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Taking Care of Business
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Old August 30th, 2023, 03:34 AM   #1
Equal Opportunity Offender
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Brisbane, Australia
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If all fails, impress the client anyway

Had a conference recording and streaming event where they were also having a couple of the speakers remote-in via Zoom.

To this end, I decided to bring along a RØDECaster Pro mixer to handle the audio as it has wonderful mix-minus for the return signal for connections such as the person Zooming in as well as native audio integration with the on-site computer. One of the benefits of this is that they can hear the room at the same time as they are presenting and without any fear of a feedback loop. It's worked before and is brilliant.

Due to some impossible to foresee complexities that didn't reveal themselves at a prior site inspection (oh, my kingdom for an audio connection adapter!) we weren't able to use the Rode unit. So what to do? Well, even though we were then just working through the audio mixer at the facility the gear was still there and switched on ... so I left it that way. After all, it's pretty and looks impressive ... and in a sense it's still being 'used.' LOL.

Attached Thumbnails
If all fails, impress the client anyway-pretty-rode-zoom.jpg  
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