Wondering if you are able to charge more with the EX1 then the Z1?? at DVinfo.net
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Old April 19th, 2010, 05:05 PM   #1
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Wondering if you are able to charge more with the EX1 then the Z1??

Hey everyone, I am getting the EX1r for a film I am working on in the fall. Currently there is a nice rebate on that camera. I currently use the Z5 and Z1. Just wondered if anyone else out there noticed that they were able to raise there prices for event and corporate shooting?

Currently, I charge $60 an hour and $350 a day and I am located in California. I was thinking when I shoot with the Ex going to $75 an hour and 400 per day or something along that.

I ve also seen that you can cut between the RED camera and the EX - so I am thinking that with that kinda of quality it should be paid for possibly.

Let me know your thoughts. I already get very good reviews from the Z1 and Z5, but I really need the EX for the film - but I would like it to work for business as well to justify it!
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Old April 19th, 2010, 08:33 PM   #2
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You can raise your rate for whatever reason you want but I wouldn't base my rates on what camera I use. If you *want* to use an EX1 and you believe you will be more productive with one then raise your rates because you're a better videographer.

Just ask yourself what you want to tell your clients. If a client asks "Why do you charge $75?" will you say "because I shoot with an EX1" or "because I feel my work is worth $75"? Personally, I'd rather respond with the latter.

For example, we're working with an excavating company on our new septic system. I personally don't care if he puts it in with a top of the line John Deere or a cheap Chinese import. He might be mighty proud of his backhoe, but I don't care and won't even notice. All I care is that the job is done right and done timely.
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Old April 19th, 2010, 08:37 PM   #3
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Makes sense.

Only thing is, that instead of what puts the septic system in, its more like the quality of the pipes.

EX1 is said to be able to be cut with the RED camera. So..... we are talking about something that looks "worlds apart" from the Sony Z1 camera.

Another example - If you shoot a TV commercial with the RED I am guessing that the client is going to pay a lot more then if it was shot with the FX7.

I would not be in business if I used a 1 CCD home camera versus the Z5 I currently used. Simple.

The equipment matters -

the question is how much of a difference are people going to pay for that difference?
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Old April 19th, 2010, 09:02 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Chris Davis View Post
You can raise your rate for whatever reason you want but I wouldn't base my rates on what camera I use.
I won't disagree with Chris if you are talking about providing direct video service to clients - if you are freelancing for a production company, I would beg to differ. If your client REQUIRES you to work at a specific standard, costs should be passed along accordingly. If I REQUIRE HDCamSR for my productions (how I wish...), I would expect to pay SIGNIFICANTLY more than if I required 1/3" single chip consumer for B-Roll.
Shaun C. Roemich Road Dog Media - Vancouver, BC - Videographer - Webcaster
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Old April 19th, 2010, 09:07 PM   #5
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For the record, I am a Full Time Freelance Videographer / Editor.

I ve worked with all sorts of different people - from events and weddings to stuff going to the theater and evenb videos for the State of California.

For events and weddings I can't see people willing to pay more really, especially in this economy.

However, for film productions, TV commercials, and a lot of corporate stuff, I can see that it could be potentially beneficial, it depends on the client.

MY question, AGAIN, is whether or not anyone has had EXPERIENCE with being able to charge more, not for their camera skills (allthough this camera would add certain things from the Z1 that any client would love), but for quality of the footage.....
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Old April 19th, 2010, 09:29 PM   #6
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I have always separate line-itemed labour and gear. My day rate for camera equipment is approximately 3% of purchase price which is pretty standard in the markets I've research so I DO charge more for "better" gear.
Shaun C. Roemich Road Dog Media - Vancouver, BC - Videographer - Webcaster
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Old April 19th, 2010, 09:48 PM   #7
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Shaun, Thanks for the reply.

So for clarification, can you expound on your day rate and 3% thing?

If you bring $10,000 for a day shoot what do you charge for that (1 day of shooting, no editing)?

Would that be $300? (3%)
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Old April 19th, 2010, 10:34 PM   #8
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For $10k in gear, give or take, $300 + my day rate + consumables (ie. Tape)

Good clients that book me a lot AND pay quickly would get a better rate on gear than someone who insists on 30 days before invoice and THEN 30 day terms (this HAS happened... ONLY in freelance though)
Shaun C. Roemich Road Dog Media - Vancouver, BC - Videographer - Webcaster
www.roaddogmedia.ca Blog: http://roaddogmedia.wordpress.com/
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Old April 20th, 2010, 07:17 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by Silas Barker
I would not be in business if I used a 1 CCD home camera versus the Z5 I currently used. Simple.
You seem to be inferring from my comments that it doesn't matter what camera you use, which I did not say.

In the light of your specific question (event and corporate video) as long as you maintain the required standard (which an EX1 and a Z1 can both easily meet) you will be of equivilant value to the client. As a client, if you're charging me 25% more because you have a better camera, then I want to see a 25% better video. I don't think you could convince me (as a client who is writing the check) that it's 25% better than a Z1.
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Old April 21st, 2010, 06:40 PM   #10
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I use an EX-1 and Z1's. My highest paying gig requires me to use the Z1 since they want the raw footage on DV tape. Nuff said. And $400 for a day rate with a Z1 or EX-1 seems pretty low for my area and really low for California.

If you are a doing professional work it is assumed you have the ability to produce a professional image. How you get that image is up to you. I've seen incredible work produced with a Z1 and I've seen crappy work produced with an EX-1.
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Old April 22nd, 2010, 05:57 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Silas Barker View Post
MY question, AGAIN, is whether or not anyone has had EXPERIENCE with being able to charge more, not for their camera skills (allthough this camera would add certain things from the Z1 that any client would love), but for quality of the footage.....
Silas, yes of course charge more for the EX1R since it is a better camera than the Z1. My XDCAM HD day rate is higher than my Z1 rate by several hundred dollars. If you'd like some sort of reference check out rental company rates for the two cameras and then you can base your day rate with gear accordingly. Don't forget to include the cost of lighting and audio gear as well. Your personal day rate (no gear) is based upon experience and what the client will bear - that's up to you.
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