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Taking Care of Business
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Old May 7th, 2006, 08:07 AM   #676
Inner Circle
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$100-$200 for a 10 hour day for a small crew for a healthcare training video in NYC. That doesn't even cover the cost of the RENTAL (use of gear) for a Sony VX-2100!

Seeking Crew for Healthcare Video

Reply to: gigs-158338937@craigslist.org
Date: 2006-05-07, 9:20AM EDT

Small crew sought for non-profit language training video for healthcare workers. Shoot is scheduled for 5/19 but could change to fit around the right DP's schedule. Scenes will involve interactions between doctors and patients in a simple office setting. As these scenes are brief, the shoot should not last more than 8-10 hours.

Students welcome. Must be flexible and willing to wear a number of hats.

Please send resume, along with note detailing availability and access to camera and lighting equipment, if any (additional compensation available for providing equipment).

this is in or around Manhattan
no -- it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
Compensation: $100-$200 per day
Craig Seeman is offline  
Old May 7th, 2006, 09:10 PM   #677
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Ah, Craiglist. The epicenter of all things heinous.

"Sedona" - Major Network Reality Series: Seeking Camera Operator
Reply to: gigs-158496474@craigslist.org
Date: 2006-05-07, 7:38PM EDT


"Sedona" - New Reality Television "Docu-Series" Opportunity

SEEKING: To assemble a crew, with novice to advanced technichal knowledge, (consisting of Filmakers, Digital/Betacam Camera Operators, and independent Cinematographers of all kinds) interested in pursuing an opportunity, in filming a reality/documentry PILOT, actually filmed on location in Sedona Arizona. Upon completion this intense and fascinating journey, to one of the quintessential wonders of the earth, will be immediatley presented to major networks, by way of a highly repuatble and experienced public relations media consultant.

No Pay, MAJOR Exposure / opportunity to be part of a project, which has an outlet to present marketable material to major industry professionals. As the camera operator acts as part of this documented journey.

INDEPENDENT FILM MAKERS encouraged to respond.

What Is the "Sedona" series concept?

Scientists have aknowledged for some time now, that mystery of Sedona Arizona is indeed very real. This location is refered to as a natural "energy vortex" of our earth. A vortex can be described as an enhanced energy location existing in real time. They are neither electric nor magnetic, yet its evidence its undeniable, as experienced the millions who visit from all over the world.

Recently the PBS program Nova, featured a breakthrough in physics called "String Theory" that is revolutionizing all of science, in the same way Einstein's discoveries had in the early 1900's. The key concept of super-string, agreed upon by the world's top scientists, is that all things exist in a minimum of 10 or more dimensions. Simply stated Vortex sites are locations having energy flows into those deeper dimensions.

Travel Fee's would not be covered, as this notice is an attempt to gather all interested parties, interested in participating in a fascinating and transformational experience, with major public relations backing.

This Project will potentially lead to a major Money Making Opportunity.

E-mail all Resumes and Technical Experience to: NY13Promotions@aol.com

So. First they mislead you by claiming to be a "Major Network" reality series, when in "reality", it's just a spec pilot they're gonna pitch when it's done. THEN, they inform you that they will not cover any travel expenses. Thoughts, anyone? My jaw's still on the floor.
Sean Marks is offline  
Old May 7th, 2006, 09:32 PM   #678
Slash Rules!
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And you KNOW how often these spec pilots get picked up! Why wouldn't you take it?
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Old May 8th, 2006, 11:09 AM   #679
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Not sure. Must be that whole "pride" thing.
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Old May 8th, 2006, 11:18 AM   #680
Slash Rules!
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Ok, but seriously, has a spec pilot ever been picked up?
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Old May 8th, 2006, 11:52 AM   #681
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Sounds like they have a side project involving Peyote going on down there in Sedona too.
George Ellis is offline  
Old May 8th, 2006, 12:48 PM   #682
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I can't fault them for having a colorful imagination but maybe a little unrealistic as to the ease of getting a network to pick this up. It's mostly the typical Craig's List post that uses the words may be, could be, probably, potentially, etc. to leave it open ended. Maybe a bit overzealous but at least not very ridiculously demanding like most other CL posts.
James Emory is offline  
Old May 8th, 2006, 01:31 PM   #683
Slash Rules!
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Check this out:

Reply to: dhcontacts@gmail.com
Date: 2006-05-08, 12:04AM EDT

I am the writer and executive producer of THE ALBINO CODE (May 2006)

www.albinocode.com A spoof of the upcoming DA VINCI CODE.


