What seems to be the going rates at DVinfo.net
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Old June 27th, 2005, 08:19 AM   #1
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What seems to be the going rates

Full day of shooting
Half day of shooting
Creating DVD's

Just looking for some ballpark numbers for what one might charge with experence and without experence, I could really use some guidance in this area
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Old June 27th, 2005, 08:26 AM   #2
Obstreperous Rex
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Moved to Business forum from XL2 forum.

The answer to this is going to be based largely on the local market you're in. It's primarily determined by the competition's rates, your own skill level, the value you're adding, whether you're working out of your home vs. working out of a walk-in retail location, and a variety of other factors.

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Old June 27th, 2005, 09:28 AM   #3
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well I will be shooting on site, and editing at my house. I am a beginning videographer, but I have editing experience.
I have heard from others around this area that it is about $125 per hour for shooting, and $100 per hour for editing, this sounds a little high for my experience. I don't want to charge to much, nor to little. I can adjust here and there, but I am just looking for a good starting place, can anyone volunteer some numbers?
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Old June 27th, 2005, 10:02 AM   #4
Inner Circle
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One way of looking at things: If you don't know, then how would your clients know?

I'd look at charging two ways:
A- Charging enough so that you'd make X amount of dollars a year. Suppose you want to make the same as someone working a $20,000 mcjob. You'll need to pull in more than that, because:
freelance income is unsteady
freelancers have to do their own taxes (so whatever it costs for an accountant)
no benefits
business expenses
your hours may not be as great- lots of overtime and weekends and such

B- As much as you can. Listen to the client and be figure out what their needs are. If they feel you can meet their needs, they usually are willing to pay a lot. Remember: they really have no idea what video production costs.
Of course, I'm not trying to say you should try to milk them for every penny but you could quote based on how much your project is worth to the client.
You can also get a little extra money through upselling the client.

C- As honest way to charge clients may be to charge based on how much the video is worth to them. This way they never really lose money, and you are compelled to increasing the value of your services.
If you charge hourly, it kind of rewards workers for being slow.
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Old June 27th, 2005, 03:10 PM   #5
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day / week rates

I've mostly seen day or weekly rates for cinematographers. Oftentimes, there is a discount for renting the cameraperson with the camera (the cameraperson owns the camera). Renting from a rental house increases the price for the camera. It kind of ensures the cameraperson gets work over others who don't own equipment. You can also be sure that the person who owns their own camera knows it inside and out. So for that reason, it's good to own gear.

I think it depends on what you're shooting, too. Doc? Feature? Wedding videos? I've asked a similar question recently, and noone has responded. I have 9 1/2 years of film school (undergrad & masters) in a pretty specific field. Even though I live in a fairly undeveloped film / video area -- I'll still charge A. what my skills are worth, and B. what are fair numbers to me.

Really, clients have no idea what the cost of production is. I recently negotiated over the span of 5 meetings down from TEN 15-minute films, down to a SINGLE 3-minute trailor (for the same dollar amount). Some people, I swear, think that if you're happy doing your work, that you'll practically work for free. I agree with Glenn, don't slit your throat just because you really like what you do -- that is -- DO factor in all those things. The way I made my most recent client open their eyes was by giving them a line-item budget. This basically showed them that by doing 10 films for $X, I would not only NOT be paid, but would incur most of the cost myself. Noone wants that (well, noone worth dealing with...) :)

So, don't be afraid to play hard-ball (or at least softball). Noone else will stand up for you, so do it for yourself / wife / husband / kids :)

Like I stated in my previous post, I've found rates around $350 a week just for the camera.... I just did a quick search for rental rates and one website listed $175/day or 475/wk (with camera, 20x lens, & 4 batteries). Fully loaded (matte box, extra lenses, etd.) the price jumps to $325/day or 900/wk.

As far as wedding videos, I've seen prices between $800 (by a high-school kid) to $1400+ for the package deal (shoot, edit, DVD copies). I live in a town of about 300,000...

hope this helps. if you're doing features there's a film budgeting program out there called "movie magic" -- donno if it's state of the art anymore, but it gives industry standard rates (union & non union) for just about anything you can think of... we used it in school.
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Old June 27th, 2005, 03:49 PM   #6
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Thank you for your help. I called around to several places in town that shoot and edit and got some ball park prices from them. I think I was able to give good prices for my experience and it still be worth while doing, i.e (paying for my equipment).
Again thanks for the replies I am looking up that info as soon as I finish typing this.
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