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Old November 9th, 2017, 04:45 PM   #1
Inner Circle
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Web Payments

Sooo, am I dreaming of a time when people like us can process payments via/web portal? I'm sure like me, everyone has different types of projects and I'm not sure if it's logical to have a webpage where people can't make payments online. I know it's a nice thought.

Anyone do this?
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Old November 10th, 2017, 05:15 AM   #2
Inner Circle
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Re: Web Payments

Hi Steven,

We have a few payment options on our website, so couples can pay for a photography, video or combined package on line, they can also pay a wedding deposit if they choose, but we don't require it. There is also an option to buy extra copies of their dvd or usb.

It was very simple to set up via Papal business. Once set up, there is a block of html code to insert wherever you want in your website and you can have a list of payable items. The client pays by paypal or credit or debit card through paypal. Paypal take a small percentage of every transaction which varies between 3.5-4.5%, which compares with bank costs for setting up a similar facility. Paypal is probably slightly more than a conventional bank, but there are no set up charges and no monthly charge. If like us, you expect a fairly small number of transactions a month, we found it the simplest and cheapest option. If you are wanting to take hundreds of small transactions then a standard bank facility with a monthly charge but lower percentage deduction may be better.

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Old November 10th, 2017, 07:39 AM   #3
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Re: Web Payments

I have used Paypal for the past 10 years on my site with no problems. I don't currently have a site but I continue to use Paypal for customer and stock video payments. I also use it for invoicing with a payment button. It is as Roger described.

Last edited by Mark Williams; November 10th, 2017 at 10:55 PM.
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Old November 10th, 2017, 08:08 AM   #4
Inner Circle
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Re: Web Payments

Originally Posted by Roger Gunkel View Post
Hi Steven,

We have a few payment options on our website, so couples can pay for a photography, video or combined package on line, they can also pay a wedding deposit if they choose, but we don't require it. There is also an option to buy extra copies of their dvd or usb.

It was very simple to set up via Papal business. Once set up, there is a block of html code to insert wherever you want in your website and you can have a list of payable items. The client pays by paypal or credit or debit card through paypal. Paypal take a small percentage of every transaction which varies between 3.5-4.5%, which compares with bank costs for setting up a similar facility. Paypal is probably slightly more than a conventional bank, but there are no set up charges and no monthly charge. If like us, you expect a fairly small number of transactions a month, we found it the simplest and cheapest option. If you are wanting to take hundreds of small transactions then a standard bank facility with a monthly charge but lower percentage deduction may be better.

Hi Roger, could I see your site?
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Old November 10th, 2017, 09:12 AM   #5
Inner Circle
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Re: Web Payments

Originally Posted by Steven Davis View Post
Hi Roger, could I see your site?
Hi Steven,

I'll PM you a link to it as I don't post my business details on the Forum.

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Old November 10th, 2017, 10:24 AM   #6
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Re: Web Payments

Hi Steven,

I also suggest PayPal. I'd been doing dance recitals for many years and would have all these people calling with credit card numbers and I'd have to manually enter each transaction. A few years ago, I figured out the PayPal thing. As the other poster said, copy and paste a few lines of code into your web page and when the customer clicks to order, the PayPal payment page seamlessly opens and customer can pay securely with credit card or PayPal. They do NOT need to have a PayPal account to use this.

Of course I can print out the orders from PayPal site then so that I can fulfill the DVDs. In fact, I can print USPS shipping labels right there in the PayPal order also and the postage cost just comes out of my PayPal balance.

I'd pretty much gotten out of the video business a few years ago, with the recital being the only gig I was still doing, so I'd cleaned out my website and ended up with only the very simple ordering portal for dance DVD (my web hosting place quit supporting the web design software I was using so I had to have them just make the very simple page for me, long story).

That was 2016 since I didn't film the dances last year. Go to Digital Vision Productions and click ADD TO CART to explore how the PayPal payment thing looks.

Funny story, been doing the videos for that studio for about 20 years and just wasn't making any money any more and I let them hire another company to do the job for 2017. Studio owner left me a voicemail a few weeks ago - they finally got the DVDs (very late) and they are horrible quality and they are begging me to come back and offering more money, so we'll see what happens ;-)


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Old November 10th, 2017, 11:23 AM   #7
Inner Circle
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Re: Web Payments

Originally Posted by Roger Gunkel View Post
Hi Steven,

I'll PM you a link to it as I don't post my business details on the Forum.

Thanks Roger. I appreciate it. My lips are sealed........well actually I have a big southern mouth, but you get what I mean.. :}
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Old November 10th, 2017, 08:15 PM   #8
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Re: Web Payments

I use PayPal and Square to take credit cards and it works fantastic.
I can swipe a card in person with the Square card reader, issue an invoice with PayPal
or Square which people can pay online for event coverage or promo video
production.....or people can buy DVD's and Blu Ray's in my online store with
their credit card using PayPal. It all works great. There is really no reason
everyone can't be doing this. I've seen middle school age kids who are
running their little businesses, taking credit cards. Before long the 8 year old
selling lemonade will probably accept them.
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