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Old April 26th, 2003, 03:41 PM   #1
Major Player
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Location: Sweden - Helsingborg
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Tricky question...

There are a SCI FI convention near me and I'm going there tomorrow and one of my favorite screen people will be there (Ray Park) aka Darth Maul.. It's ok to shoot video there so I thought I could go and get him on video.

Now to the tricky question, If I put him on a DVD I'm going to sell (if he only figures from a distance and unaware of being filmed) could I get in trouble for that?

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Old April 26th, 2003, 03:54 PM   #2
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COULD you get in trouble for that?


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Old April 26th, 2003, 04:08 PM   #3
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What laws do I break?

I don't want to break any rules or laws.
So I'm not taking any chanes! I mean he's in a public place..
It's like videoing any avrage joe anywhere? I mean, just because he is famous don't give him any additional copywrite laws or anything..
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Old April 26th, 2003, 04:43 PM   #4
Retired DV Info Net Almunus
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You'd be best advised to check the laws in Sweden for definitive guidelines on this. But here in America, if you are producing a work for profit and/or distribution you would have to have everyone recognizable sign releases. You'd be amazed at how resourceful professional actors (actually, parasitic network of agents and unions that feed off of them) can be at finding your work and you. You could be putting quite a bit at stake. If you're a minor, you could also be jeopardizing your parents' assets.

My advice: do it properly or don't do it at all.
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Old April 26th, 2003, 04:54 PM   #5
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Thank you Ken!
I can always trust in you for good answers!

Well, as I plan to distribute it on the internet I'll try to get his attention and a few minutes of his time. If I get him to say it's ok on tape, am I ok then? Or I have to have it written?

I am not a minor, so I guess they could try and take all my current funds:) which is about $200 (I just ordered my Canon XL1s)

No, to be serious.. I'll try to talk to him.. ask him if it's ok.. perhaps he can promote my DVD if I promise I will send him a copy?.. Well, atleast I can dream of that when I got to bed tonight:)
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Old April 26th, 2003, 06:47 PM   #6
Capt. Quirk
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I think the problem isn't so much his saying it's ok, as much as George Lucas owning the rights to the Darth Maul character. I would get the video, and ask for Ray Parks permission, then get George Lucas' permission before releasing it.
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Old April 26th, 2003, 06:53 PM   #7
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No no! Darth Maul has nothing to do with it..
Ray park are visiting as Ray Park.. He will not be dressed as Darth Maul.. I only wrote that because I did not know how many here know Darth Maul as Ray Park..

So I'm only going to get video of him as Ray Park the private person!
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Old April 26th, 2003, 11:46 PM   #8
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<<<-- Originally posted by Andreas Fernbrant : What laws do I break?

I don't want to break any rules or laws.
So I'm not taking any chanes! I mean he's in a public place..
It's like videoing any avrage joe anywhere? I mean, just because he is famous don't give him any additional copywrite laws or anything.. -->>>

He's not in a public place. A public place would be like walking down the street. The sci-fi convention (unless it's in the middle of a street) would be a private event.
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Old April 27th, 2003, 07:50 AM   #9
Capt. Quirk
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O.K. If it's just him as him, all you would need is a release probably. After all, it isn't like you just happened to get him in frame as you were shooting. You are using him as subject matter. You mighjt also want to get a release from the event, just to cover all the bases. They may just ask for credits. It's better to be safe than prosecuted.
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Old April 27th, 2003, 08:47 AM   #10
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Alright, I'm back from the convention..
I talked to him but he said he could not promot my film (he wasn't allowed, probably by contract) But I got him to wish my film luck on video.. that's always something:) But I wont put it in my film..

He was very nice and gentle... I can't beleve a nice person like that could play Darth Maul:)

Thanks anyways!

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