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Taking Care of Business
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Old January 27th, 2006, 02:35 PM   #436
Slash Rules!
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Ok, this isn't really a new post, per se, but it's so awesome I had to put it in:

It's a follow up to Sean Marks' post about the Sundance bound film using interns only---

"Another Intern to train my Interns
Reply to: gigs-128924305@craigslist.org
Date: 2006-01-27, 10:13AM EST

Hello, this production is heading south. I’ve had some great responses to my original ad, and brought on an intern to train my other interns. The guy was an idiot. Yesterday he busted two mole 1ks, which I have to pay for, now there is less than no money.

I need someone who knows what they are doing to come in and show these morons what they are doing! No body listens to me!

Oh yeah he also dropped the camera and not that needs fixing, so it’s a plus if you have a DV camera and some lights.

If you want to fix this mess and be the hero on a Sundance bound film come intern for me. PLEASE! Don't waste my time with your flaming emails. They hurt my feelings. This is a serious film and you will all be sorry when it premiers at Sundance."

And, even better, here's another by the same guy, after someone angrily replied to the one above:

"I asked you people not to Flame me
Reply to: gigs-128967432@craigslist.org
Date: 2006-01-27, 12:25PM EST

Damn you people are thick. I'm making a movie here so shut up. I simply asked for someone who knows what they are doing to come in here and help me out.

My Sound guy just dropped the dat tape from todays shoot into a pothole filled with water! Morons!


Please - someone who is a smart intern - come and show these idiots how a movie is made.

I also need an intern sound man because I had the last one escorted off the set.

We are going to Sundance you know - with or without you. I read that article and the are full of hooie! "

And the article he means, I assume, is the one James Emory (?) posted about the DV company not making any money.

I especially like the use of the word "morons" to describe the people who are keeping the production from completely falling apart, for no money. Awesome.

Best post ever!
Josh Bass is offline  
Old January 29th, 2006, 10:45 AM   #437
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This MAJOR PEEVES ME!!!!! HD cameras are more expensive than miniDV, HVX-DVCProHD with P2 cards and/or portable hard drive systems (not out yet) is about $10,000. People are offering miniDV rates for this! Walter G. come have a look at this!

DP with HVX200 Need for Music Video Shoot in NYC

Reply to: gigs-129422387@craigslist.org
Date: 2006-01-29, 3:56AM EST

Excellent Opportunity to add to reel and make money as "B" camera for a major music video shoot. Must have own Panasonic HVX200 with own sticks. NO OTHER CAMERAS WILL SUFFICE.

Please send resumes to this email if interest.

Will pay $250.00 per day* (Projected Two Days).


Date, Location and artist will be reveled once hires.

this is in or around New York, NY
no -- it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
Compensation: $250.00
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Old January 29th, 2006, 10:53 AM   #438
Inner Circle
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Well Duh! $250 a day for an HVX200 seems priced correctly when one wants a DVX100 WITH light kit for $75 a day! Please DO send them your actual day rates if you have these cameras. These people need to be HIT with reality. BTW anyone accepting these rates should be on the Ridiculous list too!

Need DP w/Panasonic 24 P camera & light kit for short film!

Reply to: gigs-129300411@craigslist.org
Date: 2006-01-28, 4:03PM EST

We are shooting a short action/comedy about a scooter race at work on mini-dv. This will all be shot on the weekends, at one interior location. The shooting dates as of now are 2/18, and 2/25-2/26.

Please send reels, websites etc. If you need to mail it, let us know.


this is in or around Manhattan
no -- it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
Compensation: $75 per day, lunch on set, DVD copy of film.
Craig Seeman is offline  
Old January 30th, 2006, 04:07 PM   #439
Inner Circle
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Do they get points for being honest in their title? I have this image of someone in the FCP suite with a client supervised edit and the phone rings, "sorry, be right back, gotta pick up the pizza."

Creative Person Needed to be Overworked & Underpaid!

Reply to: landsharkcd@aol.com
Date: 2006-01-30, 1:38PM EST

Emerging CD & DVD Duplication house is looking for someone with graphic design skills who won't mind doing general office work. Duties include answering phones, client intake, mindless duplication & assembly work and running errands. Must be able to commit to 30 hours a week.

Ideal candidate will have good phone skills and some knowledge of Photoshop, Quickbooks, Final Cut and/or DVD Studio Pro.

We are a small friendly company, 2 years young, looking for someone to grow with us. We wish we could pay more but as we grow so will your salary.

Job location is Lincoln Center
Compensation: Starting pay $8 to $10 per hour
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Old January 30th, 2006, 05:06 PM   #440
Capt. Quirk
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You know... It might not be that bad as long as the people in the shop are decent. You have just one Dip to work for, and it becomes a major hassle. You have 5 dips to work for, and you'll be hating life. If they are really cool folks, and have their act together, it would be great at half the pay!
K. Forman is offline  
Old January 31st, 2006, 02:13 AM   #441
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Ok, I know this post is for a 1 day shoot only, but it brings me to a point.

Grip and Electrics needed for one day music video shoot

Indoor one location, Experienced DP and Director team

The band is possibly going to the south by southwest music fest

where the video will be played

Shooting HD camera.

