pricing % for music videos; pricing question at
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Old April 20th, 2012, 05:54 PM   #1
Major Player
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 293
pricing % for music videos; pricing question

I'm trying to figure out a reasonable percentage that I should take from the budget for producing music videos. I pretty much do everything, but do hire a small crew.

Things that I do myself are
*get the gig
*hire the crew
*direct the video
*editing the video
*producing the video
*write the treatment

Ill hire, lighting, camera op, dp etc.
So not including things like location cost or props. What % should I get and what % should I leave for hiring the crew? Crew is pretty much one day of work where my work could last weeks, planning editing etc.
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Old April 24th, 2012, 11:32 PM   #2
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: San Diego, CA
Posts: 1,082
Re: pricing % for music videos; pricing question

Whatever your dayrate (or hourly rate) is, charge that for the things you list. When I bid a gig, I spec out how much time I expect everything to take, and I bill for that time. 4 hours to gather information, 4 hours to write a script, 4 hours to shop it around and make changes, 8 hours on set, 20 hours editing, whatever. So in this (hypothetical) example, I have 40 hours @ whatever your hourly rate is.

When I hire crew, I charge 10% on top of their rate. They get $450/day, I get $45 (that I bill the client for).

For me, this is easier than trying to decide what I think the client will pay, charging him that, and then trying to get a crew for that price. It's very ala carte. If the bottom line is $5k and the client balks, it's all right there in front of him. "What would you like to cut out?" It's a choose your own price scenario.
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