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Old October 11th, 2005, 12:55 PM   #151
Inner Circle
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Originally Posted by Robert Kirkpatrick
Just got offered a "job" from a friend:

"Hey, Robert. We're having our wedding in a few weeks. It's a small, intimate affair, and we're not inviting many people. Mostly family and really close friends. We would really like you to be there, though. It would mean a lot to us if you could be one of our guests. Oh, and could you bring your camera and videotape it and maybe burn a few copies on DVD? Thanks."
Reply [ Absolutely, I would love to come to your wedding. And I'd love to film your wedding. We'll even bring a gift, although my video services will not be it. ]

By the way, if they don't like that answer, give them some local video houses to call.

At some point you just have to draw the line.
What happens if I push the 'Red' button?
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Old October 11th, 2005, 06:45 PM   #152
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I just did a friends wedding for free. Fortunalty for them they hired someone to do the real one. They didn't ask me I just showed up with my cameras. we had TONS of fun, but their parents don't want to see this video!!! They knew better than to ask me, even hire me for that situation. They are 2 of my best and I gave them a video that only our group needs to see. NO sex scenes or anything like that!!!!!, just the after party that you only watch with the people that were there. If that's what they want give it to them it's fun, but if they want something to show to the family????? They should hire someone. In our group we had 4 PD-170's and My Z1 great footage. none of it went to the guy they hired. Only for us.
Jerry Porter is offline  
Old October 11th, 2005, 10:13 PM   #153
Slash Rules!
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Hey. . . I think I know the guy who did the ad regarding the weddings and editing in camera. In fact, I've actually been called to do a couple weddings for him that I couldn't do for one reason or another. He's legit, I'm pretty sure. Although it was $200 per wedding last time I heard. I think he wanted a slate in front of the wedding (you'd have to do that through your NLE), but other than that, you edit in camera and "rewind back and record over if you went too long on something", and just mail the miniDV tape to him. Hey, it's not too bad if you don't mind the price.
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Old October 12th, 2005, 11:06 PM   #154
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True, it's not too bad for the work, but I sure agree with James Emory - the video will be just horrible!

Still, if the couple only has $200, then they only have $200. :P
Bill Porter is offline  
Old October 12th, 2005, 11:56 PM   #155
Slash Rules!
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Yeah. . .but if it's what they agree to, then so be it. I actually have the demo video the guy sent me to show me "how it's done".
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Old October 13th, 2005, 02:34 AM   #156
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How are you supposed to do a proper star fade in-camera?
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Old October 13th, 2005, 02:42 AM   #157
Slash Rules!
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You mean you don't know? Jeez.

Okay, you have to have 30-60 differently sized star mattes, each a little smaller than the last. You hold one matte in front of the lens, and shoot for exactly 1 frame of video, then hold up a slightly smaller one, and repeat 'til you've shot a seconds worth of video. This will, when played back, appear to look as if the star has shrunk. Then you do the reverse to make the star grow again.

How could you not know that?
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Old October 13th, 2005, 06:10 AM   #158
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Hey, I'm just a rookie. Thanks for the explanation, it does sound like it will class up any video a lot!
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Old October 13th, 2005, 12:10 PM   #159
Slash Rules!
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Hey no problem. As a 50-year vet of the industry, I always look to help newbies out.
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Old October 13th, 2005, 12:33 PM   #160
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A STAR fade. You guys are just killin' me!!!! I love it!!
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Old October 13th, 2005, 06:07 PM   #161
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Beyond Boundaries

Well, I think I am watching the show that I posted about earlier. It is called Beyond Boundaries and airs on Discovery as posted. Good luck to the crew that works on that show!

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Old October 17th, 2005, 11:28 AM   #162
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Need semi-experienced videographer - resume required......WHAT?!

Has anyone ever thought about taking someone up on their offer of not really caring about the quality. I would love to hear what these folks would say if the video was blown out, too dark, had crap for audio, etc.. Would they say, that's okay, I understand?

"If you are an semi-experienced wedding videographer please email me with your resume/portfolio. I am having a wedding in March 2006 and I am in need of a Videographer. If you are not at a pro-level this is a perfect opportunity to gain experience and add to your portfolio. Please email me with a price quote and resume/portfolio. I look forward to hearing from you."
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Old October 18th, 2005, 08:55 AM   #163
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I've got a great idea. I start my production company with nothing. Run a ad for people to work for next to nothing or free if they have less than 5 years exprience,who have all the equipment and I make all the money. I could even hire some illegal aliens to work around the office. I don't even need to buy a camera. That really takes the pressure off me and my wallet!!
Bob Zimmerman is offline  
Old October 18th, 2005, 09:00 AM   #164
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You need to post that on Craig's List where it will fit right in! Hahaha!! :O It is utterly ridiculous, great job!!
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Old October 18th, 2005, 09:06 AM   #165
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this summer a film company was in the area making a movie. They only had a few paying jobs, but they need volunteers. I said I would help some if I could work with the DP or director. I thought it would be a good way to learn about filmaking. So they started production and said what they really needed was someone to drive back and forth to Chicago to drop off and pick up stuff. A 300 mile round trip.

I said do you have a car? "No you have to use your own car" I ask if they were paying for gas. "No" I said have a nice day.

They continued to call and later ask if I would do some photography work since the other person left. I said no.

They got a volunteer to help get volunteers, so I guess they were having a hard time getting people to work for free. Which is not a bad thing to do sometimes, but not at your own expense.
Bob Zimmerman is offline  
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