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Taking Care of Business
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Old November 1st, 2002, 07:26 AM   #1
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Movie clips for a video

Ok, I know this sounds like a stupid question but.... I'm producing a video for a non profit org that is trying to raise money to renovate a vintage movie theatre. They want me to use clips from old movies in the video. Is there any way I can legally do this?
Becky McMillen is offline   Reply With Quote
Old November 1st, 2002, 07:47 AM   #2
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I know this is a cliché thing to say...but when we say it here, we mean it..."there is no such thing as a stupid question."

I'm no expert on this, but I think it depends on how "vintage" you're talking about. I believe anything over a certain number of years becomes public domain (75 is it?)...which is why you see some web sites offering old, old films in their entirety online for free (I just watched "Nosferatu" last night). But be careful...I'm sure someone somewhere owns the rights to some of the more famous films from Chaplin, Keaton, etc.

So, if the silent flicks aren't too vintage for you, then you can find some available at the Library of Congress site. You'll also see information for each one telling you whether it's now public domain. My company just ordered some footage of famous public domain speeches on video. Of course, there's a fee shipping.

And if you just need snippets of vintage movies, there are stock houses where you can download footage for a price.

Good luck.
John Locke
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Old November 1st, 2002, 10:18 AM   #3
Join Date: Jul 2002
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Check out:

Write down the movies you'd like to use, go to their database, search and see if the movies you selected are in the public domain. If they are, rent them or buy them on DVD, for best quality, and take out the clips you want/need.

It would be a great gesture to acknowledge the original artists/production companies--just a thought.

Hope this helps!
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Old November 2nd, 2002, 09:34 AM   #4
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Hey, thanks! I'll try both of those suggestions.

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