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Old February 13th, 2007, 12:46 PM   #1
Major Player
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Location: Boston, Massachusetts
Posts: 425
Move to another market?

I'm a filmmaker living in Boston, which is a great town, but not the world center of film (or video) making. A lot of the actors I work with on my projects eventually move to New York or LA.

I was wondering if any of the other budding filmmakers on this site are contemplating the move? Right now I'm working on a really great project, so I figure I'll see where that leads me, and if makes sense to move, I'll move. Otherwise, why move to another town to be the 1 billionth record store clerk/director wannabe?

I guess I'm torn between being plugged into the local film community here, which is a small pond, or moving to where the competition is tougher, but there's a bigger community to get plugged into.

I know that's a vague 'depends on each person' sort of question, but I thought I'd throw it out there.
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Old February 13th, 2007, 01:03 PM   #2
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I'm actually interested in leaving LA because the market is too saturated out here.

It's tough because if I leave, there won't be as many opportunities. If I stay, I'm stuck being a lifetime renter.
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Old February 13th, 2007, 01:10 PM   #3
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Take a look at:
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Old February 13th, 2007, 01:24 PM   #4
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Thanks Peter. I caught a bit of an interview with Mamet on Charlie Rose.

I'm also wondering if the most innovative filmmaking is best done AWAY from NY/LA.

Example... the project I'm on now is directing a script dealing with domestic abuse. The writer is someone who has done volunteer work in this area, and wrote a terrific script that is based on actual cases.

One reason for writing is she felt no movie had ever realistically dealt with the subject. If you mention 'Sleeping with the Enemy' or 'Enough' to her, steam comes out of her ears and she'll hit you with a frying pan.

She did originally shop it around LA. Apparently she had a few nibbles, but everyone said to her 'Love the script. We would just need to change a few things... make it more like 'Sleeping with the Enemy' or 'Enough'.'

So our deal is she's letting me direct it, and I don't stray too far from her vision. I know they say 'don't let the writer have too much influence', but actually my writer has been wonderful. Plus, I love her script just as it is. Occasionally I've gone to her and said 'I know what this scene is about, but it would work better, or be easier to shoot if we changed this -'. We have a great relationship, and she's had no problem making the changes I've proposed. (well, sometimes she objects, and we find a compromise).

My understanding is this would be very hard to do in mainstream filmmaking....
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Old February 13th, 2007, 02:44 PM   #5
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Few movies being made in the United States today deal all that realistically with any subject: reality gets focus-grouped out of the stories.

What happens in LA and NY is the movies business with the emphasis on business. so much money is at stake that the people who manage it are so risk adverse they don't want to depart too far from what worked in the past. Not a culture that favors innovation. Of course this has all been said before . . . and Mamet is one of the people saying it.

I would really like to see films that deal more realistically (films will never be really real, of course) with what most people encounter in life in a dramatic way. Filmmakers in the UK do a much nicer job of this that than we do in the US do at the moment, I think.

I'd like to know about your project when it's finished.
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Old February 17th, 2007, 10:55 AM   #6
Hawaiian Shirt Mogul
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hollywood makes/sells entertainment ..
there are many excellents scripts floating around LA but excellent may not be good entertainment if made into a movie ???... hollywood bottom line is making $$$$$$ ... it's a business ...

"she's had no problem making the changes I've proposed. (well, sometimes she objects, and we find a compromise).
My understanding is this would be very hard to do in mainstream filmmaking"

what kind of budget are we talking here ? and who put up the $$??
from over the years i have found that on no budgets the writer, director, producer all get along great ... now throw in several million $$ into the budget and so much for sticking to the original script and having writer on set ..

today more then ever you do not have to go to LA to make your project ..
you just might have to pay for it yourself if you want to see your vision on the screen ...
if you want good actors - then use SAG low budget ( i believe for under 75K budgets you can defer $75 day payment) and you have access to ANY sag actor/actress -known actors/actresses are always looking for excellent scripts and many will work within all SAG contracts ...
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