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Old December 13th, 2005, 04:19 AM   #241
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If he doesn't charge for his own work how does he expect to make a living? Also, if the artist in question has written songs for almost every major singer out there then they should be raking in the money from royalties, and hence have no problem paying someone to make a video!
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Old December 13th, 2005, 02:26 PM   #242
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This sounds like most other business models to me. These kinds of folks always leave it open ended and very general so they can escape. None of what they describe is new or unique. $12 million in revenue in two years?

"A 15% finder’s fee will be paid for referrals that lead to qualified private investors in a new TV network. 24-hour television programming will launch on the World Wide Web as well as in Atlanta, Georgia, using an innovative and groundbreaking entertainment model. The company’s management team consists of professionals, who, combined, have well over 100 years of direct experience in the fields of television, movies, technology, business management, music, finance, marketing, law, and sales. The Company is at the start-up stage of business and expects to earn $12 million in revenue in 2006 - 2007."
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Old December 15th, 2005, 12:57 AM   #243
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What do you think?

This one's up in the air. It could be totally legitimate or maybe a tactic to get a free video camera or cameras. If I was a displaced family, I would want food, room with shower, and money, not a video camera. Hmmmm?

"I'm working on a documentary about displaced Katrina survivors from New Orleans. One of our families is having a big reunion this Sunday in Atlanta, and I would like to have some footage of the event.

The film is as of yet self-funded, so if you would be able to do it for a very cheap rate that would be much appreciated.

We're also looking for people to donate or sell cheaply their camcorders so that we can give it to the families.

I can point you to links for this project and past projects so that you can verify its legitimacy! Thank you."
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Old December 19th, 2005, 02:36 PM   #244
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here is one, out of the craiglist:

Reply to: comm-119173590@craigslist.org
Date: 2005-12-19, 3:56AM PST


I am an experienced Videographer offering special no budget video package to shoot your band at your next show on DV video and burn it onto a DVD for only $50.00. You can use it to stream on your webpage, sell at shows, or send to bookers for more gigs or even use to it critique your live show.

If interested email me
this is in or around SF/East Bay

no -- it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
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Old December 19th, 2005, 03:22 PM   #245
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He either sells lemonade at 25¢ a glass on the corner or he's working at MickyD's during the day. Maybe send him an email back asking how much he's selling the camera for because he probably can't even make the credit card bill let alone put food on the table. He's gotta be within walking distance to the club too since he certainly can't afford cab fare, gas/parking if it's his own car (how's he paying for the car?).

BTW I've been underbid by people doing corporate work at that rate!


I am an experienced Videographer offering special no budget video package to shoot your band at your next show on DV video and burn it onto a DVD for only $50.00. You can use it to stream on your webpage, sell at shows, or send to bookers for more gigs or even use to it critique your live show.

If interested email me
this is in or around SF/East Bay
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Old December 20th, 2005, 12:22 PM   #246
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Need amazing Intern for Entertainment Show

Yet another tell me why you're good enough to work with me for free post. This person has won an Emmy but won't even provide their identity.

"I need an intern that "get's it". School credit fine/no pay. If you want a career in the TV business and are willing to do loads of research, book celebs, and are not easily intimidated--I want to talk to you! I don't care if you go/went to Harvard....be passionate about TV and the entertainment industry. MUST be resourceful. Need someone next week for a few months---possibly long term--if you knock my socks off possible future paying position. I worked as an Intern for a year for free and ended up winning an Emmy. Let me know why I should give you this opportunity. Be brief.

Compensation: Intern/School Credit"
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Old December 20th, 2005, 12:24 PM   #247
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Craig's List Rules - what a ballyhoo!!!

If these folks actually followed their own rules, this thread probably wouldn't exist. I couldn't believe this when I saw it. Who's not doing their job screening their posts?