This is a freebie, no pay, but opportunity to work with experienced DP and Director

and possibly new contacts for future work

* this is in or around Brooklyn
* no -- it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
* Compensation: credit, copy and appreciation

So...here's my inherent problem with postings like this. They advertise off the fact that the band/film/whoever is going to be entered into a festival. Now...let me ask you this....WHO CARES? If I come onto a shoot as a PA/Grip/whatever, the quality of the final product means nothing to me. PA's and such don't have "reels". So, I ask these "brilliant" filmmakers....what good does it do me that your film is going to be submitted to, and probably rejected by, some film festivals?
And another thing....what's up lately with everyone promising "contacts for future pay"? That's akin to saying "Hey come work at Burger King for free, and maybe you'll serve a Big Mac to someone who runs a major stock firm, and he'll offer you a job and blah blah blah". And the worst part? I know that someone will take this gig. Someone will take it and make it harder for someone like me to make a paycheck....the standards are lowered. Dear god...what's happened to the movies?
Sean Marks is offline  
Old January 31st, 2006, 02:25 AM   #442
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I know that this specific post isn't that bad/demanding. However, I haven't seen a good ridiculous post in Craiglist in a day or two, and this one hit on a few points I wanted to make about most Craigslist posts. I'm beginning to look at Craiglist as the "Tijuana" of job boards...only with less hookers. Oh wait...they have a section for that too. Nevermind.
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Old January 31st, 2006, 06:16 AM   #443
Capt. Quirk
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Originally Posted by Sean Marks
And the worst part? I know that someone will take this gig. Someone will take it and make it harder for someone like me to make a paycheck....the standards are lowered. Dear god...what's happened to the movies?
But, if they are getting free help, how good can the help really be? Not good enough to get a paying job? There is usually a reason, and you get what you pay for.
K. Forman is offline  
Old February 1st, 2006, 02:16 PM   #444
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I think I am going to vomick!! One of the most successful people in the music business and they can't pay a crew to shoot this? Give me a break! I wouldn't be surprised if Snoop didn't even show up and they just used his name to promote this. I wonder why the sponsor dropped out? It's always possible but highly unlikely that they will ever remember who helped them out in this bind. That is one of the most abused tactics used to get free help! They won't even know your name much less your number after it's over.

"Snoop Dogg is hosting his second annual Youth Football Game in Detroit this Saturday. We are in search of a small film crew to shoot this event at minimal to no cost. Sponsor dropped out so we are in a bind. Footage will be sold to major cable network so will receive funds from liscence deal. Percentage to be negotiated. Major exposure and contacts, as well as opportunity to film future Snoop events. Shoot will be for approx 5-7 hours on Friday and 5-8 hrs on Saturday We will pay for hotel Friday and Saturday night. If you are interested please contact xxx.xxx.xxxx"
James Emory is offline  
Old February 1st, 2006, 02:23 PM   #445
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Problem is that they KNOW some poor job starved people will answer the ad.
Simon Wyndham is offline  
Old February 1st, 2006, 05:21 PM   #446
Slash Rules!
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There seems to be a universal air of sleaze and sketchiness surrounding the whole rap music thing.

In Houston, there are always stories about people on the crew not getting paid, and things of the like.
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Old February 1st, 2006, 09:43 PM   #447
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I saw a special on VH1 last night called Sexploitation about the video girls in these Rap/Hip Hop videos getting screwed literally and out of pay. Sometimes they know the terms and they do it anyway. There were a few that have spoken out about how bad they get treated, good for them! The worst were for BET Uncut. That stuff is absolute worthless crap and is filthy as hell. I can't believe the FCC much less CBS allows that to air even if it is late at night! It's worse than Howard Stern.
James Emory is offline  
Old February 2nd, 2006, 01:41 AM   #448
Slash Rules!
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Whoa whoa whoa. . .wait a minute, you're saying women are being abused in the rap music industry? Well, son of a bitch, who'd a thunk it?
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Old February 2nd, 2006, 03:50 AM   #449
Slash Rules!
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I smell a reality check coming

Ent. Firm Seeks: CREW (and Post) for various shoots
Reply to: gigs-130564984@craigslist.org
Date: 2006-02-02, 2:40AM EST

We're shooting/producing various music videos, movie shorts, tv pilots, commercials, etc.

Mostly low budgets with high production value and marketing.

Seeking additional persons to join our present team, but on a Part-time basis.



Depending on your crew position, experience, skills, etc, positions pay between $40 to $200 per day. Our days can run between 6 and 12 hours, depending on various business/creative and "environmental" variables.

Email us now, as we're setting up interviews!

Use the following subject line data, as a guideline of what info to summarize/put in the SUBJECT LINE of your email:

DP, with HD Cam, $90/day, Works with ABC, BA Degree, Award winner, 212-111-1111...

In other words, let the subject line give a quick summary of the position you seek, main equip you own, how much you want per day, Name/s of biggest projects/Celebs, phone.... Once you've typed in the relevant summarized details in your subject line, proceed to type a message to us and attach any relevant files as desired.

Most of our gigs are in New York/NJ, but some are in South America, Europe, etc, when we'll cover hotel, travel, and pay you a fee.

I like how they think 90 a day is a good rate for a DP with HD Cam.

I like how they think 200 a day is a good rate for a DP with HC Cam. When they say HD Cam, do you think they mean the new HDV/P2 stuff? Or the real thing, as in "my cam cost between $90-150,000"?

By the way. . .shouldn't rates in different cities have something to do with the standard of living? $200 a day goes a lot farther in a city like Houston where one can get a decent (albeit) small apartment in a decent area for $500 a month, vs a city like NY where one can't even get a HALF a decent apartment for that amount.
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Old February 3rd, 2006, 02:30 PM   #450
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Originally Posted by Josh Bass
We're shooting/producing various music videos, movie shorts, tv pilots, commercials, etc.

Mostly low budgets with high production value and marketing.

Seeking additional persons to join our present team, but on a Part-time basis.
Looks like they're not shooting/producing much of anything yet if they need a whole crew! Looks like his present team is he, himself and him!!
James Emory is offline  
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