows: http://www.mixcast.tv/ViewChannel.as...elID=136180438

Your job will be to go out with my partner ("The host of the show"), and shoot her interviewing top entertainers, artist, etc... in the business. You will also be responsible for getting "B" Roll footage. She will be providing the DVtape's which you will give to her after the event is over...


Students are welcome but must act professional.....This is a very fast paced environment.....You will get credit on the footage you shoot once the show airs.


Email me the following:
1. Type of equipment you have
2. link to your work/resume
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Old March 15th, 2007, 04:56 AM   #890
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Originally Posted by Craig Seeman View Post
Come on now, at least they provide the miniDV tapes :)
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Old March 15th, 2007, 03:52 PM   #891
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This one sounds creepy as well as cheap...

WOW, this is officially the lowest paying job I've ever seen: $7.50 for YOU AND YOUR GEAR for a 3 minute video. Why not just NOT PAY as opposed to offering $7.50?

But I'm assuming this is a creepy way to contact women anyway because 1)it states they want "females" and 2)THEY WANT YOU TO SEND A PICTURE OF YOURSELF.

Ladies: RUN AWAY!

Chance to make videos and earn some $$$

Reply to: job-294429928@craigslist.org
Date: 2007-03-15, 9:14AM PDT

Chance to make videos and earn some $$$

Should be a female that has a camera
Create videos of people answering questions on relationships, dating etc or advice sessions. You could make $7.50 for every such video. The videos shall last for 1.5 to 3 minutes. You need to have a camera that can record videos. Send across your age profile along with a picture.

Compensation: $7.50 for every video
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Old March 15th, 2007, 05:12 PM   #892
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job offers

I contacted someone from Craig's list last summer. We exchanged e-mails for awhile then he offered me a job. It paid more than the usual Craig's list garbanzo. But, his answers to my questions seemed a bit brief. He claimed to have 25 years experience. So, I did some research and found that on the Florida Dept of Corporations website he had many very similar sounding fictitious names registered to him, most with different addresses. I looked up tax info on his address and found that someone else owned the home he lived in. Then I found some other things that made me nervous.

A few days before I was to go on this adventure shooting things and people for a website he informed me that I was to collect money from the advertisers, send it to him, and he would then send me my cut.

What else? Oh, only that he was doing 30 years probation with 10 years to go for being an unlicensed securities dealer. I asked him about that. "I've never been arrested." He did admit to the securities problem. How does a person get probation without being arrested first?

I contacted a local deputy sheriff who told me that if I did business with this guy I would be perceived guilty by association if he did something illegal. My lawyer neighbor told me the same thing.

And then there was the man from Tallahassee who was selling a Sennheiser shotgun with engraved serial numbers for his "tracking use". Strange that the serial numbers led the police to his employer.
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Old March 19th, 2007, 07:58 PM   #893
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HVX with mini 35 adapter with lenses for 3 commercials. $200 a day!!!!!. They can't even come close to RENTING that gear alone for that price.

Looking for HVX owner/operator for three days. (Paid)

Reply to: gigs-296876846@craigslist.org
Date: 2007-03-19, 6:52PM EDT

I am looking for a HVX owner/operator preferably with mini 35 adapter with lenses to shoot three commercials over three days (Sat, Sun, and Sat). We are looking for someone who can work with a small crew and be a team player. The dates are still to be decided, sometime in the end of April beginning of May.

E-mail resume, reel and equipment list. Anything else will be deleted.

it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
Compensation: 200/day
Craig Seeman is offline  
Old March 30th, 2007, 09:18 AM   #894
Slash Rules!
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Have you ever wanted to do EVERYTHING in production, all at the same time! Now you can!

VIDEO and PRODUCTION company seeks creative talent-New company offers
the chance to get in on the ground floor. If you have skills and
in video editing, production and film this exciting opportunity may be
career you are in search of. Applicants should be experienced and
able to
demonstrate capability in the following areas-Shoot Video, Edit same
programs such as Adobe Premier, Final Cut Pro, Avid Express, Edit sound
tracks to go with video, Creative but have people skills, Work with
35mm or
16mm film, Still Photography, Graphic design, Web design, Promoting
and booking jobs. This is a full time position, it is a 40 hour work
but you will be able to set your own hours around events. On occasion,
there may be a reason to work weekends and nights and the position may
involve a small amount of travel. This position boasts a competitive
and commission on deals booked. Send portfolio or mail to:Shelia
5306 Hollister, Houston, TX 77077."
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Old March 30th, 2007, 09:24 AM   #895
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Originally Posted by Craig Seeman View Post

Looking for HVX owner/operator for three days. (Paid)
You know, i don't even think that is an on-the-level deal. I saw that same ad posted in the vegas CL.
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Old April 5th, 2007, 02:42 PM   #896
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Oh dear God. . .


Reply to: gigs-306444479@craigslist.org
Date: 2007-04-05, 5:49AM CDT


u hungry, open, multiple skill sets, a-z, production experience a plus, sales n marketing a plus, focused self development essential, again u open, open, open, hungry, driven, on the path...what does that mean to U; good me 2!...lol sence of humor a must....smile all the time with a smile, a must, sincere, with conviction ahh yea, hungry open, etc...btw there R no mistakes, only learning opps!

resumae u send, with short and brief despcript of a-z, what , where, why , how , who etc....

if u need more just keep reading...

it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
Compensation: base negotiable, flex and part time, per right person, daily and weekly bonuses, when u impress me!,,,so be impressive often! "
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Old April 5th, 2007, 03:01 PM   #897
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What???? I don't even know what they're asking for????
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Old April 5th, 2007, 03:02 PM   #898
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Four words; 'Say NO to drugs.'
What happens if I push the 'Red' button?
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Old April 7th, 2007, 03:24 PM   #899
Slash Rules!
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Thank you, thank you. Since you guys liked my last one, here's some more bullshite:

"Videographer or Editor

Reply to: minhdg@yahoo.com
Date: 2007-04-06, 7:45PM CDT

We are currently accepting videographer or editor applicants on contract basis.
Videographer – Experience preferred, and camcorder required.
Editor - Knowledge in Adobe Premiere is helpful.

Very flexible hours for Videographer's.

We require Videographer’s to shoot a demo and send it in with first contact.
Here are a few samples of what we require http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8oRuZZg-8U

Here is a basic guideline to follow follow these guidelines and a job is almost guaranteed!

Proceed to intersection and film intersection

- Place hand in front of camera after every corner to distinguish start of the next corner
-Don’t shoot into sun
-Shoot Street Signs
-1 min 360 degree pan of intersection
-Shoot stores on intersection corners, only businesses.
-Shoot in 16:9 format, widescreen

Any applicants with a MiniDV or better can start today! Please contact for further inquiry.

Videographer -13/hr if own camera is used.
Editor - Contact and assessment of skills is required before discussion of compensation.

Please contact Ryan at 832-455-8190 email: bxn04@yahoo.com
Minh Dao, Email: mdao@videoquest.com

Compensation: 13.00 an Hour, contract only
Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.
Please, no phone calls about this job!
Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests."
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Old April 9th, 2007, 08:54 PM   #900
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You know, I love these people who insist that I spend THOUSANDS of my own money for purchase/upkeep of professional gear just to get the privilege of earning $13/hr. At leat this guy is offering twice the lowest amount I have ever seen offered on Craigslist (besides "just for credit" of course), and I'm not lying: $7.50/hr (WITH GEAR!!!!!)
Brian Mills is offline  
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