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Taking Care of Business
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Old December 7th, 2005, 01:28 PM   #226
Inner Circle
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I think this ad is outrageous. He's a Manahttan Orthdontist (read expensive)and expects to pay an ENTIRE crew to shoot and edit a 30 spot on BetaSP or film for $500-$1000! I guess this is for those film students who bought BetaSP or 35mm packages at a "student" rate, right?!

Commercial for Manhattan Orthodontist.
Date: 2005-12-07, 1:02PM EST

I already posted 2 days ago, but am forced to clarify and narrow the search.
If you are not hired, or chooose not to bid, but still need Invisalign, I will give a real discount (not one of those fake ones). Respond if interested in this portion of the listing. (can I post a job, AND advertise?)

The spot is now a 30 second spot. Vivacious woman walks down street with two guys admiring. (I have the actors) She turns, bad teeth, guys cringe, then smile at each other. "should have seen DR. ____" then remove their own aligners they have been wearing. The final 10 seconds is of mf my office and me. My street is very quiet traffic in the mid morning- not worried about that issue

I need Beta or film High quality, need better than 24P video cam. Looking for crew, photograher, lights, all that stuff, editing. If you are a student, borrow a film camera.

Budeget of $500 to $1000. May be too low, but someone with foresight and need to build a rep will be all over it. Rememeber- I need quality better than panasonic 24P- I have seen the samples.
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Old December 7th, 2005, 01:51 PM   #227
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Originally Posted by Craig Seeman
May be too low, but someone with foresight and need to build a rep will be all over it.
That's the funniest thing I've seen yet!
Bill Porter is offline  
Old December 8th, 2005, 11:42 AM   #228
Inner Circle
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So you should do a 4-6 shoot (doesn't even mention editing or compression) to ADVERTISE HIS BUSINESS and you get "credit." I think someone needs to create a blacklist for businesses that don't pay and the shooters who work for them!

Need DP with Own Equip for VERY short shoot soon

The details: This is a very short SILENT film clip (<5 minutes) for a website, demo reel and CD business cards. The shots are simple, the storyboard is complete and this is shootable in 4 - 6 hours (may split over two afternoons). Expenses will be covered and your work will be credited.

Would need to shoot this sometime between Dec 16 - 20. Flexible within those dates to match your schedule.

If interested, send an email with a note that gives me an idea of your experience as well as the specs of the equipment you have (or have access to).
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Old December 8th, 2005, 12:23 PM   #229
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One of the great questions is why the video and film world is like this? I mean does anyone go to a lawyer and say "Look, it's only a small case, can I pay you a quarter of your usual rate?"

Or a builder. "Well, the extention I want on my house is a lot smaller than the one on the house you did the other week. Can I cut your day rate in half to do mine? Oh and by the way would it be possible for you to cover the cost of all the materials?"

I just do not understand it.
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Old December 8th, 2005, 01:32 PM   #230
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I think someone needs to create a blacklist for businesses that don't pay and the shooters who work for them!
The problem is that *somebody* will most likely take him up on the offer.
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Old December 9th, 2005, 04:48 AM   #231
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I want to show the link to their site so bad because you would absolutely laugh your ass off especially after these demands:


Check out XXXX.com for a trailer.

Hot in Here DVD is looking for a hot video editor.

You will get to edit footage with the hottest hip-hop, r&b and sports stars in the world.

You must have your own video editing system (Finalcut Pro preferred)

You must know how to export to quicktime and email clips(yousendit.com is ideal)

Clips are typically 5-10 minutes long and involve a lot of fast cuts and b-roll.

Graphics and color correction is a big plus.

Familiarity with Hip-Hop and urban culture a big plus.

Email sample links (not actual files) to

Compensation: $250+ per clip"
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Old December 9th, 2005, 04:54 AM   #232
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The toofy doc needs to stick to what he does best and not be yappin' trying to play DP. The fact is that if he wasn't there and wasn't told, he couldn't tell the difference between Beta and DV if it was shot and lit well. 24p is a different story.

Originally Posted by Josh Bass
Is he aware Betacams don't shoot 24p, and that 24p is good?
Josh, that's one of the few times that I agree with you, wise ass! Keep it up though, I like it! :)
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Old December 9th, 2005, 04:56 AM   #233
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Originally Posted by Rick Steele
The problem is that *somebody* will most likely take him up on the offer.
I think someone needs to create a blacklist for businesses that don't pay and the shooters who work for them!
Simon and Rick, you are exactly right!
James Emory is offline  
Old December 9th, 2005, 05:12 AM   #234
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Originally Posted by Bill Porter
I didn't either, but ya don't gotta call me an asshole because of it!
LMAO!!! :O You guys are just killin' me!!
James Emory is offline  
Old December 9th, 2005, 05:46 PM   #235
Inner Circle
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One is supposed to supply camera, light kit, wireless mic AT MIDNIGHT for a NO PAY shoot for someone's demo reel with the promise that it MIGHT lead to paid editing work!

