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Taking Care of Business
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Old January 6th, 2006, 06:36 PM   #286
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Okay, I think I've got the solution to making the true cheap asses and scammers go away but we'll all have to stick together to make it work. Just make sure you give a fake name so if any legitimate people see it they know who really did it to ruin your credibility.

We need to start taking these shady jobs and give them exactly what they pay for, crap! I mean, how fun would it be to show up and act like everything is going just fine such as focus being sharp, exposure being good when the whole time it's soft and blown out and badly framed. Hand them the tape and thank them for the opportunity for working on such a great project while trying to contain yourself from busting out laughing knowing what they are really gonna get! What could they say, I wasted alot of money by using that guy!

And then after all that, have the galldacity to call and ask for your free copy! :O
James Emory is offline  
Old January 6th, 2006, 08:19 PM   #287
Inner Circle
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Some people on craigslist have said when the see Production jobs that don't pay, they volunteer and then don't show up.

There are people who honestly don't know what things cost. I've explained to them if they don't pay their crew enough people will jump ship to higher paying gigs. Also that in most cases one should give a deposit to hold people.

In one recent case after explaining this the potential client was willing to pay me $90/hr instead of $25/hr.

If it's no pay it's clearly a ripoff but with low pay I respond with an online link to my relevant demo and my rate (with explanation working on the assumption they just don't know). I think it works 1 time in 10 but you get a client who appreciates your professionalism.
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Old January 6th, 2006, 08:25 PM   #288
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Yep, I agree. There are those that truly don't know. I think there are signs to tell who is truly naive and who is a cheapass, lying, using, scammer. Unfortunately, the ability to tell comes from being exposed to both a few times. Usually though, the innocent and naive ones aren't so demanding because they don't know what they want and can sound a bit confused.
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Old January 6th, 2006, 08:41 PM   #289
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So is this person "confused?" <grin>
You provide labor and Super 16mm package for EIGHTEEN DAYS! NO PAY! A list actors and award winning director and NO FUNDING even for the camera!

Camera Operator with own Super 16mm pkg.

Reply to: gigs-123079935@craigslist.org
Date: 2006-01-06, 9:58AM EST

Looking for a camera operator / 2nd shooter with his/her own Super 16mm package for an 18 day shoot for a full feature film. The film features a number of A list actors, and the director is an award winner who has a great deal of experience. This is a great opportunity for those who are looking to work on a movie that has more than a great chance of being picked up. No pay, possibility of deferred payement upon sale of film.

Please email resumes to the address supplied (no attachments, paste resume in body of email) or submit by fax to 734.939.4128
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Old January 6th, 2006, 11:09 PM   #290
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I would say that is mental illness like I described a few posts back. They know what's going on and have tunnel vision thinking that their project is IT! They suffer from a condition known as chronic galldacity.
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Old January 8th, 2006, 07:28 PM   #291
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And now for something completely ridiculous

4-5 days shooting including camera, light, etc. All editing, DVD design and mastering. $1500 and only upon "successful" completion.

Cameraman/ Editor/ DVD Author
Reply to: gigs-123466405@craigslist.org
Date: 2006-01-07, 6:37PM EST

We are looking to make an exercise DVD.
Applicant must supply camera, lights, etc.
The shoot will take 4-5 days.
Experience a must.
* yes -- it's ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
* Compensation: $ 1,500 only upon successful completion of the project.

I sent them a realistic bid and the explanation that it would be a contract with 1/3 upfront, 1/3 for shoot, 1/3 by delivery after approval. They sent this even more absurd demand back with a 5% penalty per DAY for missing the due date!

Dear Applicant,
Prior to conducting an interview, we would like to under line our conditions.

Please review them and decide if you would like to proceed.
1. The shoot will take 4-5 days.
2. The shoot will take place on Saturday or Sunday, once a week.
3. The material must be edited and presented prior to additional shooting, every week.
4. Full payment will be given on the completion of the project.
5. Missed due date will result in 5% deduction per day late.

We are looking for someone confident in his/her skills to complete this project.

Thank you
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Old January 8th, 2006, 07:55 PM   #292
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What a bunch of jackasses! That is very smart getting a deposit. Otherwise they could bail on you after all the shooting is done and even partial post and you're left with everything! They need to get over themselves. When you are paying full rates, then you have the right to be very picky like that. It doesn't matter what the rate is really. If a person, for whatever reason, agrees to their terms then they are bound. That's where lessons are learned. If people like those folks are never put in their place by one or many, then they'll never wake up from their mental illness, cheapass coma.
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Old January 10th, 2006, 10:27 AM   #293
Inner Circle
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This job offer isn't ridiculous in the same sense others have been. It's certainly one of the STRANGEST I've seen. Hmmm, I wonder what they have in mind?

Three Women Looking for Male PA - DOCUMENTARY

Reply to: gigs-124097378@craigslist.org
Date: 2006-01-10, 8:53AM EST

We are three artistic women making a documentary about the search for the perfect House Personal Assistant. The chosen candidate will run errands and accomplish small tasks such as mailings, cleaning, possible cooking and possible research and other tasks. In exchange you will gain insight into the female psyche including advice regarding shopping, dating, relationships, fashion and more.

We are planning on documenting the entire process on video. We will ask for approximately 5-10 hours of your time per week, hours are extremely flexible.

Include a brief personal bio and work background and tell us why you are interested in this position.
Photos are encouraged, but not required.
this is in or around Astoria, Queens
Compensation: One hour of your time for one hour of our time.
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Old January 10th, 2006, 02:04 PM   #294
Slash Rules!
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Ok, but, see, maybe if the male PA plays his cards right. . .
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Old January 10th, 2006, 03:13 PM   #295
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This was in the TV/Film Jobs on Craig's List. They must really be getting desperate for members to use this tactic. I wonder why they didn't mention making people stars, producers and directors since it was in this category. I guess that comes later, after you're converted.

