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Taking Care of Business
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Old January 10th, 2006, 07:34 PM   #301
Join Date: Feb 2004
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Originally Posted by James Emory
Talk about being up sh!t creek without a paddle!

That part about two other editors quitting probably shouldn't have been mentioned publicly. Inquiries ought to drop to zero now. I wonder why they quit. This is sure to be a deadlock now if they can't find somone willing to work without a deposit and they won't pay one because of what happened. No pay until completion is a slippery situation for an unknown company because it is synonymous with and just screams possible shadiness.

"Looking for an editor using FCP or Avid to complete the editing for an independent movie shot in 2003. The pay for this project can be negotiated based on experience and amount of time you are able to spend on the project. Although no payment is given until the project is complete. This only a precaution after dealing with two separate editors that left the project after partial payment. We will supply you all Mini-DV tapes and a script. Please contact us with a resume and contact number to reach you at..."
WOW! A first for me. Just above this ad (I know where James got it), there was one that actually pays well. Just wow, what a shock for a change.
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Old January 10th, 2006, 08:09 PM   #302
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Originally Posted by George Ellis
......there was one that actually pays well. Just wow, what a shock for a change.
Are you speaking of the $10K project. I wouldn't hold my breath on that one. How much do you want to bet it's deferred until after it hits worldwide distribution and makes a hundred trillion dollars? At lease he didn't say up and coming! Hahaha LMAO!!
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Old January 10th, 2006, 09:28 PM   #303
Slash Rules!
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Rap videos, from what I hear, are notorious for dangerous/abusive working conditions--insane hours, drive bys (for real), etc.
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Old January 10th, 2006, 09:31 PM   #304
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Originally Posted by Josh Bass
Rap videos, from what I hear, are notorious for dangerous/abusive working conditions--insane hours, drive bys (for real), etc.
I've heard of loooong days, like 18-20 hrs, but drive bys? That qualifies for harzardous duty pay!
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Old January 10th, 2006, 11:31 PM   #305
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True story---

A group was shooting a video in Houston, and at some point, some dudes drove by, and some other dudes were on set in a car, and the two groups exchanged words, gunshots were fired, someone got it in the face, and everybody quickly left the set.
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Old January 11th, 2006, 10:19 AM   #306
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So, really that ad is No/Low, but has a $10k hazardous duty pay rider.
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Old January 11th, 2006, 11:24 PM   #307
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Downtown Indianapolis Picture Taker Needed!

Arrrggghh! The nerve!

This is great part-time work. We have (5) hotels in downtown Indianapolis that need digital pictures taken each Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. This route pays $50 per week total. Must have digital camera, reliable
transportation and internet service. Please provide contact information.

Position starts as soon as possible!

Only serious and interested applicants need respond.
Compensation: This route pays $50 per week total.

It's kind of scary, like they are stalking someone or something. Hmm....
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Old January 12th, 2006, 06:41 PM   #308
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job offer for "sick" videographers?!

here is a job offer out of the sfo craiglist....lol

Creative Videographer Wanted to Trade 5 Minute Video For Healing

Reply to: gigs-124813243@craigslist.org
Date: 2006-01-12, 1:25PM PST

I'm an internationally known healer and author and I need a 5-minute video cut from some new footage to be shot and footage I already have of myself working in the operating room. I charge $250 an hour for my healing sessions and would be willing to offer you twenty healing sessions for the work.

this is in or around Bay Area

no -- it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
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Old January 13th, 2006, 04:11 PM   #309
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So I guess they should have no problem paying $100 an hour for the video.

I'm still waiting for the lawyer who'll ask you to shoot video depositions for free and in return he'll take care of your bankruptcy case.

Originally Posted by Karl Heiner
here is a job offer out of the sfo craiglist....lol

Creative Videographer Wanted to Trade 5 Minute Video For Healing

Reply to: gigs-124813243@craigslist.org
Date: 2006-01-12, 1:25PM PST

I'm an internationally known healer and author and I need a 5-minute video cut from some new footage to be shot and footage I already have of myself working in the operating room. I charge $250 an hour for my healing sessions and would be willing to offer you twenty healing sessions for the work.

this is in or around Bay Area

no -- it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
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Old January 13th, 2006, 04:14 PM   #310
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Wana know why you keep getting under bid

Can I hire him out at that rate and in return I'll let him use the material for his reel. I'll make a bundle charging the client really low rates. Heck if he has a Cine Alta I'll burn the DVDs for him!


Reply to: gigs-125086400@craigslist.org
Date: 2006-01-13, 3:29PM EST

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Old January 13th, 2006, 11:06 PM   #311
Slash Rules!
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Ok, got a whopper:

"Crewing up for Ground-breaking film (Camera/DP , Sound, PR/Marketing)

Reply to: gigs-125199379@craigslist.org
Date: 2006-01-13, 11:30PM EST

Get ready for greatness. Back East Productions is producing a feature length movie in just 30 days, and we are looking for people to help us shoot and record sound.

More specifically, we need a shooter with their own mini-dv camera with a good "film look" (like the Panasonic DVX 100A). Please have a reel. We only have a few days to make a decision. Also, we need someone to record sound during the shoot. Must be knowledgeable about recording sound in tricky conditions (i.e. dealing with urban sounds).

We also need someone who can promote our project. We have a very marketable project here: a movie produced in a month by a couple who is planning their wedding... and we have day jobs.

