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Taking Care of Business
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Old July 24th, 2006, 04:32 PM   #751
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The business proposal in this ad is awesome!

weird double post, please delete. Thanks.
Brian Wells is offline  
Old July 25th, 2006, 03:54 PM   #752
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this has to be the single longest thread ever. It's been going on for years now. I don't doubt it carried over from a time when film makers stood around water coolers and discussed such matters. eh I'm probably wrong but thats okay.
Christopher Thompson is offline  
Old July 25th, 2006, 04:08 PM   #753
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I'd like to think I had a hand in that. We should credit the original poster, whoever it may be.
Josh Bass is offline  
Old July 25th, 2006, 04:16 PM   #754
Capt. Quirk
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Originally Posted by Christopher Thompson
this has to be the single longest thread ever. It's been going on for years now. I don't doubt it carried over from a time when film makers stood around water coolers and discussed such matters. eh I'm probably wrong but thats okay.
And most of the original posters are still here, still posting.
K. Forman is offline  
Old July 26th, 2006, 08:56 AM   #755
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Originally Posted by Josh Bass
I'd like to think I had a hand in that. We should credit the original poster, whoever it may be.

And the thread starter issssssss......

James Emory on Oct 6 2004 at 7:12 pm
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Old August 2nd, 2006, 05:33 PM   #756
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Documentaries Wanted

"We are a reputable production company looking for completed 1 hour documentaries for a one year license in a limited overseas market. Needed ASAP! Compensation: Up to $500 per title"
Wow! Up to $500 per title! Wonder how low they'll go on the intial offer...
Brian Wells is offline  
Old August 2nd, 2006, 06:55 PM   #757
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Hmmm, maybe I should send them some weddings I shot and edited. They paid a bit more though.
Craig Seeman is offline  
Old August 2nd, 2006, 07:00 PM   #758
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Work for a full 7 days of long hours without pay. You should be tall, have a resume and an imdb link too.

I can shoot my nephew's birthday in less time without an imdb link for the same money and if he becomes famous I'll probably have a more valuable early life biographical video.

Looking for great camera guy

Reply to: gigs-189316509@craigslist.org
Date: 2006-08-02, 3:08PM EDT

Looking for HARD WORKING camera guy to work during NY FASHION WEEK Sept. 8th- Sept 15th 2006 with a kick ass team!


- Aggressive, not afraid to "get the shot"
- Unimpressed by celebrities and show professionalism at ALL TIMES
- Willing to work long hours (FASHION SHOWS & After Parties)
- Peferably TALL. (Host of show is 6'4)
- Willing to work for no pay, but will be provided with amazing reel full of a-list celebrities. (And access to all high profile events during fashion week!).
- No flakes
- No Slackers

Please send cover letter detailing what makes you the one we want. Please include a resume, work experience or imdb link.

Craig Seeman is offline  
Old August 2nd, 2006, 11:06 PM   #759
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Another winner from Craigslist

There are lots of gamers on CL, so please send your info(res if you have one) after reading if you are still interested.

This is a great time to get in with this ground level production company.

Please leave your greed at the door and believe in something for once.

We want to work with you if you will work with us.


Alright, let me introduce myself... OA (for now) Oats Productions. We have been developing comedy shorts and short films (always building towards that elusive feature project) and recruiting talent.

We are ready to begin production but as you know, no one wants to help out unless they see money in their hand (which is very understandable).

Ideas are not going to pay the rent, but we have potential. We have very talented writers and actors and are now in the process of "Production".

We are going to bring people on who want to be a part of our projects from the start to the sweet finish.
We seek camera operators (helps if you have a camera)
Sound (Helps if you have mics and mixer)
Lights (it would help if you have lights)
Set designers
Make up
Script supervisors
and whatever else you can do to help.

There is a low budget attached to our projects which means, we will try to feed you healthy food, provide lots of water and juices, and give you CREDITS.

Please only respond if you are willing to work for copy and credit and food.

Please only respond if you are serious and able to manage yourself (we are not into micro managing)

We have tons of stuff to shoot and not a whole lot of $$$
The more people we can find with equipment and know how the more we will have to fund the project (Permits, costume, some pocket change)

* this is in or around los angeles
* no -- it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
* Compensation: copy credit meal for starters

I just want to draw everyone's attention to one line....."Please leave your greed at the door."


So all y'all greedy scumbags out there looking to get paid for your work can just buzz off! No room for you jerks here! Oh by the way, can you bring your camera, sound equipment, gaffer, grip truck? It would really help.