We have gotten press from


http://www.nypost.com/news/regionalnews/65640.htm - LINK!!


I am slated to appear on GOOD MORNING AMERICA - this week!

I already spoke on 2 Radio Shows in the last week:
www.cfra.com and www.cjad.com

I am affiliated with Mr. Monroe Mann and his Business School

I am an UP AND COMING A LIST ACTOR. I will appear in RUNNING WITH SCISSORS this September. Check www.imdb.com for Dennis Hurley, if you want verification. I have appeared on SNL, LAW AND ORDER and SEX AND THE CITY.

I'm looking for interns to make calls to every agent and every manager in NEW YORK CITY, on my behalf. Check my websites to learn more about me:


You'd start this week, or whenever you can do it. Preferably before May 19

After you email your resume, give me a call at 212-636-9174
Leave your name, number, and a good time to reach you (TWICE!)

If you are selected, make sure that you pick up the latest copy of the ROSS REPORTS, call the list of agents and managers I assign to you, and give them a great pitch on WHY they should take a meeting with me.

This should be a 10 second pitch with the bottom line: YOU NEED TO MEET DENNIS HURLEY.

NO PAY, whatsoever ...but..


*****Credit in the final cut of THE ALBINO CODE short film.

*****An exclusive FREE COPY of the Director's Cut DVD of THE ALBINO CODE

*****YOUR WEBSITE will be LINKED to www.albinocode.com

*****I can write you up a glowing LETTER OF RECOMENDATION to any school or job you are seeking at any time.




Best of luck to all of you. Looking forward to your articulate phone messages.

Dennis Hurley






* this is in or around New York City
* no -- it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
* Compensation: No pay, but DVD copy and letter of recommendation
Josh Bass is offline  
Old May 8th, 2006, 02:28 PM   #684
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This bullshit is so fresh there's still steam rising from it! Two in a row where you have to pay them to possibly work!

Funding needed for a controversial, edgy film subject. Needed is $13,000 . A $1,000 of that will be yours as a finder's fee
Doesn't that mean they would just need $12,000?


I just got this auto reply from a crew call: A $10 cover for me to interview!

Thank you for replying to our ad on craigslist.

We are doing open interviews tonight,during our networking gathering.
Monday night from 10pm - 11:30pm.

There is a cover for the club. $10
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Old May 8th, 2006, 02:33 PM   #685
Slash Rules!
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Dude! You get to NETWORK in a CLUB? SWEET!!!! What a great place! Have fun yelling your interview over the smoke, smells and loud, pounding music.
Josh Bass is offline  
Old May 9th, 2006, 01:03 PM   #686
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They forgot to include UP FRONT as a choice of payment. But no, "If you need money up front then the first option is best for you." Now how is getting paid hourly the same as money up front.

"If you choose the 2nd option you will not get paid as much as option one." What!? The second option means you get paid two ways. How is that not as much as the other choices? I guess the reason they only want a college student is so when they get caught, it will look more innocent. This person must have just smoked some crack before posting this.

documentary on sneaking into movies, theme parks, concerts
I am looking for a director/actor who can do both.

I will let you decide how you want to be paid.
1. Paid hourly
2. Paid hourly w/ royalties.
3. Royalties only

If you need money up front then the first option is best for you... If you believe in our project then the 3rd option is best for you. If you choose the 2nd option you will not get paid as much as option one.

You must be a college student with some acting and directing experience.
Email me your number if you want me to call you.
Only local Atlanta residents only
James Emory is offline  
Old May 10th, 2006, 12:53 AM   #687
Slash Rules!
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This is cool because it was obviously posted simply for the purpose of being obnoxious:

"Long Running Cooking Show Needs Crew
Reply to: gigs-159281202@craigslist.org
Date: 2006-05-10, 2:20AM EDT

Lung roonneeng Svedeesh cuukeeng shoo feetooreeng vell knoo celebreety cheff is luukeeng fur zee fullooeeng croo members:

Ixpereeenced Lueder – Ve-a veell need yuoo tu poot zee feelm in zee cemera und du oozeer foon stooffff . . . Noo geet me-a zee foockeeng 14MM yuoo leettle-a beetch! Bork! Ha, ha, ha . . . . Joost keedding . . .