We are offering deferred payment/profit sharing. There is a lot of buzz about our project as people are really taken by the ambition of our project. We have amazing actors who will make us all look good, and a compelling story for them to utilize.

Check out backeastproductions.com to see our production blog so far and to learn more about our project.

You see, my approach to this project is to cast BEFORE the script is written. I think it would be easier to tailor a script to the talent available, rather than write a script and comb the Earth trying to find talent to match the characters. I’m betting that I’ll find a story derived from the inspiration of the casting process. So after auditions, I’ll craft a script based around a small group of actors with parts written just for them.

Put another way, we started this having no idea what the story is. Genre? Not a clue. Two weeks later, we have a script and are shooting next week!

We begin our 4-day shoot beginning on January 20.

Tentative schedule
Auditions: Thursday night, Jan 5 and Saturday morning, Jan 7
Script: Jan 7-Jan 12
Rehearse/Re-write/Improv- Friday, Jan 13-Thursday, Jan 19 (night and weekends)
Shoot: Friday, Jan 20 – Monday, Jan 23. 4 day shoot, so give notice to your boss!
Edit: Tuesday Jan 24-Jan31

I’m certain we’ll have a very marketable product, from the talent involved in the production, to the novelty and ambition of the production process. "

It doesn't say it's unpaid (does it?) But come on. . .we all know it is.
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Old January 13th, 2006, 11:54 PM   #312
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They've got it all figured out don't they! Just another example of these mentally ill people who think they are a major studio with a complete staff including production, marketing and distribution. Oh, we're going to do this and that, and well, hopefully we'll have the money, well, we'll worry about that later.

Originally Posted by Josh Bass

It doesn't say it's unpaid (does it?) But come on. . .we all know it is.
Come on Josh, now you know that deferred means unpaid! Just look it up in your indie translation book.
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Old January 13th, 2006, 11:58 PM   #313
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Why the crap on production boards thrives!

At first I felt sorry for this person but near the end that went straight out the window! I have italicized the reason. This person must have just fallen off the grip truck yesterday. $25 is not that much but when you multiply that by 100, no, 50 suckers, that's not a bad day's work. This person didn't pay it to say that it's sometimes acceptable. Unbelievable folks!

"City Hall East, a so called "Law and Order" type crime drama is a scam. At the least, highly unprofessional and disrespectful in how they deal with actors. I wrote them requesting an audition as instructed on their website. They wrote back and said they would schedule one for tomorrow morning. But then, after I turned down other work that I really needed to support my family (most of us have to moonlight at other things), they wrote back to give me further directions and instructions that I would have to pay $25 for the golden opportunity. I tried to explain that if this were the case, they should wave the fee in my case because of the reasons I have mentioned. They wrote back giving me some bull about how the things in life that are worth anything are worth paying for. When I said I wouldn't mind paying if I had it but don't and that they should do the right thing by keeping their original commitment (which didn't mention pay)they warned me that I had better not make waves if I ever wanted the chance to audition for them in the future. Oh, and by the way, they had already told me this was the last opportunity to do so.

I originally said that I wouldn't mind paying if I had it because it was the best I could do to try to make the most of what I had left (after turning down another gig). But the truth of the matter is that talent should never have to pay to do such a thing. It was never explained why they needed it or if they are truely a reputabale and legit company. It is true that it sometimes takes money to make money and this is something we do when we put our hard earned money into lessons, headshots and such. But this sort of thing is just parasitic and there is not even any evidence that they are a true production. They originally said that the auditions were going to be one of their offices around town and they are actually having people go to a night club to do them.

If indie film makers sometimes need to take an innovative approach to producing there work, I don't see anything absolutely wrong with asking certain talent they are working with to make sacrifices (if the talent doesn't mind doing so)if they are going to be considered a partner of some kind (even for just a small %). This is not the case with this production who is claiming to be a full fledged television series and who is not offering anything for the $25 they ask for except that you will be on their good side or won't be labed a pariah by them for not having the funds. This does not asure you a role or that they even exist as a production company. And so where is your hard earned money going? This, coupled with the fact that they are not even willing to wave one fee based on (at best) a mistake they made, is even further indication that they are nothing more than a scam. Quality artists, don't waste your time.

Always remember the numerous cases of actors who struggled for years before others recognized them and also the thousand of hopefuls who pay tons of money on image, plastic surgery, and this sort of bribing, yet who can't act their way out of a paper bag"
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Old January 14th, 2006, 03:16 AM   #314
Slash Rules!
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Sorry, I missed that "deferred" bit when I read it.

Poor bastard. Thank. . .cussing cuss curse we're not actors. Eh?
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Old January 16th, 2006, 06:08 PM   #315
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The majority of pay on a deferred project? I wonder where the other part will come from on a deferred project? The majority of pay will come with selling of film just like the majority of pay for a cook at McDonald's comes from selling hamburgers. Interesting concept.

The fact that they have several offers makes me feel a whole lot better, whew!

This is the best part: The deferred pay, the pay your not going to get, is possibly $100 / day.

"Looking for film crew to shoot low budget film - majority of pay will come with selling of film (we already have several offers) Must be Good at what you do - need to be available for 2 full weeks - Meals included. Shooting dates will be Feb 7th - 21st

this is in or around Xxxxxxx

Compensation: Deferred - Possible $100 p/ day"
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