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Old February 23rd, 2006, 06:07 AM   #16
Inner Circle
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Originally Posted by Travis Cossel
I kinda figured it was a 'special treatment' thing. Providing news to the masses is one thing, although they still do it to make a profit. However, I bet they could take my script and go shoot my television ad without even considering a permit application, and that is what annoys me.

It gives them an unfair advantage. And for anyone who is about to say that $150 isn't that much money, try telling that to my client who has to pay the bill. d:-)
I'll bet if the TV station was obviously shooting something other than a news stand-up they'd have to pay the same usage fee that any other film shoot would. (And these days where "reporting" often consists of a pretty talking-head uncritically reading press releases from politico's and corporations pretending to be news, it's sometimes damned hard to tell the difference between "news" and the commericals.) It's one thing for an ENG crew to shoot your Mayor Quimby giving a speech in the park on Whacking Day and quite another to film an episode of The West Wing.
Good news, Cousins! This week's chocolate ration is 15 grams!

Last edited by Steve House; February 23rd, 2006 at 11:28 AM.
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Old March 13th, 2006, 01:08 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by Travis Cossel
I kinda figured it was a 'special treatment' thing. Providing news to the masses is one thing, although they still do it to make a profit. However, I bet they could take my script and go shoot my television ad without even considering a permit application, and that is what annoys me.

It gives them an unfair advantage. And for anyone who is about to say that $150 isn't that much money, try telling that to my client who has to pay the bill. d:-)
Production and news are two different departments in a station. A news crew would not need a permit, a production crew would. Now that is not saying that the local permit authority would not make an exception for a TV station production crew, but in State Parks(PA at least) and National Parks, only news crews will be permitted to shoot without permits and appropriate insurence in place.
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Old March 17th, 2006, 04:09 PM   #18
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One of you dress in a business suit. That should be all you need.
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Old March 17th, 2006, 04:23 PM   #19
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News is editorial. If you were doing an editorial piece, then you should be able to get the same treatment as a press member.

The press gets access, like nobody should. The press covers events to inform the citizens, as where you are doing something to make money.

Of course the press makes money, how are they going to pay the bills for the staff and equipment?

There is a thing called the "Fair Use Act" do some research on it.

Also, there is an article in the recent issue of Make magazine regarding press coverage and the "Fair Use Act". You might want to look into it.

I am not a lawyer and the use of my opinion is up to you. Consult with a lawyer for advice. etc, etc...
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