Prup Mester – Moost hefe-a ixpereeence-a veet puts thet cun huld lerge-a cheeckens

Cheeckee Vrungler – Moost be-a pruffeecient in getteeng cheeckee intu lerge-a put (veell vurk clusely veet prup dept.)

Heur Styleest/messoose-a – Moosteche-a treemming skeells a ploos! Guud etteetoode-a a moost!

Flooffffer – Dun’t esk, dun’t tell . . . boot yuoo veell need tu bloo zee cheff unteel he's herd . . . oor ilse-a he-a cun't cuuk. Du yuoo theenk thet's strunge-a? Foock yuoo! Gu get a jub oon sume-a Bravo reeleety shoo . . . ve'll see-a hoo yuoo leeke-a blooeeng "Dug, zee Buoonty Hoonter" Bork! Bork! Bork!

Iff yuoo vuoold leeke-a tu be-a pert ooff thees everd veenning croo, pleese-a imeeel yuoor resoome-a tu oooor prudoocer Sven Svennurgsun. Pleese-a plece-a yuoor resoome-a in zee budy ooff zee imeeel. Uny imeeels veet ettechments veell be-a deleted. Ve-are-a foockeeng sereeuoos herdvurkeeng peuple-a, su uny ooff yuoo beetches frum MTV und zee leeke-a need nut epply! Teke-a cere -- athees eeen’t nu guddemn peeck-neeck--thees is muzeerffoockeeng hullyvuud . . . Svede-a style-a!

Bork? Bork!

(Pleese-a du nut tell Sven thet I seeed “beetches” oor "guddemn" oor "foockeeng" oor "muzeerffoockeeng", becoose-a he-a veell beet zee sheet oooot ooff me-a.)

Guud loock!

Bork! Bork! Bork!

* no -- it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests"
Josh Bass is offline  
Old May 10th, 2006, 09:34 PM   #688
Slash Rules!
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can you say "irony?"

"Tired of no pay/low pay video gigs??
Reply to: job-159587688@craigslist.org
Date: 2006-05-10, 9:36PM CDT

We need videographers with HD cameras
to contribute footage to:


Hundreds of videographers have joined us
and are sending footage to build the biggest
& best community based stock footage site!

Register as a Shooter to learn more!
* An e-mail with a link to the information
will be sent after registration.

* Job location is USA
* Compensation: $75-$85 per download
* no -- Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.
* no -- Please, no phone calls about this job!
* no -- Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.
* yes -- Reposting this message elsewhere is OK.

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Old May 12th, 2006, 01:37 PM   #689
Inner Circle
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Now I GET the business model!!!! Slaps forehead. I get a whole bunch of these kids together, they supply their own gear, I get them work and charge the client and I don't have to pay them!

If they mess up a given job, I give part of the money back to the client, get another freebie kid to do it (doesn't cost me anything) and I still make a profit!

If the kid asks for money at some point, I just replace him with another freebie kid.

Must be thousands of kids like this. Why have them under bid me? I simply "hire" them at their requested wage!

I can crew an entire network like this and call it . . . MTV and make "shaky cam," bad continuity and jump cuts a "style."


Final Cut Editor....willing to work for FREE!!!

Reply to: gigs-160114325@craigslist.org
Date: 2006-05-12, 1:21PM EDT

Just out of school with plenty of Final Cut Editing under my belt. I work on features, comericals, music videos, trailers, shorts, etc... Hard working and fast results guaranteed!!!!!

no -- it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
Compensation: CREDITS AND COPY
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Old May 12th, 2006, 07:09 PM   #690
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The problem with pay per download sites is there's no way for the individual content owners to accurately verify the number of downloads so they can get paid. The site provider could collect money and just tell you that noone has used your footage unless you happen to see it being used. The only way to ensure that you get paid for what is used is to watermark your content and only provide the clean copy directly to the recipient and keep accurate records so if they resell it to others you'll know who has paid and who hasn't. Good luck with that.
James Emory is offline  
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