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Taking Care of Business
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Old July 20th, 2007, 05:33 PM   #16
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Los Angeles (recently from San Francisco)
Posts: 954
Originally Posted by Chris Sackett View Post
Thank you very much STEVE!!! Where do I find these types of lawers? I guess I can search the internet, Does anybody have any other suggestions of prior experiences with these types of lawers? Also can someone recommend a couple so I might be able to get a hold of one?

Thank You Again Everyone, You all have been very helpful!

Chris Sackett
The suggestion to call Accountants and Lawyers for the Arts is a good one. Failing that, call your local Bar Association (not State Bar) and ask for a referral to a local lawyer that does entertainment, media or intellectual property licensing. Most lawyers will give you an initial consultation (but no advice) for free.
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Old July 25th, 2007, 09:06 PM   #17
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Join Date: May 2007
Location: Brookings Oregon
Posts: 50
Thank you for the feedback Paul :) I will try and answer some of the questions you brought up!

1.) The media company is intrested in a clip of a boat accident that happened during the race. It was shot by another person who gave me a copy of the footage, I told him that I was making a DVD of the races. He wanted in return a copy of the finished DVD. We agreed to this over the telephone. I understand that I don't own the rights to this original footage. I plan letting him know about the media company intrested in his video. I do plan on having some kind of release of copyright for his footage after reading your post. Maybe some kind of contract in which I will pay him for the footage release plus a copy of the completed DVD.

2.) The music license I have does include using it in any form of broadcasting. The only requirement is to fill out a cue card for the artist. This license has a broad range of uses, I think that is why it wasn't cheap.

3.) The races are held in public rivers they are only closed to the usage of the river during the races for saftey concerns. There is no private venue for this type of racing.

4.) There are no big sponsors for these types of races. They are promoted by raising monies for the insurance. They are put together for an organization called A.W.J.A Amercian Whitewater Jetboat Association. It was founded in part by my Father-in-law. He is the one who is also trying to promote these races through the videos I make. I do have their full consent.

5.) Are the faces visible? The racers are wearing full fire suits with life jackets and full face helmets. The fans the only thing you see is the backs of their heads. I try and avoid getting their faces on camera, due to the fact that I don't have their consent! I try and edit out any fans faces out of my vidoes.

6.) I appreciate your advice and I take it you know your stuff. I will try and get in contact with all of the organizations you advised me to contact.

Thank you Again,

Chris Sackett
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