"Paid" is not a four letter word.
Sean Marks is offline  
Old August 3rd, 2006, 04:56 PM   #760
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Well it's good to see a Steadicam op with gear and "varican" experience can get $200 for half a day. It's all EXT so I guess it'll be easy since it'll be the first time in days we won't be near 100º

I guess it's considered an easier skill than shooting a wedding since weddings pay much more.

steadicam op

Reply to: gigs-189699087@craigslist.org
Date: 2006-08-03, 1:28PM EDT

Steadicam op w/ own rig for Varican-- end of feature music video for end credits--Comedic. $200 4/5 hours tomorrow (Friday)All EXT. no set up, no lights. Send resume if interested.
Craig Seeman is offline  
Old August 3rd, 2006, 05:06 PM   #761
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This person is so big and successful he can't afford to pay for a good demo?
I can charge close to a grand shooting and editing a "bar" band performance as they pursue the big fish.

Oh and you get to be a "front runner" because after shooting with the DVX100 they'll hire you over an experienced "varican" person with years of experience (shooting for free?).

. . . . I had no idea Michael Jackson, Beyonce and Lil Kim didn't pay their producers! Poor, Poor Quincy Jones!

Camera person, Editor, and Storyboard Artist

Reply to: tkme2heaven@yahoo.com
Date: 2006-08-03, 6:01PM EDT

We are in need of a camera person, editor and storyboard artist for a music video. The video is for a signed artist and will serve as a demo for a creative and risky concept he's bringing to his record label. This is the singer's first venture as a solo artist, but he's produced records for Michael Jackson, Beyonce, and Lil Kim.

The shoot is scheduled for the weekend of August 12 - 13th at 2 different locations. Mostly, the entire video takes place in a single room.

Camera person's need to provide their own digital camera. We will provide compensation for all tapes. Editors need to have access to their editing suite, and/or software and computers, etc.

This is not a paid job, but if the song and video concept is approved by the record company you will be front-runners for the paid positions on the reshoot.
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Old August 4th, 2006, 11:33 PM   #762
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Those better be some darn good cookies! 3 Days. What is Woodstock happening again?

Looking for camera

Reply to: gigs-190245472@craigslist.org
Date: 2006-08-04, 9:01PM EDT

We are looking to borrow a video camera August 10-13th.

Our friends band will be in a music festival and we would love to record the preformance for them.
...we're just missing the camera part.

We can leave a deposite, or barter, it's up to you!

Please help us out!

ps we will bake you cookies:)
Craig Seeman is offline  
Old August 4th, 2006, 11:38 PM   #763
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Does saying LOW BUDGET somehow justify this? $50 for a half day. If someone things red carpet VIP is important then it's worth paying for.

I think I'm going to post and ad that says:

Do you have 35mm or Thomson Viper? Please shoot my Hollywood movie. $100 plus a copy of the commercially released DVD.
Please leave me your house keys and car keys (if you have a Lexus).


video camera person

Reply to: gigs-190268812@craigslist.org
Date: 2006-08-04, 10:21PM EDT

LOW BUDGET!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you have a professional video camera?

I need a camera person for 4 - 5 hours SATURDAY AUGUST 5TH
at 6PM
You will not be shooting that whole time
This is a red carpet v.i.p. industry event.
pay 50.00
please email ASAP
leave name and number
Craig Seeman is offline  
Old August 4th, 2006, 11:44 PM   #764
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And you just KNOW NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX are chomping at the bit for a syndicated underground music show.

Anybody for a reality show "Who wants to be an underground musician?"
Judges are Brian Eno, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Nico (special guest dead judge).

Need Camera Op for Warped Tour This Sunday (Union Square)

Reply to: gigs-190289148@craigslist.org
Date: 2006-08-04, 11:33PM EDT

We are shooting a new underground music show that we are shopping around to different networks in NYC that already has a buzz. We are a group of freelancers that put this show together casue we love what we do and want to make our own decisions for our furture.. if you love underground music and you are always finding out about new bnads first before your friends get in touch with us.. If this sound like what your looking for please contact us with what camera you have perfer Panasonic DVX-100 or A.

Craig Seeman is offline  
Old August 4th, 2006, 11:53 PM   #765
Inner Circle
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How is this an internship?
There's a "corporation" involved?
Someone will pay the "intern" to go to Las Vegas for final competition.
Translation - Comedy competition - who can get people to do a stupid thing for no money. If you turn out to be the "winner" your next challenge will be to take the "trip" to Las Vegas - On Foot - to video the final.

Intern needed to video comedy competition

Reply to: gigs-190228169@craigslist.org
Date: 2006-08-04, 8:09PM EDT

Intern needed to video a national comedy competition Monday noon -3

Although there is no financial compensation there is potential for freelance and permanent work with the corporation, as well as possibility of trip to Las Vegas for final competition.

this is in or around NY Improv
yes -- it's ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
Compensation: professional credits
Craig Seeman is offline  
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