Craig's List Rules
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Old December 20th, 2005, 12:48 PM   #248
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I still say free internships for college credit are not suitable for this thread, but whatever.
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Old December 20th, 2005, 12:54 PM   #249
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Originally Posted by Josh Bass
I still say free internships for college credit are not suitable for this thread, but whatever.
What does that have to do with anything? It has been stated many different times in many different ways that it's not a bad thing to work for free for experience or whatever or deferred for decent people. This thread was created to specifically feature and expose the ridiculous jerks out there that try to use and abuse decent people with deception and outrageous terms. If anything, this thread could be an eye opener to a college kid that sees it to show them the unfortunate proliferation of this crap plaguing our industry. It is what it is so don't look into it so much.
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Old December 20th, 2005, 01:06 PM   #250
Slash Rules!
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"Originally Posted by Josh Bass
I still say free internships for college credit are not suitable for this thread, but whatever."

"What does that have to do with anything?"

Um. . .

'I need an intern that "get's it". School credit fine/no pay'
'Compensation: Intern/School Credit'

All I'm saying is if the thread is about "ridiculous job offers", and unpaid internships for college credit are not ridiculous, then. . .
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Old December 20th, 2005, 01:15 PM   #251
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Josh, I don't know how else to put it. The majority of other posters in this thread get it and seemingly so did you until recently going down this path........ to the dark side. You will NEVER fully understand, and can't, until you are in your late 20's and then 30's looking around with no money after you have gotten NOWHERE working for f*****g FREE!! But you'll have plenty of EXPERIENCE won't you?!!
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Old December 20th, 2005, 01:29 PM   #252
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But, again, the guy was posting for an internship for college credit. Back when I was in college, I was made to understand that most internships were unpaid, and lasted several months. I did two, one at a fox affiliate, the other at a UPN affiliate, and several production companies in town offered them (I didn't do these), and they were all unpaid.

It's one thing if the whole "unpaid internship for college credit" thing is bullsquash, but I always heard that was "how it was", for the most part--interns don't get paid (usually).

So ALL I'M SAYING is that I don't why that PARTICULAR AD is so ridiculous. Not trying to invalidate all the posts in the thread, just a few that don't seem that outlandish to me.

The ad poster didn't ask the potential intern to bring his/her own camera, editing gear, or anything else, didn't ask they already know everything in the world about something they're supposed to be interning in, all they asked for was for the potential intern to put in his/her time and not be flaky. I seriously don't what's so unreasonable. As for "tell me why I should let you work for free," I think a lot of places do that--ask that the applicants write some sort of essay, so as to weed out those who think it's a free ride.

Sorry we disagree on this one, but calm down.
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Old December 20th, 2005, 01:33 PM   #253
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As you gain more experience with these deceiving fools, only then will you truly understand what I and many others are feeling. These types prey on young people for a good reason, do I have to tell you why? You see, with more experience dealing with these types of folks, I/we see patterns of behavior that the inexperienced cannot see because, well, THEY HAVEN'T EXPERIENCED THEM YET!! I don't know what your situation is, but I guarandamntee you that if you were totally on your own, paying for 100K+ for gear, you would see things a whole lot differently. The very fact that I'm having to tell you this shows your inexperience and the gap. I don't mean experience in a bad way either, we are all inexperienced until we learn.
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Old December 20th, 2005, 01:41 PM   #254
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So you're saying there's no way this poster is from a legit production company, and this internship would do anything at all for the intern?

Look, I'll just stop here. We seem to not be at all on the same page, for whatever reason, and I'm just getting your blood pressure up. So I'll say no more on this particular post.

Until the next post I find "not so ridiculous."

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Old December 20th, 2005, 01:59 PM   #255
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Originally Posted by Josh Bass
The ad poster didn't ask the potential intern to bring his/her own camera, editing gear, or anything else, didn't ask they already know everything in the world about something they're supposed to be interning in, all they asked for was for the potential intern to put in his/her time and not be flaky.
I hate to speculate but, you wanna bet?

Originally Posted by Josh Bass
Sorry we disagree on this one, but calm down.
DON'T YOU TELL ME TO CALM DOWN!! I'm laughing my ass off while writing this (while gritting & grinding my teeth)!! :) :O I'm trying to help you but you're making it as hard as you can. Haha!
James Emory is offline  
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