Videography and Photographer needed

Videographer and photographer needed to cover 1-3 hrs of a fashion show for one of its make-up artist. Event is on the 16th of December between 12-2AM.Your guest are more than welcomed to come. The footage will be used for her press kit. Videographer will need DV camera with light kit and wireless or lav mic to do 2 or 3 small reaction interviews of MUA work. Photographer will only be needed to capture head on full and close-up shots of models made up by the make-up artist.
Students more than welcomed. Travel, food and networking available. No pay. However, if the videographer can edit this will lead into editing work as my reel must be edited and you will definitely be compensated. If interested please respond ASAP. Thank you for reading this post. All the best.
Craig Seeman is offline  
Old December 9th, 2005, 08:56 PM   #236
Inner Circle
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Originally Posted by Craig Seeman
One is supposed to supply camera, light kit, wireless mic AT MIDNIGHT for a NO PAY shoot for someone's demo reel with the promise that it MIGHT lead to paid editing work!
I sent them my rates for the job. Person actually runs a small production company and they responded to my email that they found someone to shoot with light kit and mics at that hour for FREE!. Again, they RUN a small production company. Guess someone is making money from FREE labor and someone is PROVIDING IT!!!!!

Tomorrow I place the ad looking for people with Thomson Viper to shoot for me for free. Aw schucks, they can stay home and just GIVE me the camera as long as they've paid for it. This way they can stay home for free and I'll use the gear!

Are people really that STUPID?
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Old December 9th, 2005, 11:21 PM   #237
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To whoever mentioned why the video/film biz is like this:

It's not just us. I think any artistically based occupation/job has this kinda crap goin' on--website designers, graphic artists, 3D modellers, actors, dancers, whatever. Seems like all the jobs that don't have traditional career paths have this issue (e.g. Lawyers don't - go to law school, pass bar, start out however they start out (no I don't know crap about lawyers), work ass off, make partner--there aren't infinite ways to become a successful lawyer, the way there are to become successful as a filmmaker/videographer/artist).

Hence, they tempt (or try to) you with bullshit about "experience, reel building, etc."
Josh Bass is offline  
Old December 10th, 2005, 02:08 AM   #238
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Well said Josh. This profession is one of the few that don't necessarily require a degree to perform services. I think that all this bullshit about how a project will be a great addition to a reel is all about the producer's eago and shows their desperation to get people to work for free or deferment! That is their opinion that it is a great project. I would be more apt to work on a project at a lower rate or possible deferment if there was alot of hands on experience to teach me the right way and fast, than to work for the idea of its content possibly being commerically or critically successful. I didn't sit around and wait for a premium paycheck when I first started in this industry. I did whatever I had to do to get experience to learn as fast as possible so I could move on and get work on better paying projects because I then had the experience. I had a mission, so in a way, I was using the cheap asses. :O Ha ha ha!! So, I don't necessarily get uptight at the very young and/or inexperienced person working for little or nothing because usually the producer will only get what they pay for. The one's that make a career out of nowhere projects are the ones that I wonder about. But sometimes these cheap ass producers will get lucky and get a future Spielberg or Lucas to work on their project and that person will move on to be successful leaving the cheap asses behind. :O Hahahahaha!
James Emory is offline  
Old December 12th, 2005, 06:56 PM   #239
Inner Circle
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Talk about BLATANT. So they're SELLING the Fitness DVD on Amazon and claim it's doing WELL. They want MORE BROADCAST QUALITY and want you do it for "Credit." "Willing to give credit" such sacrifice and generosity on their part.


this is in or around NYC NJ

Compensation: CREDIT ON THE DVD
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Old December 12th, 2005, 07:24 PM   #240
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A Cheap Ass's Reply

This has to be the first time I've seen a cheap ass actually reply to a post and defend themself.

"Atlanta Xxxxx Xxxx Productions is shooting a music video for a new major artist on Sat. Dec. 30th.

We need:
4(four) Production Assistants


This is not a paid shoot!! You would be working this one day for EXPERIENCE ONLY!

If you are interested in being a part of this music video then please email me with your contact info and I will get back to you ASAP"


Crew Supporter

"RE: Need P.A.'s for Music Video

If this music video shoot is for such a "major artist", then you should have the funds to pay at least a minimum amount to your PA's and grips.

FYI - grips will make or break your shoot. So will PA's, but especially grips. Their experience and motivation (or lack thereof) is the difference between an efficient, creative and happy shoot or one which has many problems. In the USA money (pay) = motivation. Pay your crew. Something. You will be glad that you did.

From a TV and video production professional with 25 years of experience.


Xxxx xxxxxxxxxxx"


Crew Supporter


Another Crew Supporter - this does happen you know!

"It's not that they don't have the money, he's probably pocketing it so he don't have to pay and find some poor eager soul to do the job."

Another Crew Supporter - obviously hasn't seen this thread

"I cant understand why so many people think they can get professional, experienced camera people, photographers, and grips for free or nothing. everyone wants tfp now one wants to pay or if they do they want to pay 10 to 15 per hour. People the professionals that work in this feild need to make a living and are not here to volunteer thier time and talent to make you happy they need to be paid"

Cheap Ass's Reply

"FYI we are a new production company that for the last 4 months have been doing projects for free labor, only charging equipment cost so that we can get our name out, build a diverse reel, and to master our craft. We put non paid to let you know up front, none of us are getting paid either and you can believe it or not, I am the founder of this company and 6 months ago i put an ad up for crew members to build a production team and you know what know i have one that I appreciate very much. We are all striving toward the same goals. Yes we are working with a nice artist, who is not signed but has written for almost every artist in the industry . She responded to my ad for the free videos so that's why she gets the deal. We are putting 100% of our budget toward production quality which is very important to get our product at the top. Now this is the last time I will ever come down to your level to address such a petty matter. This was only to truly represent me and my company if any one of you have any other concerns please call me and i can deal with you one on one. I don't think you would enjoy some one blasting you all over the internet would you. So call me at xxx.xxx.xxxx Otherwise those of you that wise to serve on the crew as a PA or Grip email me or give me a call."
James Emory is offline  
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