Amount to charge?
I have a question concerning the amount to ask for when dealing with a few different project types. I am extremely wet behind the ears for the "professional" part and I want to come off confident and knowledgeable about customer relations. I have a job lined up in May dealing with the filming and possible editing of a public school spring concert. I did not know what to ask for and I almost lost the job; I am being paid $300 minimum plus a percentage of ticket sales if the show is a hit. Fortunately the customer was understanding when I told her I was new, but I am worried that she took it as I was new to all event filming.
Next year I hope to do a documentary on a friend's band (for money) and I need to know what would be a good starting price.
( the project would take about 3 months or so and would definitely include editing and distribution)
Could anyone enlighten me on what factors can affect cost and possibly give some examples of you would/do charge for certain events and project sizes.