"Are you tired of looking for a job and getting no where? We understand how hard it is to get work in an economy that is failing. We are in the business of assisting Blacks, Hispanics and Asians to make a better way for their families and themselves. Employment is a vital part of keeping our communities together.

We will equip you with a professional resume, interview training and employment opportunities.

* Retail
* Administration
* Accounting
* Sales
* Labor
* Work From Home
* Modeling
* Marketing

Whatever skill you have, we can increase your chances of success. Our services are absolutely "FREE." Knowing that we are helping build a stronger Atlanta is good enough for us.

In order to qualify for our services you must:

* Have a Valid Driver's License or ID
* A Physical Address
* Access to a Telephone
* Dependable
* Trustworthy
* Attend This Sunday's Mosque Meeting at Muhammad's Mosque No. 15 Under the Leadership of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan

That is all we request. You must attend this upcoming mosque meeting. The reason is because we want to be on a spiritual level with everyone involved. The teaching of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan motivates people of color to master their circumstances and properly handle people. This is the basis of what we what to see Atlanta thrive in. This opportunity isn’t directly affiliated with the mosque or the Nation of Islam but the embodiment of their principles can help us elevate our minds as will as our conditions.

So call Bro. Joseph Xxxxxxxx @ xxx.xxx.xxxx for instructions on attending this Sunday’s meeting so we can meet and greet. At the end of the meeting you will get an employment application and a date and time to register for the employment services."
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Old January 10th, 2006, 03:25 PM   #296
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No experience required but please write a short essay of your background experience. She's going to shoot a film 5 days from this post and nothing is secured. Who keeps letting these people out of the facility unsupervised?!

"I need someone with their own equipment (digital camcorder is fine). Extensive experience is not needed-film students’ welcome. I am producing/directing my first short film (more information about the film under Gigs: Talent: ”ACTRESS NEEDED for short film…” posted 1/9).

I am not a film student, nor have I ever been. I am a writer, and I have a vision for a short film, that is WRITTEN out, and broken down into scenes...and ready to be shot. I will be directing, but have a really good idea of what I want (scene by scene, visually, etc.), and am very easy to work with.

Tentative shooting date: THIS SATURDAY, January 14th from approximately 9am-4pm

What I need from you:

• Camera and equipment

• Availability on the shooting day (it’s tentative because me and the male lead are available then. BUT I am still looking for a female lead, and a camera person (you).

• No experience is needed (though some would be great).

• Please tell me (informally; short paragraph is fine) about your experience/education as a camera person/DP, and why you would like to work on this project...honesty please

• PLEASE LEAVE A NAME & A NUMBER WHERE I CAN CONTACT YOU (and the best time to call).

James Emory is offline  
Old January 10th, 2006, 06:00 PM   #297
Slash Rules!
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What happens if I show up at that mosque one?
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Old January 10th, 2006, 06:02 PM   #298
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Originally Posted by James Emory
No experience required but please write a short essay of your background experience. She's going to shoot a film 5 days from this post and nothing is secured. Who keeps letting these people out of the facility unsupervised?!

"I need someone with their own equipment (digital camcorder is fine). Extensive experience is not needed-film students’ welcome. I am producing/directing my first short film (more information about the film under Gigs: Talent: ”ACTRESS NEEDED for short film…” posted 1/9).

I am not a film student, nor have I ever been. I am a writer, and I have a vision for a short film, that is WRITTEN out, and broken down into scenes...and ready to be shot. I will be directing, but have a really good idea of what I want (scene by scene, visually, etc.), and am very easy to work with.

Tentative shooting date: THIS SATURDAY, January 14th from approximately 9am-4pm

What I need from you:

• Camera and equipment

• Availability on the shooting day (it’s tentative because me and the male lead are available then. BUT I am still looking for a female lead, and a camera person (you).

• No experience is needed (though some would be great).

• Please tell me (informally; short paragraph is fine) about your experience/education as a camera person/DP, and why you would like to work on this project...honesty please

• PLEASE LEAVE A NAME & A NUMBER WHERE I CAN CONTACT YOU (and the best time to call).

Darn! I am going to Boston area this weekend for Liquid University learn-in, so I will have to skip it. ;)
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Old January 10th, 2006, 06:13 PM   #299
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Production Assistants needed for all night Rap Music Video Shoot Friday January 13th.
This is a major artist for a major labe!!!!

Compensation: experience


What's a major labe? Have you noticed the people who put this kind of trash on Craigslist have no abilities to type whatsoever?

At least this poster isn't looking for a camera person. Just a goon.
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Old January 10th, 2006, 06:39 PM   #300
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Talk about being up sh!t creek without a paddle!

That part about two other editors quitting probably shouldn't have been mentioned publicly. Inquiries ought to drop to zero now. I wonder why they quit. This is sure to be a deadlock now if they can't find somone willing to work without a deposit and they won't pay one because of what happened. No pay until completion is a slippery situation for an unknown company because it is synonymous with and just screams possible shadiness.

"Looking for an editor using FCP or Avid to complete the editing for an independent movie shot in 2003. The pay for this project can be negotiated based on experience and amount of time you are able to spend on the project. Although no payment is given until the project is complete. This only a precaution after dealing with two separate editors that left the project after partial payment. We will supply you all Mini-DV tapes and a script. Please contact us with a resume and contact number to reach you at..."
James Emory is offline  
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