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Old September 29th, 2013, 04:12 PM   #16
Major Player
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 895
Re: Please help in choosing major

Be careful about going where you think the best paycheck might be. Things change. A revolution in manufacturing is about to occur that is going to disrupt many markets. It will be based on 3-D printing technology. It may well be that those who can create product designs that can be printed would be in much higher demand than code slingers. That's just one example but I think you get the idea.
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Old September 30th, 2013, 09:57 AM   #17
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Seattle WA
Posts: 1,256
Re: Please help in choosing major

To tag onto what Jim just wrote, would you believe in the news "NASA plans first 3D printer space launch in 2014" BBC News - Nasa plans first 3D printer space launch in 2014

The printer will be used to make spare parts! And even, apparently, print small satellites to be launched from the Space Station (if I understand the article correctly). Talk about Si-Fi.

The article says "Laser-melted titanium and nickel-chromium powers are now being used to build much stronger components."

What ever job one chooses for a career today has the possibility of becoming extinct before one retires. Remember what a secretary was? Milk man? Telephone operator? Who uses a sextant for navigation today? Not many.

Keep learning and be flexible in either your career options or business options (if you have your own business).

As an aside: One member of DVinfo who used to be here frequently has actually got out of the weding video business because there is so much competition from start-ups who have a video camera. He said its too much work for the money. Fortunately he has other photo and video options and he is really knowledgeable about his craft.
John Nantz is offline   Reply

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