Television show intro, how long and what to charge? at
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Old June 29th, 2010, 09:19 PM   #1
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Television show intro, how long and what to charge?

Hi Everyone,
We've been contacted by the producers and editor of a television show that has created a pilot episode that was picked up by a major television station to create an opening for the show. I'm just wondering if anyone has any experience with this kind of thing. After looking at some other television intros it seems roughly 45 seconds might fit the bill, thought i don't know if this may be too long or short. But how much to charge is the biggest mystery. Here are some of the details that I can share:

All of the footage will be provided by the client (no filming is necessary)
The music track is being provided by one of the producers, a member of a rather popular music group
The show will hopefully air for at least its first season contract of 13 episodes
In their words they want a "Kick-a$$" intro.

I'm going to try and feel them out for a budget tomorrow, but it would be helpful to know as much as possible about rates going into this.

I was thinking of charging 50% up front with watermarked online previews and up to 2 revisions with the balance due before the release of the final unwatermarked edit, thought I'm not sure at all what to charge or if this is the correct way to charge them.

Not sure if I'm missing anything here but any help that can be provided would be greatly appreciated!

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Old June 30th, 2010, 06:33 AM   #2
Equal Opportunity Offender
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Brisbane, Australia
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Since they have shot the footage, you might want to put a qualifier on the "kick ass" aspect as your ability to produce this will be somewhat limited by the supplied content you have to work with.

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